W7 Questions


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Question 1:
Object-Oriented Design versus Traditional Approach ”  Please respond to the following:
• Compare the object-oriented approach to design to the traditional approach. Give your opinion on whether you believe there are certain projects where one design approach might be better that the other. If so, provide an example of one (1) such project. If not, explain why not.
• Give your opinion on which approach discussed in Part 1 of this discussion you believe is easier for you to understand and explain why.
Question 2:
The Internet” Please respond to the following:
• IPv6 is an updated version of IPv4 that has been around for a number of years. From the first e-Activity, examine the major difficulties that users have encountered throughout IPv6’s widespread acceptance and implementation. Recommend two (2) possible solutions for the difficulties that users have encountered in IPv6’s widespread implementation. Justify your response.
• From the second e-Activity, examine the major pros and cons of a DSL and a cable Internet connection. Compare DSL and cable Internet connections based on availability, consistent high speed, reliability, security, and price. Determine the Internet connection you prefer. Provide a rationale for your response.
Question 3:
1. How would you maintain network health if you have an infrastructure configured with VMs and clusters? 
2. How would you use PowerShell to accomplish this?
Question 4:
Evaluate the types of assessments, select one that you might use and explain why it is important.
Of the top nine areas to research when conducting an assessment, select no less than three and explain how one should approach the research and why it should be approached that way.

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