Unit 7 DB: Exporting and Countertrade

 A firm based in California wants to export a shipload of finished lumber to the Philippines. The would-be importer cannot get enough credit from domestic sources to pay for the shipment but insists that the finished lumber can quickly be resold in the Philippines for a profit. Outline the steps the exporter should take to successfully export this product to the Philippines and make a profit? How might a company make strategic use of countertrade schemes as a marketing weapon to generate export revenues? What are the risks associated with pursuing such a strategy?

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In your original post and your response to at least two of your peers,  demonstrate critical thinking, contribute something new to the discussion and demonstrate the integration of class concepts from your reading along with examples to support your statements and sources referenced. If you use content from external sources a citation and reference must be included in APA format, and the content must be in quotes if taken verbatim.

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