Violent Borders, Chapters 3


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Initial Post (at least 150 words)

In Chapter 3, Jones surveys several international border issues (Israeli-Palestine border; India-Pakistan-Bangladesh borders; Bangladesh-Myanmar border;  Australian border).  Explain the situation at one of these borders and include any significant or problematic details, facts, examples, and/or statistics that Jones reveals. Add on to Jones’ explanation of the issue by researching additional information on the same border situation to include any updated facts or evolving events that capture how the issue at this border has evolved from 2016 to today. (Make sure to include page numbers if you quote from Jones, and make sure to use the toolbar to link in the URL to your research; you can also use the toolbar to embed any images or videos that you referenced. See Helpful Canvas Guides below).

Reply to Two Posts (50 words for each)

For your two replies, focus on different borders than the one your initial post discussed.

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Acknowledge the significance (and accuracy) of the information presented by your peers and add on to their work by relating additional details about the border issue discussed (or one that shares similar concerns). Details of your response can come from the book and/or your own research. (Use the toolbar to link in the URL to any sources you use; you can also use the toolbar to embed any images or videos that you referenced. See Helpful Canvas Guides below).

Important Requirement: focus on a different border for each of your replies (don’t talk about the same one for both replies).

First peer post;

I decided to look more closely at the Myanmar-Bangladesh border conflict. Jones talks about the Rohingya who are a Muslim minority in Myanmar. The Rohingya are a stateless people and are not considered citizens of Myanmar and do not have the rights of citizens. To add to this, Myanmar is a predominantly Buddhist country. In the book, Jones states that 90% of the population is Buddhist. This has created a situation where violence against the Rohingya is common. The Rohingya have tried to flee to Bangladesh, but Bangladesh does not have adequate resources to help the Rohingya. Since the Rohingya are stateless, it is easier to not classify them as refugees and do not receive the same protections as refugees, so most countries turn them away. Bangladesh patrols their border to try and discourage more Rohingya from entering. Bangladesh also says that the Rohingya are citizens of Myanmar, which is not true, and must return to Myanmar. There have been developments in the conflict in Myanmar. In 2017, as a response to an attack by a Rohingya militant group, mobs backed by security forces destroyed 288 villages and killed approximately 6700 people. The claim is that Myanmar is trying to root out the militant group, but the killing is so indiscriminate that the UN describes the actions of the government as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”. The De-facto leader of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, rejects the claim that Myanmar is committing genocide of the Rohingya. Bangladesh announced in 2019 that it would not accept any more Rohingya fleeing Myanmar and is working on a project to send people back to Myanmar. No Rohingya person has volunteered to go back to Myanmar due to the fears that violence will continue as well as the destruction of more villages to make way for government facilities.


Myanmar Rohingya: What you need to know about the crisis (Links to an external site.)


 (Links to an external site.)


Rohingya crisis: Bangladesh will no longer take in Myanmar refugees (Links to an external site.)


Second peer post:

In chapter 3, Jones surveys several international border issues such as the issues connected with the Israeli-Palestine border. Basically, Palestinians are protesting the border being in place because Israel was originally Palestine but both Israelis and Palestinians have claims to the land. Because of this conflict of claims, Israel has the “most complete border fencing and security network in the world” (53). The IDF have guns and tear gas that are commonly used on protestors even if there is no violence present. “Night raids” were also performed by the IDF in order to induce enough fear to limit the protesting and attempts to make it over the wall (55). Jones also mentions that Israel is expanding into West Bank which is actually “controlled by Palestinian Authority” (Beauchamp). Because West Bank is controlled by Palestinian authority, the expansion of Israeli territory into West Bank places a threat on Palestinian control. This arises more conflicts on top of more control issues. These issues have slowly been getting better. Efforts from the US have been made to help the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts by having the “U.S. institute of Peace work on the conflict” to help strengthen communication and relations between Israelis and Palestinians through analysis done by the United States (USIP). This is not a big change from 2016, but the progress made is. Further analysis has been done over the years to guide the USIP to helping and educating “community members about tolerance and conflict resolution” (USIP). Although the USIP has been around for a while, the tactics and educational tools used has improved since 2016 and will continue to improve to help resolve the conflicts between the Israelis and Palestinians. 


USIP (Links to an external site.)


Israeli-Palestine Issues

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