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Assignment: Choose four videos to watch. Then for each video, write three (3) complete sentences summarizing the video and mentioning something you learned. That’s 12 sentences total (4 videos, 3 sentences/video) submitted either via Text Entry or File Upload.


PBS Eons – “Hell Pigs” -a great channel by PBS looking at topics in the history of the Earth

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SciShow – Rainbow Fossils! SciShow has lots of great geology specific videos

SciShow – Rainbow Fossils! SciShow has lots of great geology specific videos


SciShow – Where are All the Tiny Dinosaurs?

SciShow – Where are All the Tiny Dinosaurs?


PBS Eons – Gigantopithecus – The Greatest Ape

PBS Eons – Gigantopithecus – The Greatest Ape


PBS Eons – When the Sahara Was Green

PBS Eons – When the Sahara Was Green


PBS Eons – Where Did Viruses Come From?

PBS Eons – Where Did Viruses Come From?


It’s Okay To Be Smart – Moon Rocks

It’s Okay To Be Smart – Moon Rocks


Practical Engineering – How do Sinkholes Form?

Practical Engineering – How do Sinkholes Form?


PBS Eons – When the Earth was purple

PBS Eons – When the Earth was purple


Enter the Microcosmos – A look at microscopic life in a pretty chill format

Enter the Microcosmos – A look at microscopic life in a pretty chill format


Smarter Every Day – How to mine opal

Smarter Every Day – How to mine opal


Smarter Every Day – A look at how NASA stores the moon rocks

Smarter Every Day – A look at how NASA stores the moon rocks


It’s Okay To Be Smart – Shared features between turkeys and ancient dinosaurs

It’s Okay To Be Smart – Shared features between turkeys and ancient dinosaurs


SciShow – How Tall Can Mountains Get?

SciShow – How Tall Can Mountains Get?


Piezoelectricity – How to get electricity from crystals

Piezoelectricity – How to get electricity from crystals


2 Minute Geology – A look at the Pacific Northwest’s regional geology

2 Minute Geology – A look at the Pacific Northwest’s regional geology

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