US history assignments w13-17

I have some US history assignments that are quite easy and need to be done. Criteria and essential readings are all attached 

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Answer the Critical Thinking question on p. 641. Be specific

In the box “Decision Point,” answer the three ‘You Decide’ questions on p. 644.

Compare the maps above: Europe in 1914 and Europe after WWI. These can be found in the book or online. Be observant and take the initiative to put your comparison
skills to work.
Describe ten things:

● Describe five places on the first map that ​will change​ on the second map
● Describe ​how​ those five places ​changed​ on the second map.
● ​Do ​not ​describe color​ changes. ​Describe​ ​country and boundary changes (merges, eliminations, etc.)

tell at least 4 things that you learned.

Watch the video and respond to the questions

● Who were Ford’s two top priorities?
● What kind of benefits did Ford give?
● In what two important ways did Ford treat people?

● Write four things you learned from the video below​.


● Write three things you ​learned​ about stock buying from the video. (​
● Compare the two charts
● Write about what you are seeing. Be specific.
● In your opinion, who would be hurt worse by the crash in 1929? One type of worker? Which type? or Both? Why? Explain clearly.
● Compare cities (urban), suburbs and “the country” (rural) areas. Which people in different areas moved? What areas did they move to and why? Each area

differs in location and movement.

Assignment​: take a look at two of the Republican presidents of the twenties, Harding and Coolidge.
• Start reading from the middle of p. 667-top 669, then read through the chart at the bottom of the page.

What are 3 ways these two presidents differ?
Review the section on the Teapot Dome Scandal carefully before analyzing the cartoon.

• Complete the political cartoon analysis

Group discussion
Group discussions are designed for you to interact with your peers about the material you are learning in class. It is important that you answer the questions based on
evidence from the course and outside information. Take some time to research and explore before composing your answers. Be sure to look carefully at the attached
rubric for group discussion expectations.

This week’s question:

● What attitudes and feelings do advertising and buying on credit bring out in people? How do these feelings line up with the principles in God’s
Word found ​in ​1Tim 6:6, Phil. 4:11, and Heb. 13:11? What about you, ​does​ advertising bring out the best or the worst in you?

R. Anthony: ​Say on Black Friday people become so greedy with things they don’t even need I personally only get





Read pages ​671-675​.
• After reading this section, respond to the following


○ What two reasons did lawmakers have for restricting immigration in the 1920s?

○ What laws were established to make the restrictions work?

○ What group of people was exempt from these restrictions, and what jobs did these people do?

• Carefully read through the “Comparing Viewpoints” section I have reproduced from p. 673 and answer the 2 compare


What would be your recommendation to settle a clash between science and religion; evolution and creation? Explain clearly.



● Watch the video below, read the Info-graphic at the bottom of pages 676-677 and read page 678, then answer the following:
○ What new groups of people did the “new” Ku Klux Klan add to their target list? (Remember the KKK were already targeting African Americans).
○ What are the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act?
○ Answer the two questions from the Info-graphic: What three types of lawbreaking are illustrated? How were these three types of lawbreaking related to

one another?

● Read pages 680-682 and answer the following:
○ Why do you suppose movies appealed to so many?
○ How did radio help to standardize culture in the United States?
○ Why do you think men such as Babe Ruth and Charles Lindberg were heroes to Americans in the 1920’s?

Daring Women of the 1920’s


● Read the Info-graphic on page 683. Read page 684 to discover other changes women experienced during the 1920’s.
● Watch the video below about the history of the flapper girl.
● Write 4 things you learned about flappers.
● What are the different messages people send by the way they dress? act? Is the message sent always the one received by

those around?

Female “firsts”

● Do some research on Amelia Earhart ​and​ one other woman from the array at the top of this page.

● Write one paragraph for each woman which


○ A brief biography (2-3 sentences),

○ two of her accomplishments,

○ and one lasting influence.


Assignment: Enjoy looking at the art work. Which form do you like best? Why?


● Watch the video below about the Harlem Renaissance. Write 6 things you learned – 3 from the first video and 3 from the


Rubric: video comments – 6 points poem analysis – 6 points


After watching the five videos about the Hoover Dam and Hoover’s approach (17 minutes total), write 10 things that you learned from watching.




This week’s question:

● Why did some men find their role in the family diminished during the depression? Do you think the depression changed
people’s goals and expectations? Why or why not?

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