Use of force

Research a crime where the defendant’s capacity to commit the crime is an issue (insanity or committed by a minor) that has been reported in the media, (online, tv or print) and analyze the elements of the mental illness or age to the conduct charged.  This essay can be 1-2 pages and should include a citation to the source you used.  

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 If you choose a crime that was committed by a minor, you should state whether the minor should be treated as an adult or as a minor, the different factors that are considered and whether you agree with how the case was handled. If the person was just charged with the crime but it hasn’t been decided, then you can provide your opinion on how it should be handled.  As long as you support your opinion with the factors addressed in the chapter.  This will require you to know about waiver, what age a minor is automatically treated as an adult regardless of the crime, (hint: NY and NC it’s 16, every other state it is 18).  However, a minor may be treated as an adult depending on the crime that was committed.  (But you knew that because you read the chapter.)  If discussing a crime where the defendant raised an insanity defense, identify the standard used in that state, and why the insanity defense applies/does not apply.  You can disagree with how the court handled the case as long as you support your opinion with the factors/elements used to determine if the person had the capacity to commit the crime.  Do not just identify the elements of a crime.   That is not the purpose of this essay. 

Each essay should have a heading which includes your name, date and title. You should use proper titles if using last names–Mr. ; Ms.; Officer, etc.  Only referring to someone by their last name is not appropriate.  Make sure you proofread your essay for spelling and grammatical errors.  Do not just list the general elements of crime for this essay that is not the purpose of this essay.

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