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I have composition II class and I need to do Literature Review Preliminary Outline, I have Outline template ready to fill. The thing needs to do is :

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*Complete your own Literature Review Outline (including 6-7 body paragraphs, and at least three source sandwiches—one of each “flavor”—somewhere in those body paragraphs.

*Make sure your thesis and restated thesis focus on illustrating how reading your chosen sources makes you an expert in your chosen area (but try not to use “I”).

I will have attached the project proposal planning ,and the Annotated Bibliography that contains 5 sources with summaries, and I need you to make EDITS in the Annotated Bibliography and add ( explain how each source will assist you in your particular area of the project, not just the project as a whole). Please refer to Comments in the Bibliography

Kabli 3

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Annotated Bibliography Comment by Samantha Bailey: Need to add the rest of the MLA heading

Horan, KeriLee. “GO WITH THE FLOW: Campus Traffic and Parking Solutions.” University Business, vol. 13, no. 5, May 2010, pp. 50–54. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=asn&AN=50676115&site=eds-live&scope=site. Comment by Samantha Bailey: For all of your citations be sure to create a hanging indent.

This source offers 20 different ways for better transportation on University campuses conducted by the University of Georgia’s. While the article mentions 20 tips on how to improve traffic on campus, the tips that could potentially benefit our research are tips number five and six. The first tip is about providing shuttle services on campus to help students get around buildings faster. In that, if the students parked their cars at a further parking lot and then used the shuttle, it will definitely reduce traffic on campus. The next tip is about staggering class time. Meaning instead of having all classes end at the same time, some classes can be five minutes longer or lesser depending on the course level. This would reduce traffic by having fewer people on campus at the same time. The rest of the article goes on to explain more tips that can be integrated to help with reducing traffic on campus. This article is credible because it was found on the library website, which is a credible source and it has both an author and editor. The author built ethos by stating the possible solutions to traffic on campus in other Universities and how they implemented them at University of Georgia, the logos were convincing to an extent. In that, not all the solutions can be implemented on ASU campus. This also affects the author’s argument because not all the solutions are universal. No certain pathos were mentioned in this article nor were counterarguments. Comment by Fumika Suzuki: This is good summary of this source. I think it will be better if you add evaluation part. Comment by Samantha Bailey: Overall all of your paragraphs are really good. I would be sure that everything on this document was the same font and size. Comment by Samantha Bailey: 20 should be written out

PR Newswire. “ParkMobile Partners with the University of Georgia in Athens to Provide Smarter Parking Options Around Campus.” PR Newswire US, 14 Jan. 2020. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bwh&AN=202001140600PR.NEWS.USPR.CL88222&site=eds-live&scope=site.

This source is about using a parking mobile app that helps students, faculty and almost anyone who uses it to park easily without using a parking meter or kiosk. The author goes on and explains how the app works and how to use it. This app was launched at the University of Georgia and was used by almost 120,000 users and the number is growing. This source provides a valuable solution to our research. In that, using this app on our campus will provide a better way to manage parking since users will be able to locate, reserve, and pay for parking on their mobile devices. The article also offers statistical data regarding users’ growth rates and the locations where the app is offered and used. This source is credible because it was found at the library website and although no specific author was mentioned, I researched the newsletter Newswire and found it to be credible since it was established 60 years ago. The author builds ethos and logos by mentioning statistics and ongoing growth rates, which made the authors argument effective. The author did not use pathos or counterargument. Comment by Fumika Suzuki: I am not sure if you should italicize “PR Newswire US”.
This is good, but I think it will improve if you talk about how credible this source is and why.

“Students should consider carpooling as a solution to parking issues.” UWIRE Text, 31 Jan. 2017, p. 1. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link-gale-com.ezproxy.library.astate.edu/apps/doc/A479376624/AONE?u=akstateu1&sid=AONE&xid=dfc57eaf. Accessed 8 Feb. 2020.

In this source, the author began by explaining their unpleasant parking experience on the University of Colorado campus. Then, the author suggested a solution to this issue, which is carpooling. Stating that carpooling will not only benefit parking traffic but also the environment. The main benefit of carpooling is that it will cut the gas cost and, if the university offers parking permits, carpooling will also cut the cost of that, which directly benefits the environment. In that, it lowers CO2 emissions. This source provided a new interesting solution for the parking issue on our campus. Encouraging carpooling will improve traffic on campus and will help our environmental print. This source is credible because it was located at the library website and was written by Anne Stewart who is a faculty member at University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Ethos and logos are built by providing personal experience, relevant examples, facts, and statistics which made the argument effective. The author used pathos by giving personal experience and using commas. Finally, no counter argument was provided. Comment by Shelby Whitehead: Very good summary. Not too long, not too short, straight to the point, including the main benefit and how it helps the environment and improves traffic.

Schmidt, Bill H., and Christopher Westley. “The University-as-Monopolist: Why Parking Problems Persist at University Campuses.” Journal of Applied Business & Economics, vol. 10, no. 6, Apr. 2010, p. 39. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edo&AN=50937544&site=eds-live&scope=site.

In this source, the author talked about why the parking problems persist in university campuses. This problem is a common problem in the United States major universities.they talked about that the parking problems at university campuses will not be solved until parking suppliers relinquish their monopoly control. This source is effective because it includes a lot of data. Ethos and logos are built by providing personal experience, relevant examples, facts, and statistics which made the argument effective. This is a credible source of information because it is released from the Journal of Applied Business & Economics.

“TRANSIT AND PARKING MAKING IT EASIER TO PARK, GET AROUND, ON AND OFF CAMPUS ONLINE TOOLS, RAZORBIKES AND RENTAL SERVICE ALL AIMED AT EASING TRAFFIC CONGESTION.” States News Service, 27 Aug. 2012. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link-gale-com.ezproxy.library.astate.edu/apps/doc/A300865256/AONE?u=akstateu1&sid=AONE&xid=516994d8. Accessed 20 Feb. 2020.

In this article, the information is published by Arkansas State University, Fayetteville. They talked about how the university parking did many things to make parking easier on campus. They make it easier for students, faculty, and staff to get parking permits online which saves time and gas, while reducing traffic. Another thing helped also is using a parkmobile app or calling to pay parking. They mention that there are instructions for using the parkmobile on signs. Many students, faculty, and staff using Razorback Transit buses, which are free rides run all around the campus. There’s many free parking for bikes around the campus.Transit and Parking has partnered with Hertz for car rentals which allows students, faculty and staff, 18 or older, to rent cars for an hour or day. This is a credible source of information because it is released from Arkansas State University. This source is effective because it has some ideas we could use on campus. They use logos by telling examples of ideas that they used in the university. The author did not use pathos or counterargument.

Bennett 2

Outline: Persuasive Literature Review

I. Introduction

a. Hook/Attention Grabber: (My hook goes here.)

b. A brief bit of background info/group project overview.

c. Thesis Statement (Explicit): (A sentence that proves why I am an expert in this area of our project.)

d. Transition to my next paragraph.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Topic goes here (one of your ann. bib. Sources)

a. Topic Sentence


b. Overview of the source. Comment by Kerri L. Bennett: Source Sandwich goes on one of these places.
Introduce the source.
Insert the source AND cite it (choose ONE option below).
Interpret the source.

c. Analysis of the source:

d. Transition to my next paragraph.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Topic goes here (another of your ann. bib. Sources)

a. Topic Sentence

b. Summary of the source Comment by Kerri L. Bennett: Source Sandwich goes on one of these places.
Introduce the source.
Insert the source AND cite it (choose ONE option below).
Interpret the source.

c. Analysis of the source:
d. Transition to my next paragraph.

(More Body Paragraphs Go Here)

IV. Conclusion

a. Restated Thesis: (My restated thesis goes here).

b. Wrap up the essay and remind the readers of your group project and how your area fits into that project.

c. Take-Aways: (Ideas or Reasons that you want your audience to walk away with and remember later.)

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