Unit 7 Discussions

Unit 7 DB: Executive Compensation

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Please read the articles in the “Reading and Resources” section above on executive compensation and take a position on whether U.S. senior executives are overpaid or not, and briefly present your case.  Provide examples from the course or external sources to support your position.

Unit 7 Discussion: Organizational Change


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In response to a variety of expected environmental changes in your industry, your business has decided to change its organizational structure to be more consistent with a new strategy for increased competitiveness.  They plan to move from a mechanistic model of organization to a flatter, more organic structure with an emphasis on self-managing work teams.  Needless to say, these are significant internal changes, not to mention the external changes which are bound to occur as well.  Using what we have learned from our readings:

  • What resistance to the changes do you expect and why?
  • How would you advise key decision makers on the best ways to successfully affect the planned changes? 
  • Share any personal experiences and cite all resources.

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