US hist ongoing assignment

I have a project that needs to be done, it contains a chart and a powerpoint, need original and quality work

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Please read the instructions and see if you can do it

Please use pdf. format when returning the chart, include work cited (MLA format) 

US Historyamerican history


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1. Please go to ‘file’ and then click ‘make a copy’.

2. Add your Last Name, First name to your personal ‘copy’ of the chart below.

3. Save your copy in a safe place in Google Drive.

4. You will turn it in later in the semester, as you gather information. The first event is provided for you.

History of African-Americans in the U.S.

Title of the event

Year/range of the event

Short, specific description

Specific leaders or group directly involved

Specific reference of progress or setback (amendment passed, the Supreme Court decision made, the organization formed, etc.

In your opinion was this event positive or negative? Why or why not? Specific support must be included here.

African Americans receive the right to vote

Ongoing assignment details:

As you go through the semester, you will submit the document when assigned, adding new events.

At the end of the course submit your assignment as

· a well-organized, creative Power Point or

· an organized paper with subtitles for each event (which include all parts of the chart used this semester).

· You are not permitted to hand in the chart only

Choose specific, descriptive events/changes directly about the African-American community in the U.S. Do not include general events that involve all Americans (wars, depression, natural disasters or other general choices).

· Semester A project will only cover Reconstruction to 1930

The following is a review of the Rubric requirements:

Be sure to check the rubric!

• The assignment may be in the form of a Timeline, or a written account.

• The assignment must include the following components:

The assignment must include at least 10 events and all of the following components:

Brief, clear title of all events (10)

Year range or specific date for all entries (10)

Description of the event (20)

Particular people/leaders involved (10)

Specific reference to any particular progress or setback (amendment/Supreme Court decision/organization formed, or general description, etc.) (20)

Judgment by student whether this was a positive or negative event (10)

Demonstration of effort and excellence

Well edited with minimal errors (5)

All pictures or sources must be referenced.

Projects must have sources.

• Total Points: 85

* Again, please stay within the eras from Reconstruction to The Great Depression.

Ongoing assignment: content covered in each entry/unit (total 10 events

W2D5: review of civil war and beginning of reconstruction – 1 event

W6D4: Native americans and the west – 1 event

W8D2: progressive era – 2 events

W10D3: America becomes a world power – 2 events

W12D4: WWI, America’s entry and the home front – 2 events W15D4: Early Months of the great depression – 2 events

Please return the chart in pdf, and use MLA format for all references


Cartoon Analysis Worksheet
Please be sure to follow rubric!

Please look at pages 420 and 530 before doing these cartoons. If you remember from my video what a

caricature is, then you should be able to some in these cartoons.

​Before beginning these cartoons, be sure you understand the difference between Tammany Hall and
“Boss” Tweed!


Complete the following activities:

● Read ​pages 450-451 to see the conditions the laborers endured.
● Describe​ four conditions laborers endured on a daily basis.
● Write​ a short paragraph which includes the ​who, what, when, where and why​ of ​one​ of the strikes you’ll find

listed in the Quick Study chart by doing a little research outside of the text.

● Answer​ the following question in a few complete sentences:
○ How did the​ two major​ unions described in the text – The Knights of Labor and the AFL – differ in their

goals? ​Be Specific

To summarize, along with your readings today, you will be ​describing ​4 conditions, ​writing​ a short
paragraph and ​answering​ a question.


1. Read pp. 464-467 to gain a better understanding of the arrival of immigrants to the US.

2. Then read pp. 467-469 to understand both the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for these groups.

As you think through these contrasts, apply your thoughts to the larger view – God’s perspective.

My first thought is Revelation 7:9-10,

“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and

peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm

branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and

to the Lamb!'”

3. What do the responses by Americans toward immigrants reveal about mankind?

4. What is God’s perspective of the situation described above, and who will be gathered around His



Political Cartoon Analysis

Please be sure to check the rubric! ​(same as w3d3

Today you will be analyzing a political cartoon. See below for the Worksheet

​Immigrant Cartoon

Turn to the political cartoon on page 468 or see below. Follow the grading rubric to analyze this cartoon.

Cartoon Analysis Worksheet
Before beginning your analysis, review the topic of the cartoon(s) to refresh your memory.

1. List the objects or people you see in the cartoon. ​Be observant.​ (3)

2. Which of the objects in your list are symbols, and ​what do they mean​? ​Remember, most, if not all, symbols are there for a
reason! Don’t overlook them.​ (3)

3. Which words or phrases in the cartoon appear to be the most significant? ​What do they mean?​ (4)

4. Explain the ​overall​ message of the cartoon. ​Be specific.​ (4)

5. What groups living during that time would agree with the cartoon’s message? Why? (2)
6. What groups living during that time would disagree with the cartoon’s message? Why? (2)

Total: 18 points

Make an immigrant quiz
Pretend you are me and write a short quiz based on what you are reading this week about immigrants.

You should have at least 10 questions, but you may have more.

Please DO NOT ask “trick” or obscure questions, questions about percentages or the number of something. Remember to
ask, “What would I want to see on a quiz.

Please include the answer key.
Pretend the quiz is ​for your classmates​ not me.

Make the quiz neat and organized!!

Video Comments

Watch the 3 videos below for a deeper understanding of this week’s topics. Following the viewing, please write 2

things from each video that was new to you and/or you enjoyed.

View the video below. Following the viewing, please write about at least 8 things that you​ ​learned.

Westward Expansion and the American Indian
Read pages 500-503 about the Indian Wars

Today’s Assignment:

Respond to the following questions:
1. What is the difference between a reservation and an allotment when explaining government accommodations for
Native Americans?
2. What were the requirements of the Dawes General Allotment Act?
There should be three.

3. What cultural changes were Native Americans expected to make?

write 1-2 paragraphs on ONE of the following topics
Topics: The choices are gold, transcontinental railroad, cattle ranchers and the ‘open range’ system, or
motivations of the farmer.
The following components must be included for the first question:

● a title and a picture of your topic;
● the years your chosen topic occurred;
● specific details about who, where, how and why;
● at least three long-term effects

● Be specific and organized!!


After watching the following videos, please write 3 things for EACH video that you learned.


African Americans: Read pages 520 – top of 523 and answer the following:

1. List and describe the three ways African Americans were prevented from voting.
2. investigate the origin of the term “Jim Crow” and describe the term
3. What was the goal of Jim Crow laws?
4. What famous court case upheld the constitutionality of Jim Crow Laws?
5. What phrase will be used to defend the decision in this case?
6. What does the phrase mean?
7. Explain the major differences between Booker T. Washington and W.E. B. DuBois in their background and their views

on rights and methods for African Americans. Answer this in a solid paragraph with specific support.

Chinese: Read pages 523 – top of 524

View the following video to gain a better understanding of the situation in the U.S. for the Chinese: click here. State 3
things you learned

Mexican Americans and Women: Read pages 524 – 525 and 527 and answer the following questions:

1. Why did Mexican Americans lose rights to their land?

Corruption in Politics: Read pages 529-532 and describe the following:

1. The spoils system
2. Pendleton Civil Service Act

Problems for Farmers: Read the lesson below and pages and list the three problems farmers faced.

Since the early 1800s, the United States has been a land divided between agriculture and industry. The question is
which will dominate – but the truth is, each is equally needed. As the 2nd Industrial Revolution following the Civil
War has shown, businesses made great strides and changed the face of the US with large, booming cities and huge
corporations and developments. In the meantime, the farmer and his needs were basically ignored.

To counter this, farmers began to organize and unite (similar to the factory workers in the cities). A network (many
connected with the same goals) of organizations was created to address the problems.

The goals of the Grange (organized by Oliver H. Kelley):

● Provide education on new farming techniques (to create better production, more efficient work, etc)
● Regulate (watch over) charges for using the railroads and for storing grain (many businessmen were charging

high rates because the government did not interfere

Victories for Grange:

● Laws that set a maximum rate for shipping on the railroads and for storage.
● Establishment of the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) – in other words – government watches over

anything that goes across state lines for the purpose of buying and selling – usually requiring the use of

Following the decline of the Grange, Farmer’s Alliances began to form in order to also gain help from one another
and from the US government.

Eventually, all of these alliances together formed the Populist Party, or the People’s Party. In a country that was
only used to having two political parties, the Populist Party – a third political party – would now split the votes
even more and put pressure on the other two parties to get more votes.

The most important thing about a third party is that it brings attention to particular issues – the fact that it has
formed as a party demonstrates that enough people think the issues are important and worth fighting for, and that
the other two parties are not concerned enough.

What did the Populists want?

● Increase in money supply by minting silver as well as gold
● Graduated income tax – the rich pay more and the poor pay less
● Government loans for farmers

● Election of US senators by popular vote
● Eight-hour workday
● Restrictions on immigration (to keep them from taking jobs of those already in the country)
● Government ownership of railroads (so businessmen can’t take advantage of farmers)

During the Presidential election of 1896, a man named William Jennings Bryan ran on the Democratic ticket, but
believed in many of the Populist goals. It looked like the Democrats and Populists might win the election. William
McKinley ran for the Republicans. As much as they hoped, the Democrats/Populists failed to win and the
Republicans took the Presidency. The party lost “popularity” – nice pun, huh?? And soon most of the people from
that party moved over to the Democrats.

BUT, the Populists did gain some victories as we shall see when we get to The Progressives – a group that is all
about reform!

Document Based Assessment
Today’s Assignment: page 543 – complete the document-based assessment.
Please work through the 3 questions after reading the documents carefully, then write a paragraph or two in
response to the final question.

• View the following videos and answer the following questions:
What do these videos reveal about man’s heart?
Which incidents most closely reveal that?
Did any good come from this situation? If so, what?
Is there a truth you can state from God’s Word that might address what you have written above.

1. Video: The Guilded Age and Progressive Reform – this first video is an overview of the Progressive
reform movement and discusses Muckrakers in the first 5 minutes. That is probably all you will want to

2. Video: Meatpacking Jungle – this short video gives a short insight into Upton Sinclair’s
book The Jungle.

3. Video: How the Other Half Lives – this is a photo gallery of Jacob Riis’ famous photos from
How the Other Half Lives.

Political Cartoon

Cartoon Analysis Worksheet
Before beginning your analysis, review the topic of the cartoon(s) to refresh your memory.

1. List the objects or people you see in the cartoon. Be observant. (3)

2. Which of the objects in your list are symbols, and what do they mean? Remember, most, if not all, symbols are
there for a reason! Don’t overlook them. (3)

3. Which words or phrases in the cartoon appear to be the most significant? What do they mean? (4)

4. Explain the overall message of the cartoon. Be specific. (4)

5. What groups living during that time would agree with the cartoon’s message? Why? (2)
6. What groups living during that time would disagree with the cartoon’s message? Why? (2)

Total: 18 points


Answer the Critical Thinking question on p. 641. Be specific

In the box “Decision Point,” answer the three ‘You Decide’ questions on p. 644.

Compare the maps above: Europe in 1914 and Europe after WWI. These can be found in the book or online. Be observant and take the initiative to put your comparison
skills to work.
Describe ten things:

● Describe five places on the first map that ​will change​ on the second map
● Describe ​how​ those five places ​changed​ on the second map.
● ​Do ​not ​describe color​ changes. ​Describe​ ​country and boundary changes (merges, eliminations, etc.)

tell at least 4 things that you learned.

Watch the video and respond to the questions

● Who were Ford’s two top priorities?
● What kind of benefits did Ford give?
● In what two important ways did Ford treat people?

● Write four things you learned from the video below​.


● Write three things you ​learned​ about stock buying from the video. (​
● Compare the two charts
● Write about what you are seeing. Be specific.
● In your opinion, who would be hurt worse by the crash in 1929? One type of worker? Which type? or Both? Why? Explain clearly.
● Compare cities (urban), suburbs and “the country” (rural) areas. Which people in different areas moved? What areas did they move to and why? Each area

differs in location and movement.

Assignment​: take a look at two of the Republican presidents of the twenties, Harding and Coolidge.
• Start reading from the middle of p. 667-top 669, then read through the chart at the bottom of the page.

What are 3 ways these two presidents differ?
Review the section on the Teapot Dome Scandal carefully before analyzing the cartoon.

• Complete the political cartoon analysis

Group discussion
Group discussions are designed for you to interact with your peers about the material you are learning in class. It is important that you answer the questions based on
evidence from the course and outside information. Take some time to research and explore before composing your answers. Be sure to look carefully at the attached
rubric for group discussion expectations.

This week’s question:

● What attitudes and feelings do advertising and buying on credit bring out in people? How do these feelings line up with the principles in God’s
Word found ​in ​1Tim 6:6, Phil. 4:11, and Heb. 13:11? What about you, ​does​ advertising bring out the best or the worst in you?

R. Anthony: ​Say on Black Friday people become so greedy with things they don’t even need I personally only get





Read pages ​671-675​.
• After reading this section, respond to the following


○ What two reasons did lawmakers have for restricting immigration in the 1920s?

○ What laws were established to make the restrictions work?

○ What group of people was exempt from these restrictions, and what jobs did these people do?

• Carefully read through the “Comparing Viewpoints” section I have reproduced from p. 673 and answer the 2 compare


What would be your recommendation to settle a clash between science and religion; evolution and creation? Explain clearly.



● Watch the video below, read the Info-graphic at the bottom of pages 676-677 and read page 678, then answer the following:
○ What new groups of people did the “new” Ku Klux Klan add to their target list? (Remember the KKK were already targeting African Americans).
○ What are the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act?
○ Answer the two questions from the Info-graphic: What three types of lawbreaking are illustrated? How were these three types of lawbreaking related to

one another?

● Read pages 680-682 and answer the following:
○ Why do you suppose movies appealed to so many?
○ How did radio help to standardize culture in the United States?
○ Why do you think men such as Babe Ruth and Charles Lindberg were heroes to Americans in the 1920’s?

Daring Women of the 1920’s


● Read the Info-graphic on page 683. Read page 684 to discover other changes women experienced during the 1920’s.
● Watch the video below about the history of the flapper girl.
● Write 4 things you learned about flappers.
● What are the different messages people send by the way they dress? act? Is the message sent always the one received by

those around?

Female “firsts”

● Do some research on Amelia Earhart ​and​ one other woman from the array at the top of this page.

● Write one paragraph for each woman which


○ A brief biography (2-3 sentences),

○ two of her accomplishments,

○ and one lasting influence.


Assignment: Enjoy looking at the art work. Which form do you like best? Why?


● Watch the video below about the Harlem Renaissance. Write 6 things you learned – 3 from the first video and 3 from the


Rubric: video comments – 6 points poem analysis – 6 points


After watching the five videos about the Hoover Dam and Hoover’s approach (17 minutes total), write 10 things that you learned from watching.




This week’s question:

● Why did some men find their role in the family diminished during the depression? Do you think the depression changed
people’s goals and expectations? Why or why not?

1. Read pages 569 – 573. Take note of all bold-faced terms.
2. To help you organize, create a chart with “Roosevelt’s Square Deal” at the top.
3. Make 3 columns and label them: Corporations (businesses); Consumers (anyone who buys good, groceries or medicine),

and Conservation (environmentalists). To help you remember the areas that TR emphasized in his policy making, just
think of the 3Cs☺. Then, fill in the columns with what you learn.

4. Take a look at the top right corner of page 569. Did you know that the “Teddy” bear was named for Teddy Roosevelt?
Now take a look at the Political Cartoon on page 570 and answer the following:

1. What do you think his differing approaches to Trusts are according to this cartoon

Read pages 574 – 575 and create a chart to compare and contrast policies of TR and Taft. Write at least 3
different contrasts between the two presidents

● On page 575, take a look at the political cartoon and answer the 2 Analysis questions. Do not just describe
what is there; describe what it means.

● Read pages 577-579. Pay particular attention to the terms in bold. Also pay particular attention to the chart on page 578
which outlines the Progressive Era Legislation and Constitutional Amendments (16-19).


1. Read pages 588 – 591 and complete the concept web in the attachment. If you have trouble with the
web, just make a list.

2. Read pages 592 – 595. Read through the Infographic at the bottom of pages 594 – 595 and answer the ‘Thinking Critically’

questions on page 595.

write at least 4 things that you learned.

Group Discussion
Group discussions are designed for you to interact with your peers about the material you are learning in class. It is important
that you answer the questions based on evidence from the course and outside information. Take some time to research and
explore before composing your answers. Be sure to look carefully at the attached rubric for group discussion expectations.
This week’s question:

● Do you think political cartoons are a useful or harmful tool? Explain your response.
● How effective was/is yellow journalism? Do you believe this is a fair way of reporting, why or why not?
● Where do you see examples of yellow journalism today?

Classmate’s post:
K, Close:
I think political cartoons can be both harmful and useful. They are useful for raising awareness to political issues. They can also be harmful if people use
them to spread political rumors or untrue facts.
Yellow journalism is when you post a side of a conflict or event with exaggerated or showy features to get more attention from readers. Because of this
reason Yellow journalism can be very effective. yellow journalism can be either positive or negative depending on what its about.
You can see many examples of yellow journalism today either in the press or social media. People will write and post their perspectives and struggles with
exaggerations and biased feelings which someone will most definitely contradict in some way.

R, Anthony
I think they are a useful tool because they can be used to help solve a problem.
I think it was effective because it showed the people’s perspective.
You see it in the news and on Facebook were people will post or say something that they do like or don’t like.

Day 1. The Filipino Insurrection
Read pp. 599- top of 601 to find out what happened.
Assignment: How did the war end for the Philippines? (3) What did Congress pass to assure that the Philippines would eventually be
independent and what did it state? (3) When and how was this promise fulfilled? (3)

Day 4. Latin America and Diplomacy (continued)
Assignment : Read pp. 605-611

List the three presidents (Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson) and name and describe their foreign policies. (9)


write at least 4 things that were new to you and/or you enjoyed
The Boxer Rebellion – 8 minutes

Newspaper project, check attachment


At the bottom of p. 628 is a chart entitled American Home Front

● Mobilization,
● Opposition,
● Social Changes
1. Skim through Section 2 to fill this chart.
2. For each section, you will have 3 things
3. List the three things in the proper column and be sure to clearly but briefly describe each one

After you have viewed the videos and read the article, write about 6 things you learned.
Video: The Harlem Hellfighters – 6 minutes master.m3u8

Article: 369th Infantry Regiment “Harlem Hellfighters” (link )



1. Name and describe the long and short-term causes of WWI?
2. Why did Americans have divided loyalties?
3. Explain the 3 views of American entry into the war: isolationism, interventionism, and internationalism.

Next read pp. 624-625 and 627.

1. Read through the timeline on Submarines at the bottom of p. 625
2. Answer the two Critical Thinking question.,18,13,10,7,4,2,1,00.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8?__b__=700&hdnea=st=1612678663~exp=1612689493~acl=/i/AETN-History_VMS/History_WWI_The_Harlem_Hellfighters_159264_SF_rev2_S3_*~hmac=7fac5e903eb58ad88d3e3b619166051b841cd8a53f72fbac117a829cf7b54701

369th Infantry Regiment “Harlem Hellfighters”

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