Videos Discussion – DANCER 17

Due SAT March 13, 2021 at 11:59

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Word count or Length: 1 paragraph = 5 sentences for main discussion and peer reply 

Please watch all of the videos below. Only the first of these videos is an ad that has run on TV. The others were all developed for YouTube. That is one of the advantages of YouTube, where your video doesn’t need to fit into a 30 sec or 60 sec time slot, you have time to say what you want to say.

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  • After, think about why the brand decided to use video for this message?
  • How does this message work for the brand? Be specific in your initial post. 
  • Finally, you must respond to a minimum of 5 classmates.

My grading rationale for this discussion post will be: 

  • If you answer each and every question in detail with complete sentences and, at minimum, one paragraph, while responding to a minimum of five peers, then you will receive full credit. Please note that your posts to your peers should be thoughtful and engaging, consider posing questions about their initial post. 
  • If you simply answer each posed question with a single-sentence, no further details, and/or you don’t respond to a minimum of five peers, then you will receive half-credit. This means that if you do respond thoughtfully to the post, but don’t respond thoughtfully to five peers, then you will still receive half-credit. 
  • If you don’t respond to the initial post, but do respond to five peers or don’t respond to the initial post or peer posts, then you will receive no points. 

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