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Business Proposal and Oral Presentation—Social Media Plan


For the purpose of this assignment, you are the chief information officer for the Stone Goose Company. This is your big chance to be the principle change agent in the Stone Goose Company and to propose a new social media policy to executive management. Currently, your company does not use social media for communication or marketing. You have noticed that the employees, however, are quite fond of social media.

You may use your creative imagination to determine the type of business in which Stone Goose Company is involved. Brainstorm and propose ideas that will help the business improve operational efficiencies, save money, increase revenue or market share, improve guest satisfaction, increase social responsibility, and enhance brand image.

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Expect resistance and garner enough evidence to persuade your audience to implement your ideas. You will need to include external research to support your claims. Week 4’s Oral Presentation should convince Stone Goose Company’s executive management that it needs a social media policy and that you should be given this assignment. Week 7’s Business Proposal should present the key items that need to be included in the social media policy, and why.

Assignments such as this help you to develop business-oriented communication skills and give you the opportunity to practice developing an integrated business strategy for this fictional company. This activity will make the course come alive through the application of the principles from the textbook, course materials, and discussions.


· Persuade a business audience to accept your ideas.

· Create logical, well supported arguments by linking evidence to your claims.

· Develop an organizational structure that is easy to understand and follow.

· Adapt your ideas to a specific audience.  Anticipate and address their concerns.

· Adjust your messages for communication mediums: a written proposal and an oral presentation.

· Use APA Guidelines

Best Practices

Oral Presentation

· Narrated PowerPoint, or any other appropriate video technology is required

· Your oral presentation should be between 8–10 minutes long

· The first slide should be a title slide that includes the following:

· Title of presentation

· Student’s name

· Course name and number

· Instructor’s name

· Date submitted

· Each slide must have a clear and meaningful title

· All slides should abide by the 6×6 rule of content. That is, no slide should have more than six bullet points with six words on each line

· No complete sentences on slides

· A good presentation should have an appealing and eye catching background. Be sure to use a consistent and professional presentation theme

· Your text must follow a logical time line from beginning to end

· You should use no more than two different fonts. Slides should be consistent throughout the presentation, including format and font size

· Adding meaningful graphics to your slides helps to keep the audience engaged while you are presenting, but avoid using too much animation or any audio clips that do not supplement your presentation appropriately

· References should be listed on your final slide. Your presentation should use at least three scholarly references

Business Proposal

· Apply the three-step process of writing: plan, write, and complete

· Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward

· Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required; use paragraphs, avoiding lists and bullets

· Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-space all text, and use one-inch margins

· The first page should be a title page that includes the following:

· Title of presentation
· Student’s name
· Course name and number
· Instructor’s name
· Date submitted

· Use page headers and footers that include page numbers

· Your paper should begin with an Executive Summary. The Executive Summary appears at the beginning of the paper, but it is the last section that is written. Introduce the subject and why the subject is important. Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered. Establish the tone of the document. This introductory section is the hook to grab the reader’s interest

· In the body of your paper, break out each main idea you will use and provide evidence. Show some type of division using headings and subheadings. Avoid long paragraphs

· Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report. You could use example graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts

· Your paper should end with a Summary or Conclusion, which restates your objective and convinces your reader to accept your plan

· The final page of your paper should be a Reference page, Bibliography, or Works Cited page showing your sources of research. There should be corresponding in-text citations or footnotes for each of these referenced sources. While we study wiki websites in this course, use of them as a valid resource is discouraged
















Points Possible

Criterian and Point Range









Content, thinking and application of business principles is poor. Evidence for arguments is non-existent.

The arguments and thinking are not clear. Sound business principles are not applied appropriately. Evidence to support arguments isn’t very strong.

Clarity and understanding is good. Some business principles are applied; some evidence is provided for arguments.

Content should demonstrate clarity of thinking; understanding; the application of business principles. Valid evidence should be given for arguments.







APA Guidelines and assignment format instructions were ignored.

Most of the paper lacked the use of APA Guidelines and assignment format instructions.

Some parts of APA Guidelines and assignment format instructions were not followed.

Proposal must follow APA Guidelines and assignment format instructions.

Organization and Cohesiveness

The paper was not organized or cohesively written.

There were major errors in organization, headings, subheadings, tenses and paper length.

Proposal was pretty much organized, with some mistakes within the headings, subheadings, and proper tenses. Paper may not have been within the 6-8 page requirement.

Proposal should be well organized using headings, subheadings, and written in the third person; paper should be 6 to 8 pages in length.


Poor writing skills.

Several problems noted in regard to writing skills.

Writing done well with a few minor errors.

Paper demonstrates graduate level writing, including proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and good sentence structure.


No references cited or documentation is inaccurate or incomplete.

1-3 references cited correctly.

4-5 references cited correctly.

The minimum of six correctly cited research references reached or exceeded.

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