Venezuela Intelligence organization

discuss Venezuela and its intelligence organization’s relevance to US national security, either in maintaining it or threatening it. This assignment is specifically about the intelligence organization, not the state’s military, although that may be a discussion point. 

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QUESTION: In one comprehensive 6-8 page essay with an intro, thesis statement, body and conclusion, present a research paper on the following:

Pick a US adversary or ally (Venezuela) and discuss its intelligence organization’s relevance to US national security, either in maintaining it or threatening it. This assignment is specifically about the intelligence organization, not the state’s military, although that may be a discussion point. Remember to make an argument that you outline in your thesis statement. “Country X’s intel organization is a threat (or benefit) to US national security because of x, y and z.”

Grading will be based on the attached rubric. Make sure you follow AMU’s writing policies and the Chicago writing style guide (cover page, page numbering, double space, headings/subheadings, etc). The use of required texts and readings from this course is mandatory, but you may supplement with additional academic (credible) sources. YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES AND INCLUDE A BIBLIOGRAPHY in THE CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE FORMAT. Saying “I didn’t know” is not acceptable.

General Requirements

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1. Document Format.

a. MS Word document

b. One-inch (1″) margins

c. Times New Roman font

d. Twelve (12) pitch

e. Not including your title page and bibliography, this assignment should be 6-8 pages.

f. You must use 5 scholarly sources. If you do not know what scholarly means, go

. The APUS Library

2. Citation Format: CMS. As stated in the Academic Integrity Briefings, information taken directly from another source must be placed in quotations and cited following the Chicago format contained in the week one “lessons” folder. You must cite all other information from your sources, even if you do not quote directly. DIRECT QUOTING SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM.



Fredy A. Calle

INTL 443

Instructor: Dr. Kellie Rourke

December 12, 2020


In the discussion of Venezuela’s Intelligence intelligence Organization organization’s in relevance to U.S. national security, it is vital to understand the security aspects in Venezuela that influence U.S. security either directly or indirectly. This will aid in the comprehension of how Venezuela’s Intelligence intelligence Organization organization mitigates and deals with these threats to American security. This discussion will focus on illuminating concepts on whether Venezuela’s Intelligence intelligence Organization organization is relevant to U.S. national security by maintaining security or is irrelevant to U.S. security by threatening and supporting undesirable and detrimental threats from Venezuela having an effect onaffecting U.S. security.

Thesis statement

Venezuela’s Intelligence Organization is a threat to US national security because of current spies and Venezuela’s Intelligence agents in America who are currently perpetrating security breaches to the American government.


The Venezuela Intelligence Agency reportedly tortured a U.S. navy officer to death while in its custody. This led to the Trump Administration imposing sanctions on Venezuela’s Intelligence Agency. Some of these sanctions included banning Americans from dealing with Venezuela Intelligence Agency. The intelligence agency is linked to multiple crimes of torture of political, public, human rights abuses, erosion of democratic institutions, and extrajudicial killings of both Venezuelan citizens and American citizens. This has led to friction in the relationship between Venezuela’s iIntelligence Aagency and the U.S. (Myers, 2003). Comment by kellie rourke: It was a Venezuelan Naval Officer, not American. Comment by kellie rourke: Source? Comment by kellie rourke: Source? Comment by kellie rourke: What is the name of the intelligence agency?

Since the 2000s, high high-ranking officials in Venezuela’s military formed a coalition to carry out illicit drug trafficking, and they have since engaged in other crimes such as money laundering, weapons trafficking, and illegal gold mining. This coalition is otherwise known as (the Cartel of the Suns,) is affiliated to with terrorist groups like the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The nation’s current crisis under Maduro’s government has contributed to the emergence of illegally armed groups. Comment by kellie rourke: Source? Comment by kellie rourke: Source? Comment by kellie rourke: Source?
I see you failed to provide sources throughout so I am going to stop noting this and just point out that you need a citation after all facts or ideas you glean from a source.

The U.S. and Venezuela Intelligence intelligence Agency agency have had multiple alterations and discrepancies on multiple agendas.

The domestic actions of Venezuela Intelligence Agency has included raiding facilities of human rights defenders, and facilities of reportedve included raiding facilities of human rights defenders and reported facilities on multiple occasions. The agency is reported to intimidate the media and human rights activists by watching them throughout everywhere they went. This hinders the autonomous nature of media personnel and the ability of the independent entity to deliver unbiased news to the public and international watchers.

This is a hindrance to U.S. security because the general Americans fail to completely comprehend the situation in VenezuelaVenezuela’s situation. Some American citizens may end up affiliating with malicious Venezuelan components in illegal operations within the U.S. Hence, by extension, Venezuela Intelligence Agency intimidation of media and human rights personnel in their country may have a direct and indirect effect on the security and sanity of the United States of America.

Venezuela Intelligence Agency is purported to carry out illegal surveillance on citizens through the use of Italian and Russian acquired technology. The technology is used to monitor social media users and the majority of people who use CANTV, which is a state-controlled telecommunications provider. The surveillance is used to pinpoint persons of interest and generate a database where such individuals are monitored further.

These individuals may later be arrested from for suspicion of going against the government. Additionally, there are also other instances of the intelligence agency surveillance on the Jewish Community in Venezuela. Evidence indicates that Venezuela Intelligence Organization is instructed to conduct surveillance on clandestine and prominent Venezuelan Jews, and other Jewish Organizations in the Countryorganizations (Ginter, 2013).

Protests in Venezuela are also suppressed by the use of excessive force. Amnesty International in 2004 indicated that Venezuela Intelligence Organization deployed the use of excessive force in the mitigation of protestors. On the 12th of February 2014, the Venezuelan Intelligence Organization is was reported to have initiated the first deaths by shooting and killing unarmed civilians and protestors, which is a violation of protocol. The intelligence agency is also reported to have raided the homes of other protestors and held them at gunpoint. Comment by kellie rourke: This is not a role for intel. Are you sure it was not the military?
I just looked up the report and it was not intelligence; it was security forces.

During these protests, the then U.S. President Barack Obama issued an order using powers granted by the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014 to the United States Department to seize the assets of the director general of the Venezuela Intelligence Agency, Gustavo Lopez. Theseis are instances where the U.S. and Venezuelan Intelligence Agency are at crossroads because of human rights violations and the threatening of American citizens while in Venezuela. The intelligence agency has had a negative impact to the progress of American sovereignty and the growth of American businesses and careers in Venezuela. Comment by kellie rourke: You need to explain this organization. They have five intelligence agencies. A well written paper would explain this, these agencies functions and use proper names.

Since the 2000s, high positioning authorities in Venezuela’s military framed an alliance to complete unlawful medication dealing, and they have since occupied with different violations, for example, tax evasion, weapons dealing, and illicit gold mining. This alliance, also called (the Cartel of the Suns) is subsidiary to fear fear-monger bunches like the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The country’s present emergency under Maduro’s administration has added to the rise of illicitly outfitted gatherings.

Fights in Venezuela are likewise smothered by the utilization of over the top power. Pardon International in 2004 demonstrated that Venezuela Intelligence Organization sent the utilization of extreme power in the moderation of protestors. On the twelfth of February 2014, the Venezuelan Intelligence Organization is was accounted forreported to have started the primary passings by shooting and murdering unarmed regular folks and protestors, which is an infringement of convention. The knowledge organization is additionally answered to have struck the homes of other protestors and held them at gunpoint. Comment by kellie rourke: You talked about this above and it was security forces, not intelligence forces.

Livia Acosta Noguera is among ten10 Venezuelan Intelligence Agents that allegedly operated under diplomatic missions in 2012 in the United States. Acosta is said to have met with Mexican students who were posing as hackers intending to launch cyberattacks on the FBI, the Pentagon, and the White House. Upon investigation by the FBI, Livia Acosta was declared Persona non grata (her diplomatic immunity was removed, and she was prone to arrest and persecution for her crimes in to the United States.

This action by Venezuelan Intelligence agents represents an act of hostility and security breach to the United States. Instead of preventing security breaches to international countries like the United States, the Venezuelan Intelligence Agency is the perpetrator of security breaches to America. This hostile act proves that Venezuela Intelligence Organization does not have good intentions for America and should be considered a highly capable adversary.

Venezuela Intelligence Agency is suspected to help out illicit reconnaissance on residents using Italian and Russian procured innovation. The innovation is utilized to screen web-based media clients and most of the individuals who use CANTV, which is a state state-controlled broadcast communications supplier. The observation is utilized to pinpoint people of revenue and produce an information base where such people are checked further.

These people may later be captured from doubt of conflicting with the public authority. Furthermore, there are additionally different causes of the knowledge organization observation on the Jewish Community in Venezuela. Proof demonstrates that Venezuela Intelligence Organization is told to direct reconnaissance on undercover and unmistakable Venezuelan Jews, and other Jewish Organizations in the Country (Corrales, 2013).

Even after the dismissal of the Venezuelan diplomatic intelligence agents, Maduro’s Administration is reported to keep a network of spies within the United States who further the detrimental and malicious goals of Maduro’s administrationMaduro’s administration goals. The United States does not officially recognize Maduro as the legitimate ruler of Venezuela but the opposition leader, Juan Guaido, as the interim President of Venezuela.

Therefore, there are no diplomatic talks with the current ruler Maduro. Venezuelan Intelligence Agents affiliated to with Maduro’s administration are, therefore, in extension, not allowed to be in the United States perpetrating Maduro’s administration agenda’s in America. Hence, the intelligence agency has also breached rules on trespassing into the United States.

The Venezuelan Intelligence Agency has implemented tactics of spies in the United States to collect information on opposition organizations that are situated in the U.S. government officials within the United States government likespies in the United States to collect information on opposition organizations that arespies in the United States to collect information on opposition organizations situated in the U.S. government officials within the United States government the Cuban-American senator among other officials. Spying on government officials in the U.S. is an infringement of rights and a breach of the United States constitution. Hence, the Venezuela Intelligence Agency is perpetrating illegal actions within the United States (Oxford Analytica.).

This is yet another indication of a security breach by the Venezuela Intelligence Organization. The U.S. should consider the Venezuelan Intelligence Agency to be a relevant security threat to the country. Additionally, it is evident that the Venezuela Intelligence Agency has exacerbated the security risk within the country. The intelligence agency has contributed minimally to the security of the United States but expansively to the security threat and breach of the United States.

All these instances of extrajudicial killings, illegal surveillance, use of excessive force, and other human rights violations by the Venezuelan Intelligence Agency are indicationsexcessive force, and other human rights violations by the Venezuelan Intelligence Agency indicate that the intelligence agency cannot be affiliated to the United States. The Venezuelan Intelligence Agency has been part of illegal actions against the U.S. by facilitating and enhancing security issues like torture against U.S. citizens.

Hence, the Venezuelan Intelligence Agency cannot be said to enhance and promote security for the U.S. On the contrary, the intelligence agency is on the forefront of increasing insecurity for American citizens both in Venezuela and the U.S.


Every one of these examples of extrajudicial killings, unlawful observation, utilization of unnecessary power, and other basic liberties infringement by the Venezuelan Intelligence Agency are signs that the insight organization can’t be associated toAll of these examples of extrajudicial killings, unlawful observation, utilization of unnecessary power, and other basic liberties infringement by the Venezuelan Intelligence Agency are signs that the insight organization can’t be associated with the United States. The Venezuelan Intelligence Agency has been essential for illicit activities against the U.S. by encouraging and improving security issues like torment against U.S. residents. Thus, the Venezuelan Intelligence Agency can’t be said to improve and advance security for the U.S. On the opposite the insight office is on the front line of expanding weakness for American residents both in Venezuela and the U.S.


Corrales, Javier. “Electoral irregularities under chavismo: A tally.” Americas Quarterly 11 (2013): 50.

Ginter, Kevin. “Truth and Mirage: The Cuba-Venezuela Security and Intelligence Alliance.” International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence 26, no. 2 (2013): 215-240.

Myers, David J. “The Institutions of Intelligence in Venezuela: Lessons from 45 Years of Democracy.” Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 33, no. 1 (2003): 85-96.

Oxford Analytica. “Death in detention will fuel Venezuela tensions.” Emerald Expert Briefings oxan-es.

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