Value of the degree

Instructions: Complete a 3 page double spaced paper on the idea of completing your degree. Over the past weeks you researched transfer opportunities. Focus on the value (if there is any) on completing your four year degree. Identify what value means in this context and list what values and opportunities a college degree could bring. You undoubtedly found cost, probably a significant cost of completion. Does the value outweigh this cost? As part of your research, try to come up with actual monetary values. The Bureau of Labor statistics has information about wages, for example. There’s a lot of information out there about expected entry level wages, as well as mid-career.

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  • No less than 3 sources – at least one needs to come from a peer reviewed journal. The other two can be news articles, videos, or blogs from respectable sources.
  • APA Format – USE THIS GUIDE! ( )
  • Times New Roman 12 Font
  • Opinionated Conclusion – Yes, use I, me, etc. Make this a valuable assignment for you!

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