Using existing Python code and extending it to solve problem.

 A general state space search algorithm is implemented in

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. Go through this and try to understand it. An example of how to implement a particular search problem using the state space code is shown in

. Note in particular how the PitcherState class works in conjunction with the Search class. Using the PitcherState class as a model, write a Simpsons class that implements a solution to the following important problem from an episode of the Simpsons called Gone Maggie Gone from 2009. Maybe you remember it. 

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 Homer Simpson has to move his daughter Maggie, his dog Santa’s Little Helper, and a jar of rat poison that looks like candy across a river. He can only take one item in his boat at a time. He can’t leave Maggie alone with the rat poison (or she will eat it) and he can’t leave Santa’s Little Helper alone with Maggie (because the dog will pester the girl). Formulate the actions for this problem and implement them. Be careful to ensure that illegal states are flagged correctly. 

### File
### Implements the water pitcher puzzle for state space search
from search import *
class PitcherState(ProblemState):
The water pitcher puzzle: Suppose that you are given a 3 quart
pitcher and a 4 quart pitcher. Either pitcher can be filled
from a faucet. The contents of either pitcher can be poured
down a drain. Water may be poured from one pitcher to the other.
When pouring, as soon as the pitcher being poured into is full,
the pouring stops. There is no additional measuring device and
and the pitchers have no markings to show partial quantities.
Each operator returns a new instance of this class representing
the successor state.
def __init__(self, q3, q4):
self.q3 = q3
self.q4 = q4
def __str__(self):
Required method for use with the Search class.
Returns a string representation of the state.
return “(“+str(self.q3)+”,”+str(self.q4)+”)”
def illegal(self):
Required method for use with the Search class.
Tests whether the state is illegal.
if self.q3 < 0 or self.q4 < 0: return 1 if self.q3 > 3 or self.q4 > 4: return 1
return 0
def equals(self, state):
Required method for use with the Search class.
Determines whether the state instance and the given
state are equal.
return self.q3==state.q3 and self.q4==state.q4
def fillq3(self):
return PitcherState(3, self.q4)
def fillq4(self):
return PitcherState(self.q3, 4)
def drainq3(self):
return PitcherState(0, self.q4)
def drainq4(self):
return PitcherState(self.q3, 0)
def pourq3Toq4(self):
capacity = 4 – self.q4
if self.q3 > capacity:
return PitcherState(self.q3-capacity, 4)
return PitcherState(0, self.q4 + self.q3)
def pourq4Toq3(self):
capacity = 3 – self.q3
if self.q4 > capacity:
return PitcherState(3, self.q4-capacity)
return PitcherState(self.q3 + self.q4, 0)
def operatorNames(self):
Required method for use with the Search class.
Returns a list of the operator names in the
same order as the applyOperators method.
return [“fillq3”, “fillq4”, “drainq3”, “drainq4”,
“pourq3Toq4”, “pourq4Toq3”]
def applyOperators(self):
Required method for use with the Search class.
Returns a list of possible successors to the current
state, some of which may be illegal.
return [self.fillq3(), self.fillq4(),
self.drainq3(), self.drainq4(),
self.pourq3Toq4(), self.pourq4Toq3()]
Search(PitcherState(0,0), PitcherState(0,2))

### File:
### This file includes four class definitions: Queue, Node,
### Search, ProblemState
# from exceptions import *
# This is a global variable that is used to avoid revisiting repeated
# states. It needs to be reset to an empty dictionary each time
# a search is run.
VisitedStates = {}
class Queue:
A Queue class to be used in combination with state space
search. The enqueue method adds new elements to the end. The
dequeue method removes elements from the front.
def __init__(self):
self.queue = []
def __str__(self):
result = “Queue contains ” + str(len(self.queue)) + ” items\n”
for item in self.queue:
result += str(item) + “\n”
return result
def enqueue(self, node):
def dequeue(self):
if not self.empty():
return self.queue.pop(0)
raise RunTimeError
def empty(self):
return len(self.queue) == 0
class Node:
A Node class to be used in combination with state space search.
A node contains a state, a parent node, the name of the operator
used to reach the current state, and the depth of the node in
the search tree. The root node should be at depth 0. The method
repeatedState can be used to determine if the current state
is the same as the parent’s parent’s state. Eliminating such
repeated states improves search efficiency.
def __init__(self, state, parent, operator, depth):
self.state = state
self.parent = parent
self.operator = operator
self.depth = depth
def __str__(self):
result = “State: ” + str(self.state)
result += ” Depth: ” + str(self.depth)
if self.parent != None:
result += ” Parent: ” + str(self.parent.state)
result += ” Operator: ” + self.operator
return result
def repeatedState(self):
global VisitedStates
if str(self.state) in VisitedStates:
return 1
VisitedStates[str(self.state)] = True
return 0
# if self.parent == None: return 0
# if self.parent.state.equals(self.state): return 1
# if self.parent.parent == None: return 0
# if self.parent.parent.state.equals(self.state): return 1
# return 0
class Search:
A general Search class that can be used for any problem domain.
Given instances of an initial state and a goal state in the
problem domain, this class will print the solution or a failure
message. The problem domain should be based on the ProblemState
def __init__(self, initialState, goalState):
self.q = Queue()
self.q.enqueue(Node(initialState, None, None, 0))
self.goalState = goalState
solution = self.execute()
if solution == None:
print(“Search failed”)
def clearVisitedStates(self):
global VisitedStates
VisitedStates = {}
def execute(self):
while not self.q.empty():
current = self.q.dequeue()
if self.goalState.equals(current.state):
return current
successors = current.state.applyOperators()
operators = current.state.operatorNames()
for i in range(len(successors)):
if not successors[i].illegal():
n = Node(successors[i],
if n.repeatedState():
# Uncomment the line below to see the queue.
# print “Enqueuing state: ” + str(n)
return None
def showPath(self, node):
path = self.buildPath(node)
for current in path:
if current.depth != 0:
print(“Operator:”, current.operator)
print( current.state)
print(“Goal reached in”, current.depth, “steps”)
def buildPath(self, node):
Beginning at the goal node, follow the parent links back
to the start state. Create a list of the states traveled
through during the search from start to finish.
result = []
while node != None:
result.insert(0, node)
node = node.parent
return result
class ProblemState:
An interface class for problem domains.
def illegal(self):
Tests the state instance for validity.
Returns true or false.
def applyOperators(self):
Returns a list of successors to the current state,
some of which may be illegal.
def operatorNames(self):
Returns a list of operator names in the same order
as the successors list is generated.
def equals(self, state):
Tests whether the state instance equals the given

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