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Classical Outline —Week 5 Body part 2

If you have chosen to use the Classical Outline structure, you will continue with your arguments in support of your thesis this week. You will also address the Opposing Viewpoints and refute each with evidence. 

See Classical Outline

sections III. and IV.

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If you have  chosen to use the

Rogerian Outline

structure, you will begin to address your own arguments in support of your thesis, having addressed the Opposition last week. You will also draft a Statement of Benefits that suggests why your perspective is ultimately the more advantageous. See Rogerian Outline sections IV and V.


Instructions for writing the Body

  • Instructions for writing the Opposing Viewpoints
  • Counterargument (Links to an external site.) –  from the Harvard College Writing center.
  • Purdue OWL Counter-Argument PowerPoint
  • Opposing Viewpoint Example – This document is a piece of an effective opposing viewpoints section from a researched argument essay. The paper argues against the death penalty, and in this section the writer addresses the opposing viewpoint that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime. You will notice that the writer uses an unbiased tone throughout and also draws on research to support her refutation of the opposing viewpoint.
  • Instructions:

    Classical Outlines: This section of the paper should be 4-6 pages. In this section, you will complete the arguments you have made in the Body section, and then address the Opposing Viewpoints, refuting each with specific evidence. See sections 3 and 4 of the outline.

    Rogerian Outlines: This section of the paper should be 4-6 pages. In this section, you will draft your section IV., Arguments in Support of your Thesis and section V., Statement of Benefits.

    1. Review the given resources and directions.
    2. Write the Body 2 Draft.
    3. Upload a copy of your Body 2 Draft section here in order to view your TurnItIn report.

    If you have issues with correct use of academic sources, then you must self-correct before you hand in a revised draft during week seven.

    Please remember that a high matching score means that you are quoting too much, or your Body 2 section is short compared to the number of sources you have cited.  Your paper should be no more than 15% quoted material.

    Make sure to include an updated references page with any new sources listed.


    Body Draft Rubric (2)Body Draft Rubric (2)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody draft meets length requirements25.0 to >22.5 ptsCOMPLETEBody draft is at least 4-5 pages long22.5 to >12.5 ptsPARTIALLY COMPLETEBody draft is 2-3 pages long.12.5 to >0 ptsNOT COMPLETEBody draft is less than 2 pages long.25.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody draft fulfills content requirements25.0 to >22.5 ptsCOMPLETEAttempts to fulfill all requirements for selected rhetorical structure.22.5 to >12.5 ptsPARTIALLY COMPLETEAttempts to fulfill some of the requirements for selected rhetorical structure.12.5 to >0 ptsNOT COMPLETELittle or none of the content requirements for selected rhetorical structured are attempted.25.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody draft meets formatting requirements25.0 to >22.5 ptsCOMPLETEAttempts to meet APA paper formatting and citation guidelines with some minor issues.22.5 to >12.5 ptsPARTIALLY COMPLETEAttempts to use APA paper formatting and citation guidelines for parts of the body with some minor issues.12.5 to >0 ptsNOT COMPLETELittle or no attempt to use APA formatting and citation guidelines.25.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody draft is mostly clear and readable25.0 to >22.5 ptsCOMPLETEAttempts to follow rules for MUGs and follow a clear organizational pattern. May contain minor errors that can be edited in later drafts.22.5 to >12.5 ptsPARTIALLY COMPLETEAttempts to follow rules for MUGs and follow a clear organizational pattern. Some sentences were unclear and/or it was hard to tell how some ideas were related to one another.12.5 to >0 ptsNOT COMPLETEThere were too many MUGs errors for the body draft to be clear.25.0 pts
    Total Points: 100.0 

    Classical Outline



    Classical Outline

    Student: Nkiruka Onyekachukwu

    Instructor Name: Sarah Llewellyn

    Date: 11/17/20

    Classical Outline

    I. Introduction

    The topic for the discussion is the impact of science on society. An impact on society is effective to notice in each area and helping society become organized and arranged. With the help of science, people could experience comfort and easiness in education, management, working, and treating patients, and many more. All these holds vital importance from delivering the best outcomes to the people living in society. There remain enormous options that could help society to grow and excel incessantly.

    II. Final Supportive Argument and Evidence

    1. “STEM education is an educational approach that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world application”.

    2. Explanation: The quote explains how much important educational approach will lead to helping the students have a better learning and also to experience the best from it.

    The argument behind is science has its relevance with education, and that makes up the society. With use of robotics in education, the children will be able to develop a mind game, which helps them a lot in logic and reasoning. Even, the teachers and the education system believe in the use of science to enrich students with something different and effective (Afari & Khine, 2017).

    III. Second Supporting Argument

    1. “By recognizing the potential of robotics learning, educational planners around the world are implementing various initiatives in schools to provide opportunity for students of all ages to learning with robots.”

    2. Explanation: The quote very well elucidates how the robotics learning is getting active and permitting the schools to experience opportunity for students lying in every age group.

    Secondly, science does have some challenging impact on society also. The use of science in each area could bring up some difficulties in use, cost, and effective utilization. There is a need for society to adapt to the usage of science and its methodologies. But the people do experience some troubles that could make things off track.

    Third Supportive Argument:

    1. “In the 21st century learning context, engaging students with technology is an important pedagogy to gain attention and increase motivation among students”.

    2. Explanation: The current time is more of concern with learning ambiance and that supports students to receive more of attention and make a move further.

    Opposing Viewpoint:

    1. Science and its impact on society can be challenging also as it can create trouble in the mind of the users also.

    2. Explanation: The science and its implementation hold vital importance but can create costs also.

    Opposing Viewpoint:

    1. The major requirement is to understand how the science and the implementation could help in supporting the society grow and develop at best.

    2. Explanation: One requires to get to know that the society has to become aware of the ways the science could turn up effective and up to the mark.

    IV. Conclusion

    In the end, the discussion moves forth with realizing how much necessary and essential science is for society. There necessitates learning that the impact of science is good to feel; the central area is to help the society grow and foster with utmost effectiveness. It looks forward to gaining an insight into the relevance and significance of society and supporting the society to realize the promising outcomes from the same.


    Afari, E. & Khine, M.S. (2017). Robotics as an Educational Tool: Impact of Lego Mindstorms. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 7(6).

    Faust, D.R. (2018). The Positive and Negative Impacts of Computers in Society. The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.

    MacFadden, B.J. (2019). Broader Impacts of Science on Society. Cambridge University Press.

    Perse, E.M. (2001). Media Effects and Society. Routledge.

    Russell, B. (2015). The Impact of Science On Society. Lulu Press, Inc.


    Impact of Science on Society


    Impcts of Science on Society

    Nkiruka Onyekachukwu

    Wilmington University


    Impact of Science on Society

    Science and innovation have had significant ramifications for society, and even the impact keeps continuous and developing. The critical impact is to go for making life quieter; science has concurred that man gets the opportunity to follow social concerns, for example, morals, instruction, style, and equity. Alongside this, there requires to produce societies and to propel human conditions. Society acknowledges and experiences a critical effect from science in particular. The best exciting point is perceiving how the pith of science and innovation guarantees to society, which is the origination of new information. By then, utilization of the information to upgrade the wealth of human lives and resolve society’s various subjects. It requires one to see how significant science is for society. The effect of science on society is to be considered. Here, the prerequisite is to accept and confide in the methodologies that could make individuals experience tremendous advantages. The significant prerequisite behind is to survey and assess how society could produce promising gets back from science. The science and its contribution is unavoidable as one can find that science is inescapable in approach, be it schooling, designing, clinical, the executives, and numerous different territories (MacFadden, 2019).

    Science has had positive impacts on society. Through scientific innovations, humanity has been able to come up with means that have been designed to make life easier. Through scientific innovations, humanity has been able to come up with medical solutions that have enabled them to solve various health issues that could have been catastrophic to life and even lead to humanity’s extinction if science had not intervened. Science has made transportation easier for the human race. Vehicles have gotten so inevitable on the planet that various individuals can’t imagine presence without them. They aren’t the main transportation to have changed the human air, regardless. Anything with wheels or wings would’ve seemed like science fiction to early new turns of events, and the chance of fundamentally moving into something with an engine and having the decision to travel any place on the planet? That would’ve been incomprehensible.

    It should not paralyze anyone that headway has inconceivably improved both the procedure and speed of columnists around the globe. In the long stretches of tufts and materials, you shipped off a letter and looked after the best; in 2014, you can message, tweet, tumble, call, email, fax, and hit if you have data that necessities thought. Moreover, handheld tech guarantees that you can do everything without leaving the warm seat! Such accommodation and open-access correspondence have permitted everybody on the planet can relate, relate, and team up on a general scale. It’s a recognized mental truth that people continue with better when they appreciate they’re being seen. Right, when every customer has a PDA camera, affiliations are under this evaluation the entire day, and they’re obliged to stay on their toes to keep their entryways open and their lights running. In case customers are directed rudely, they can sign onto fights like Yelp and leave negative reviews. Down marker. In case they find foul, amazing conditions, they can take video and dispatch a viral report inside just minutes. Affiliations that need to win in the 21st century must watch out for buyer faithfulness, which understands better things, improved affiliations, and progressed business-to-customer relations.

    Innovations such as E-media, are proposed to join people, yet they may have opposite impact. A 2017 study in energetic people developed 19–32 year time found that people with higher online media use were on numerous events as inclined to feel socially limited than the people who did not use electronic media often. Finding way to deal with reduce online media use, for example, limitted time limits for social applications, may decrease separation conclusions in specific people (Johnson, 2020). The makers of 2016 exact review inspected association between casual associations & mental prosperity issue, for instance, debilitation and strain. Their assessment found mixed result. Adults who had all the surer coordinated efforts and social assistance on these stages appeared to have lower distress levels and disquiet.

    Regardless, the inverse was also clear. People who saw that they had more adverse social collaborations on the web and more slanted to social connection experienced huge agony and apprehension levels. Hence, while there have all the reserves of association between online media and enthusiastic prosperity, a basic concluding variable is such affiliations people feel they are having on these stages. Advances, for instance, handheld tablets, mobile phones, and PCs can hold a person’s thoughts for critical stretches. This may incite eye exhaustion. Signs of cutting edge eye weakness can join the clouded vision and dry eyes. Eye exhaustion may similarly incite miseries in various body zones, such as head, neck, or shoulders. How various people use PDAs and PCs may similarly add to the erroneous position. After some time, this may provoke musculoskeletal issues.

    Various developments advance a down and forward customer position, which implies the individual is slumped forward and peering down at the screen. This can crush the neck and spine. A 5-year pack in the journal Applied Ergonomics found a connection between informing on a wireless and neck or upper back distress in young adults. The results indicated the effects were commonly present second; notwithstanding, a couple of individuals continued having long stretch results. An ongoing report in the European Spine Journal found that the neck’s position while informing didn’t influence signs, for instance, neck torture (Johnson, 2020). This assessment assumed that informing and text neck didn’t affect neck torture in energetic adults.

    In any case, the examination barred a long stretch turn of events. It is conceivable that various factors sway neck torture, such as age and activity levels. Changing position issues while using advancement may provoke an overall improvement example and quality in the middle, neck, and back. For example, if an individual breeze up sitting correspondingly arranged for a seriously long time, sitting at a work region while working, reliably standing or expanding may help reduce the body’s strain. Besides, taking brief breaks, for example, walking around the work environment, may help keep the muscles free and sidestep strain and off base position.

    Using development exorbitantly close to rest time may cause issues with rest. This effect has to do with how blue light, for instance, the light from cell phones, tablets, and PCs, empowers the brain. Makers of an ongoing report found that this blue light is adequate to disturb the body’s trademark circadian musicality. This exacerbation could make it harder to fall asleep or lead to an individual tendency less prepared the next day. To dodge blue light’s normal impact on the psyche, people can stop using electronic contraptions that radiate blue light in an hour or two going before rest time. Sensitive activities to back off within light of everything, for instance, examining a book, doing fragile stretches, or cleaning up, are alternatives (Johnson, 2020). The progressing impact in advancement has changed the typical American lifestyle. While development has various helpful results, there are some likely threats. Anyone flawed about the effects that development has on them may need to figure out how proportional back their use of devices and screen time and reevaluate how they feel with and without these contraptions.


    Johnson, J. (2020). Negative effects of technology: Psychological, social, and health. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/negative-effects-of-technology

    MacFadden, B. J. (2019). Broader impacts of science on society. Cambridge University Press.

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