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Running Head: FUNDING PLAN 1


Funding Plan

Funding Plan

Current Income Statement

In accounting the library income statement is an important tool that works well in planning where dreams are made a reality. The income statement carries important information that is critical in checking if the money allocated to perform a given task is used in achieving the existing goals and that is what makes library program essential. The income statement tool is the only resource that would help in monitoring the expenditure of resources towards the library programs. Funding is channeled to the program trustees because they also have the responsibility to receive and use the funds (Stiglitz, 2017). The county existing public library services and those available nationally are requested to consider supporting several activities that require finances to make sure that it operates well.

The government has the responsibility of supporting libraries through funding like the county, state and local governments considering allocating funds in the budget for the initiative. The support funds from different sources are required by 1st July for planning purposes and also because the fiscal year starts on the stated date. There is a request to the municipal government to consider excepting taxation from the library facility to give it an opportunity to grow and become independently running. The small revenue collected would help for renovation services and also allow bringing in new resources and infrastructure.

There is the need to put policies and regulation in the library that their violations results to fines and this venture makes it possible to collect additional revenue for the facility and also increases the protection of the facility resources from damage. The enforcement of the policies and regulations ensure that people adheres to them at any given time. A small amount collected from the fines can make a significant change.

Future Funding Requirements over the Next 5 Years

There are several expected uses for the current requested funding for the next five years. The sourcing of new and advanced equipment is the leading role of the funding. There is a possibility that the library would be designed and purposely developed to serve primary school level in the community. There is the need to have new equipments that would serve the current kids and many more generations. The purchasing of new and advanced equipment is the preparation for current and future needs.

Advanced and new equipments is important because they are essential purposely in increasing efficiency in productivity and also offering best services. A place with advanced technology will attract clients where they receive all the resources they need and they will be seeking the services in regular terms. The outcome of having new equipment includes increase in productivity and also the number of customers. The new equipment creates a good working environment where work is made easier and effective and the employees are assured of their safety. Employees’ working efficiently in an environment that has new equipments is working in an optimum level and they will be satisfied with their job.

Secondly, the requested funding for the five years period is utilized primarily as the working capital where it ensures that the day-to-day activities in the facility are catered for. There are multiple benefits that come with the working capital and this includes the flexibility in operations and business and this will result to customer satisfaction. In addition, working capital also acts as emergency fund because running a business is not a smooth operation where at times a deficit is experienced for the payment of employees’ salaries and rental charges. Working capital is there to cushion operations when business revenue declines.

The presence of working capital have benefits that include cushioning but there is a disadvantage when excess capital is allocated and that include hindering growth where the business fails to take advantage of the available opportunities putting more trust on the working capital in case a challenge arise. Lack of capital in an organization poses a lot of pressure to consider taking advantage of the available opportunities to generate revenue and also expand to optimum (Stiglitz, 2017).

Lastly, the requested funding is for facilitating the acquisition of new business that includes tutoring school in addition to the existing library business. There is the need for acquisition in order to broaden the business portfolio where customers gets a variety and increases the chances of business growth. Students who are ready to learn will take advantage of the library and also the tutoring institution. There are resources that needed to be acquired also to make sure that the library is well equipped.

Strategic Financial Plan for the Future

The process in which a given company gains interest in other business or firm in gradual terms is considered as a buyout plan. A business can acquire a given firm through an outright purchase or controlling equity interest through an outright purchase. The acquirer puts into consideration on some issues before choosing a company to acquire that include assets that are undervalued and this is an important opportunity in making acquisition decision. The capital used in buyout is sourced from a person, company or pension. A buyout is essential in a scenario where the management fails to solve the existing crisis at hand and the resources that are there are limited. The decision to buyout is the best because it increases the service delivery and also reduces competition in the market from those offering similar products/services. The negative outcome of buyout is debt that comes with borrowing finances to achieve a successful buyout. The other outcome is that employees lay off is done with the intention of minimizing the day-to-day operation costs and expenses and make sure the business continue making profits. The other business portions are sold to pay the outstanding debts brought by buyout (Tutuncu, 2021). There is the need of financial concern before any buyout.

The revenue the business will generate will play an important role in paying debts that already exists. The further business expansion will be funded after all other debts and expenses are paid in order to streamline operations. The repayment of loans makes a company eligible again to borrow other loans for expansion and other activities and that is the reason repayment is critical.


Stiglitz, J. E. (2017). The dynamics of social inequalities in the present world. Retrieved from


Tutuncu, L. (2021). Owner Managers, Family Business, and Earnings Management Preceding Management Buyouts. In Comparative Research on Earnings Management, Corporate Governance, and Economic Value (pp. 46-65). IGI Global. Retrieved from




Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Samsung Inc. falls under the leading reputable firms globally and enjoy massive success in terms of market share and revenue generation since inception. The company since 2001 has been in the market repositioning and rebranding itself to remain competitive against other giant firms that include Sony and Apple. The company has shown a tremendous success and much is associated to its focus on meeting its objectives. Research has indicated that Samsung has invested much in promotion and advertising as a way of achieving brand awareness and repositioning in the market and still have a share in a competition with other firms. Samsung Company is a South Korean firm that is ranked as the second largest conglomerate in terms of revenue generation in the different products the company has. The Samsung Company has ventured in various products that include slimmer panels, semiconductors, and home appliance among other products. The addition of many other products in the market increased Samsung’s market share and the portfolio increasing its competitiveness and stand in the top most position. The venture in multiple products has put Samsung in the same competitive league as the Sony and Apple (Kumar, 2016).

Product Innovation

Apple is ranked as the one of the leading innovative firm. The Apple innovation is really felt and exhibited by their quality of the products that include their smartphones. Samsung also has its products and it includes the smartphones that gives customers alternatives in the market. The other Samsung innovative products include the home appliances that are ranked at the top also in the electronic markets. Samsung determination in innovation has positioned itself in the technology platform. The Samsung products are recognized and used globally and this has extended the market share of the company where it is globally recognized. The company has joined the other technological firms in adopting advanced technology to remain competitive and constantly innovative (Filatotchev& Bruton, 2017).


The pricing strategy matters in businesses and a firm like Samsung has utilized the strategy that contributed to its success. The company considers selling its products in a lower price as compared to competitors. The pricing strategy has worked well for Samsung where the quality of the products are not compromised where customers gets the value for their products increasing sales (Kumar, 2016).

Target Market

Samsung targets a wide market that is the middle income and wealthy based on the quality and favorable pricing of its products. The company also has a wide variety of products that extends the available market share covering all ages that include the youth, adults and older population. The customers’ targets also include professionals, students, teens and consumers. The target customers for Samsung include plenty of countries where the stronghold in Asia continent that competitors that is Sony and Apple has not ventured into or achieved (Filatotchev& Bruton, 2017).

Design of Product

The unique design of Samsung products that is stylish and its branding has made it competitive in the market despite the presence of Sony and Apple products. The company is known to overhaul its product design after every period of two years. The company has received various international design awards since 2016 and they are 210 awards by now. The company designs remains to be admired globally by various clients (Kumar, 2016). 


Marketing is an important strategy that businesses that are in a competitive market consider and that is what Samsung invested on. Samsung marketing strategies have been working on its favor for years and the secret is putting enough resources on the sector to make a huge influence. The markets strategy has demonstrated Samsung as the most trusted brand in the market. The choice of celebrities as the ambassadors of various Samsung products is one of the successful approaches making the company gain an international recognition since the celebrities are known and embraced globally. The marketing skill has made Samsung to be ranked as the World most valuable brand (Kumar, 2016). 

Sustaining Growth

The company has enjoyed a continuous growth and has contributed to the success of the company in many ways. The company has increased its earnings over the years where it has demonstrated an upward trend in revenue generation. Samsung luckily surpassed the Sony company globally in 2005 as the leading global largest consumer electronics brand. The management and marketing system of Samsung is strong and that is what makes the company stable for long. Samsung surpassed the Motorola firm in 2007 as the second leading phone manufacturer (Komninos, 2016).

Distribution Channel

Samsung enjoys a wide distribution channel for its products due to its global recognition and globalization making its presences felt in different countries. The distribution channels in different countries have made Samsung stay on top of its competitors. Samsung enjoys a strong distribution systems and this include 18 state-level distributions in India and direct dealers. The direct dealers are accepted by the company where they play an important role in launching products based on customer needs (Akwetey, 2015).

Advertising and sales promotion

Samsung has better strategies on the issues of marketing and product promotions. Samsung promotes products through sponsoring sporting events. The idea of sponsorship was not common among competitors giving the company an added advantage. The support on sports builds company reputation increasing sales.


Akwetey, L. M. (2015). Global Business Ventures, Foreign Direct Investment, Expansion, and Growth Strategies. In Global Enterprise Management (pp. 19-37). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Komninos, N. (2016). Smart environments and smart growth: Connecting innovation strategies and digital growth strategies. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 7(3), 240-263.

Kumar, D. (2016). Enterprise growth strategy: Vision, planning and execution. Routledge.

Filatotchev, I., Su, Z., & Bruton, G. D. (2017). Market Orientation, Growth Strategy, and Firm Performance: The Moderating Effects of External Connections. Management and Organization Review, 13(3), 575-601.


>Marketing Budget






4/16/21 4/21/21 0


4/21/21 0 32 Open Medium 250

4/21/21 0 32 Open Medium





Open Medium

0 40 Open Medium

5/5/21 0 40 Open Medium 300



5/1/21 5/5/21 0 32 Open Medium 250

5/5/21 0 32 Open Medium 250


0 32 Open Medium


0 32 Open Medium 400

5/6/21 5/11/21 0 32 Open Medium 200




0 32 Open Medium 500

5/19/21 0 32 Open Medium 500

5/19/21 0 32 Open Medium 500

0 32 Open Medium 200

5/23/21 0 32 Open Medium 300


0 48


0 40 Open Medium 400

5/31/21 0 40 Open Medium 200


0 56


0 40 Open Medium 600

0 40 Open Medium 600

6/3/21 0 40 Open Medium 600

5/30/21 6/3/21 0 40 Open Medium 600

5/31/21 6/6/21 0 40 Open Medium 600

WBS Number Task name / Title Assigned to Planned start date Planned end date Progress (%) Duration (hours) Status Priority Cost ($)
Local Marketing 4/1

6 4/21/21 0 3 1000
1.1 Newspaper 32 Open Medium 2

1.2 In-Store Marketing 4/17/21
1.3 POP 4/18/21 500
Content Marketing 4/27/21 5/5/21 56 800
2.1 Sponsored Content 5/3/21 40 300
2.2 Landing Page 4/28/21 5/4/21 200
2.3 White Papers / ebooks 4/29/21
Social Media 5/1/21 5/11/21 64 1500
3.1 Twitter
3.2 Facebook 5/2/21
3.3 VK 5/6/21 400
3.4 Instagram 5/9/21
3.5 LinkedIn
Advertising 5/14/21 5/23/21 48 2000
4.1 Online 5/19/21
4.2 Print 5/15/21
4.3 Outdoor 5/16/21
4.4 Radio 5/17/21 5/20/21
4.5 Television 5/18/21
Market Research 5/24/21 5/31/21 600
5.1 Surveys 5/30/21
5.2 Impact Studies 5/25/21
Sales Campaigns 5/27/21 6/6/21 3000
6.1 Campaign A 6/2/21
6.2 Campaign B 5/28/21 6/3/21
6.3 Campaign C 5/29/21
6.4 Campaign D
6.5 Campaign E

Purpose and reasoning of the di

Purpose and reasoning of the distribution of funds
The current nature of the economy is what is guiding the distribution of thee funds. The good communication channels present in the contemporary world is also critical in funds distribution. The expected returns from investment goals also determine the allocation of the funds.

Running head: MINDING THE GAP 1


Minding the Gap

Minding the Gap

The book highlights issues of societal inequities that students of color experience in a diverse educational environment and they are normally discriminated and their institutions lacks the necessary resources needed for learning making it difficult to achieve equity in terms of educational learning. Instead of the government agencies looking on the basic reasons that contribute to the PERMSCs students failing in their academics and blame on routine academic behavior. The issues of the book relates to what is happening in the topic of justice systems where the Blacks Americans are stereotyped as dangerous and criminals and this cases has been experienced in decades and they are also contributed by political influences. Recently, during the Trump campaign for presidency is the issue of White supremacy experienced where there was a push to subject them to harsh justice system and considered disruptive in the society and foreigners to be deported back to their countries. The society is still shows the issues of inequality in terms of employment opportunities for the people of color especially in the United States and this does not apply only to education but also in other areas.

In my experience, there are perceptions that people have towards the people of color and this was evident in my class in school where there was a percentage of people of color and normally their mistakes are taken more seriously as compared to the whites. The issue affects them emotionally and becomes difficult for them to reach their potential because their determination to be innovative and come up with disruptions is considered trouble by some of the tutors and this really is heartbreaking and there is the need to embrace the diverse environment. There are people especially that are against the issue of discrimination and the effect of one of them results to a generalization which escalates the aspect of racism in our society.

In the national context, the issue of racism and discrimination against the people of color is becoming an issue that is so much sensitive in the American society and also globally and this was evident on the case where George Floyd was killed by a White police officer. The issue raised a lot of concern leading to huge demonstrations globally condemning the act that was inhuman. Currently, the society is changing and the issue of discrimination is decreasing but we need to agree that issue of White supremacy still exist. The issue that I found interesting and promising is the need to equip the community colleges with the necessary equipment and technology to offer best and quality education.

Will the issue of societal inequity end anytime soon?


Sims, J., Hotep, L., Taylor-Mendoza, J., Wallace, J., & Conaway, T. (2014). Minding the Obligation Gap in Community Colleges and Beyond.

Running Head: MARKETING PLAN 1


Marketing Plan

Executive Summary

Marketing concept is process that involves firms or businesses engaging in a activity to establish the customer interests and preferences about goods and services. Marketing can also be defined as an art of pitting the right products or services in a good environment and on an opportune time. The learners’ grade level is the guiding principle of segmentation and the target customers are mainly the primary school learners. The gap in the community in terms of learning resources is bridged through the development of a well equipped public library. The use of a direct distribution channel is necessary where middlemen are eliminated increasing the efficiency of accessing books directly from publishers minimizing the excessive use of funds in purchasing them. The unique selling points include the spacious halls where students can study comfortably, presence of computer and internet for online services and e-books and finally well-designed shelves where books are arranged systematically for an easy access. The business will make use of multiple social marketing strategies, ranging from physical to online. This will depend on the ease of communication within an area.

Marketing Plan


Marketing concept is process that involves firms or businesses engaging in a activity to establish the customer interests and preferences about goods and services. Marketing can also be defined as an art of pitting the right products or services in a conducive environment and on an opportune time (Putranto & Fajry, 2017). A marketing plan can be regarded as a written document that contains important details about meeting one or more objectives in selling goods or services to customers. A marketing plan is characterized by of an overview of the business, business marketing description, a achievable timeline and the key performance indicators of the organization. In this case, the Public Library business aims on meeting the learning needs in the community by providing the modern learning materials and research resources (Osinulu et al., 2018). The ‘PUPIL PUBLIC LIBRARY’ is a venture that would offer quality learning materials in a good and spacious learning environment where the services are offered throughout the week including weekends. The business customer target is the community learners that are self-sponsored and those funded by parents. The paper is targeting on discussion marketing plan where it clarifies the market segmentation, target customers, marketing strategies, distribution channels and promotions.

Target Segmentation

The segmentation of the market is about identifying different categories in the broader market with the objective of meeting their needs independently. The focus of selecting a smaller and defined categories is a strategy where customers sharing a given characteristics like demographics, needs and interests are targeted as a group. In the public library business context the learners are the segmented into categories that include the lower-grade and upper-grade learners. The segmentation makes it possible to offer the necessary resources to each group like the arrangement of the facility based on their level of learning.

Target Customers

The target customers on the context are school learners in the community that are disadvantaged due to lack of public library that is functional on weekends. The library business is established to bridge the gap and eliminate the challenges of missing learning resources that will be available in the public library. The overreliance of the school library makes the resources scarce and limits the students to study only within the school environs but the public library offers them opportunity to study on weekends.

Unique Selling Points

In a business unique selling points can be considered as the basis of what makes services or products more competitive in the market (Basal, 2019). The public library business is ought to be compared with the school libraries where the learners are using in looking for knowledge through the available resources. The unique selling points include the spacious halls where students can study comfortably, presence of computer and internet for online services and e-books and finally well-designed shelves where books are arranged systematically for an easy access (Dickons, 2019).

Distribution Channels

The direct distribution channels are employed in the business where the middlemen are eliminated. The resources used mainly in the public library are the books (Osinulu et al., 2018). The books are collected from publishers and distributed to the facility to be available for learners. The direct channel is the appropriate because it saves time and minimizes consumption of the resources available.

Promotion Strategy

The promotion strategy is utilized in the form of online promotion especially the use of social media platforms. The social media is one of the mostly used platforms where information reaches many people within a short period of time (Osinulu et al., 2018). The print media can also be used in reaching out to more potential library customers.

Marketing Strategy

The business will opt for a social marketing strategy that comprises of both physical and online channels. The social marketing will ease communication in the area where information about a new library reaches to more people fast. The physical social marketing works where people are emphasized about the venture and this will have a significant impact for customer decisions. Social networking and viral marketing will be utilized (Osinulu et al., 2018). Paid media advertisement and internet marketing will be utilized as well.


Basal, B. (2019). Historical Transformation of Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in Advertising Narration. In Handbook of Research on Narrative Advertising (pp. 141-150). IGI Global. Retrieved from


Dickons, G. (2019). How to identify your unique selling points. Journal of Aesthetic Nursing, 8(4), 201-202. Retrieved from


Osinulu, L. F., Adekunmisi, S. R., Okewale, O. S., & Oyewusi, F. O. (2018). Marketing strategies used by librarians in a state university library. University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal, 13(2), 18-32. Retrieved from


Putranto, W. A., & Fajry, A. N. (2017). Content marketing strategies via Instagram for Indonesian libraries. Retrieved from


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