worksheet movie

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LDRS 320

12 Angry Men: Movie Notes

List of jurors: take notes so you can remember who’s who. You can also find lists of the jurors online.

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art 1: What impacts group decisions


the opening scene, the Judge was the leader.
What is the message you heard through his affect and demeanor?

How do you think it impacted the jurors?

Comment on how these statements impact the jury discussion?

“I sat on many juries!”

“I guess we talk.”

“I believe he’s guilty”

“I’ve walked amount them all my life. They’re born that way.”

In the opening scenes, the decision process is impacted by the items below. How, and which jurors were involved?

• Personalities

• Background What happened in the group dynamics when the topic of culture came up?

• Emotion

• Process: The process seemed so easy: to decide if the accused is guilty or not guilty. How did it become so

A significant part of group decisions is related to conflict. The course readings from HBR refers to many
aspects of conflict. Listed below are some to those aspects. Define what they and give an example from the
movie or your personal experience


• Emotional tagging

• Pattern recognition

• Affective conflict

• Impact of personalities

• Piecemeal perspective

• Free for all

• Advocacy

Conflict usually is a needed part of group decisions. Looking at the list below, identify examples in the movie.

How did the jurors turn from negative conflict to signs of positive conflict?

• Candor
• Openness
• Dialogue
• Cognitive conflict
• Inquiry

Garvin and Roberto in What you don’t know about making decisions, HBR p 91-92. What are these and why are they
helpful in effective decision making?

• Multiple Alternatives

• Assumption testing

• Well-defined criteria

• Dissent and debate

Part 3: Hidden Traps of Decision Making

Hammond, Keeney, and Raiffa in Hidden traps of decision making (HBR p 1) claim that the way our brain perceives

information by forming patterns that, in turn, shape our decisions. This pattern is call heuritics. These perceptions often

trap us and we lose perspective; as well, we lose the ability to see things clearly. In the list below, define these traps

and give examples of how they were viewed in the movie, or an example from your personal life.


Groups in Conflict

3 3. Hidden Traps: See HBR: The Hidden Traps of Decision Making. Find examples in the movie for

each of these traps

Status quo

Sunk cost

Confirming Evidence






• Implicit prejudice

• Bias towards ones’ own group

• Conflict of interest

• Overconfidence

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