W#14 Psychopharma Assignment.


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With a well thought out plan, you can achieve virtually any goal you set for yourself. And making a plan is crucial for continuing your education to build further skills and knowledge that can be applied to your work.

For this assignment, you are going to develop a plan for continuing education in psychopharmacology. The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with continuing education materials and to begin developing habits that will keep your psychopharmacology skills and knowledge up to date.

Familiarize yourself with various learning resources and continuing education opportunities including but not limited to reference books, clinical journals, newsletters, professional organizations, conferences, CME events, local psychiatry grand rounds, psychiatry podcasts (several universities podcast their grand rounds). 

  • Identify the resources that you find most useful. What do you like about them?
  • Which resources are appropriate for use on a routine basis for point of care clinical information?
  • Which resources are helpful for staying current with emerging information in psychopharmacology?
  • Which resources are useful for in depth learning on topics of interest?
  • What is the feasibility of these resources in terms of cost, time and travel?
  • Develop a continuing education plan. This is your commitment to independent learning. Identify the actions that you plan to take:

    On a routine basis, when questions arise at point of care.
    On a weekly or monthly basis – subscriptions, online readings, etc.
    On an annual basis, such as conferences or symposiums.
    Include resources that will provide a meet a variety of learning needs – guide clinical decision making at point of care, provide current information on new drugs or new safety information and deepen your understanding of particular topics.
    Write a summary of your plan. How do your chosen resources support your learning goals? Why did you choose them?
    Please provide references and links to your educational resources.
    Submit your plan to Moodle.

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The main ideas are to:

  1. Identify your psychopharmacology learning goals. Research available resources including journals, newsletters, lecture series (such as grand rounds), conferences. Then, create a learning plan to meet your learning goals. 
  2. Note when you would like to complete each goal and the feasibility of the time range.
  3. Note future plans for your continuing education that would allow to reach your goals.Appropriate spelling and grammar are required. Turnitin assignment. 

NOTE: Attached, you will find a copy of a classmate assignment example, and you may use some of its data as a reference to complete my assignment. TURNITIN Assignment (No plagiarism)

Background: I live in South Florida, I am currently enrolled in the Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program, I am a Registered Nurse, I work in a Psychiatric Hospital. 




NU 643 – Advanced Psychopharmacology


643 – Week 14 Assignment 1: Continuing Education Plan

Continuing education is not all about being competent, but it’s all about moving from competence to excellence. It’s all about upholding the standards and reputations that psychopharmacology requires of us. If an individual fails to keep up with the knowledge, skills, and various data that emergences, then there is a probability that the person is putting the whole psychopharmacology into jeopardy. To avoid such issues, one requires a continuing education plan to keep the psychopharmacology skills and knowledge up to date. This review, therefore, is a continuing education plan for psychopharmacology.

After familiarizing myself with various learning resources and continuing education opportunities such as reference books, journals and newsletters, professional associations’ articles, and clinical journals, and conferences among many more others, I found various resources useful in my continuous plan. Amongst all the above publications, the resources that I found most appropriate for use on a routine basis for point of care clinical information are Health science journals. This is because they are peer-reviewed and are recommended for educational purposes. The link to such articles is


. To stay current, I will use organizational sources such as the WHO. The organization’s link is


. Additionally, the articles that could be used for in-depth learning on topics of interest are the educational and professional associations’ articles. This is because they provide some specialized information on various issues or concepts in pharmacy the link to such an article is


. The feasibility of these resources is that they are feasible, and one can opt to read them. They are cheap and available. Whenever one needs to read them, he/she can just get online and purchase the journals. In fact, it is free to access some websites such as educational and professional associations. All that one needs is just a membership.

My continuing plan will be as follows. On a routine basis, when questions arise at the point of care, I will be consulting the scholarly journals. This is because they are easily accessible and are economical to obtain. When a question arises on a weekly or monthly basis, I will use the subscriptions and online reading such as the Online Clinical psychopharmacology & Pharmacometrics to do my research. This is because to access them, one requires to subscribe, and this might take a little time. The link to such a resource is


. However, on an annual basis, I will be attending conferences; these will help me meet other like-minded people from all different geographical areas who share a common discipline with me. I will learn new information from these people and apply them to various psychopharmacology scenarios that I encounter. Various articles that provide a variety of learning needs such as guidance on a clinical decision, making decisions at the point of care, providing current information on new drugs, or safety information, and deepen my understanding of particular are the government and organizational websites such as World Health Organization. These websites will be updating me on any psychopharmacological data that arises.

Finally, my chosen resources support my learning goals in various ways. They will first help me to construct knowledge for myself and develop effective learning strategies, generic skills, values, and attitudes, thus laying a foundation for lifelong learning. Learning resources help individuals to be at par on with the ever-changing psychopharmacological scope (Barnhill, 2016). Additionally, the resources will offer various statistics, thus giving me in-depth knowledge about my topics of interest. Lastly, I choose all of these articles because they offer diverse knowledge in regards to the same topic. In general, all these resources are beneficial and they will help me in my continuous education learning.


Health science journal link: https://www.omicsonline.org/health-care-journals.php

American Nursing Association Link: https://www.icn.ch/

World Health Organization link is https://www.who.int/

Online Clinical psychopharmacology & Pharmacometrics link is https://www.strathmore.edu/creates/online-clinical-pharmacology-pharmacometrics/.

Barnhill, J. (2016). Basic Psychopharmacology. In Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities across the Lifespan (pp. 1585-1600). Springer, Cham.

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