
Discussion One:  

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  1. Discuss the various components of new employee onboarding, including new hire orientation. Which part do you believe to be most important and why? What is the human resource manager’s role in the employee onboarding process? What is the manager’s role?
  2. How does an onboarding program benefit both new employees and the organization? In your discussion, address how effective employee onboarding can enhance employee engagement and retention.

Be sure to provide the references for the sources of the information you used including the material provided in the classroom.

 Discussion Two: 

  1. Discuss the consequences of an ineffective, or inadequate, onboarding program from both employee and organizational perspectives.  How can HR evaluate the success of an onboarding program? Discuss at least 3 important onboarding success metrics.
  2. Evaluate the onboarding program of an organization where you are or have been employed or one you are familiar with. Do you believe it is effective in successfully integrating new employees into the organization?  Why or why not?

Be sure to provide the references for the sources of the information you used including the material provided in the classroom.

Required readings

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Pulakos (2005). 

Selection Assessment Methods

Lumen Learning (nd). 

Selecting and Evaluating Employees

 Retrieved from 


Lumen Learning (nd).  Selection Retrieved from 


Selection and Regulatory Compliance

Selecting Employees without Getting into Legal Trouble (see document in Content below)

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission  

Employment Tests and Selection Procedures


Doyle (2020). 

Behavioral Interviewing Techniques and Strategies

Heathfield (2020). 

 Illegal Interview Questions and What You Need to Know

Negligent Hiring

Heathfield (2020).  

What are Negligent Hiring Claims?


What is Negligent Hiring and Retention?

Reference Checking

Doyle (2020).  

Questions Employers Ask When Conducting a Reference Check

U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Reference Checking

Employment Offers

Heathfield (2019). 

How to Make a Job Offer

Lumen Learning (nd). 

The Job Offer

 Retrieved from 

The Job Offer

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