Unit 6 Discussion 2

Reflect on your answers to the quiz.

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  • Are there areas you wish to change?
  • How can you develop your level of advocacy, or perhaps, encourage others to step out of their comfort zone?
  • Consider what is needed for you to lead political advocacy and shared governance in policy-making in your organization, and profession. Share those ideas!

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

This should be between 250-300 words. 

Politicsand Policy Self-Inventory Quiz

All students take the quiz before Friday (Discussion 2 primary post due date)

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Complete the following quiz. Answer honestly, there are no right or wrong answers. You will reflect on your answers to this quiz as the basis of the Unit 6 Discussion 2 posts.

Which of the following describes your involvement in voting?

A) I do not vote

B) I occasionally vote, but only in certain elections.

C) I vote regularly.

D) I vote regularly and encourage others to do so.

Which of the following describes your knowledge base of politics?

A) I know my state senators and representative’s names and party affiliation.

B) I know what major pieces of legislation my state senators and representatives are involved in.

C) I am very familiar with my senators and representative’s legislative actions.

D) I actively reach out to my senators and representatives to voice my views on current issues and legislation.

Which of the following describes your political advocacy comfort level?

A) I understand the importance of political advocacy but am hesitant to bridge the gap between politics and my profession (due to personal, cultural, or professional concerns).

B) I understand the importance of political advocacy and feel comfortable engaging with trusted colleagues on political subjects.

C) I elevate political issues in both personal and professional settings. I have thought about becoming more involved publicly.

D) I elevate political issues in both personal and professional settings. I am also involved publicly in local, state, or federal legislation/issues.

Which of the following describes your involvement with internal policies?

A) I understand policies that apply to my role in the organization. I know where to locate written copies.

B) I understand policies that apply to my role in the organization. I have questioned or challenged these policies at one time or another.

C) I have participated in developing or revising policies within my organization.

D) I have or desire to propose policy ideas within my organization. I strive to have an active role in organizational policy development, revision, and assessment.

Which of the following describes your knowledge base with [your organization’s] internal policies?

A) I am not familiar with how my organization researches, develops, and revises policies.

B) I have a general idea about how policies are developed and revised in my organization.

C) I know who is responsible for researching, developing, and revising policies in my organization.

D) I know how is responsible, and I play an active role in researching, developing, and revising policies in my organization.

Which of the following describes your organization’s culture around politics, policy, and activism?

A) Neutral position from executive leadership, political activism is not openly discussed.

B) Neutral position from executive leadership, political activism is identified and respected.

C) Executive leadership’s involvement in politics/policy is known. Political activism is encouraged.

D) Executive leadership is actively involved in politics. Political activism is encouraged in various ways.

Which of the following describes your professional association involvement?

A) I am not a member of any professional associations, but I stay updated on their roles.

B) I am a member of at least one professional association (local, state or national)

C) I am a member of more than one professional association (local, state or national). I do or would like to participate actively.

D) I am a member of several professional associations (local, state or national). I do or would like to participate actively.

Which of the following describes your experience with unions in healthcare?

A) I have not worked in a unionized environment.

B) I have worked in a unionized environment but was not a union member.

C) I have worked in a unionized environment and was/am a union member.

D) I have worked in a unionized environment and I have held a leadership position in the union.

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