Unit 5: Discussion

Unit 5: Discussion

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Please choose one question and develop a 200-300 word response on how you would address the issue or issues presented. I look for quality and critical thinking rather than quantity.

Please write as if you’re presenting something to your employer and put a strong effort into the assignment. Don’t look at the questions as busy work, but as an opportunity to apply the concepts.

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Please use APA format and have at least two scholarly reference citations in your initial post. You should find a peer reviewed article to support your answer in addition to the text book or slides.

Be sure to include at least one scholarly reference citation in your peer response; your response to at least one peer should be in the 200 word range.

Post initial response by Wednesday 11:59 PM CT. Respond to at least one peer by Sunday 11:59 PM CT.


Alternative marketing programs such as buzz marketing, guerilla marketing, lifestyle marketing, and experiential marketing can enhance an organization’s overall IMC strategy. Discuss the three stages of buzz marketing (1) inoculation, (2) incubation, and (3) infection, and how you would utilize them to expand your advertising efforts to introduce a new retail store to a local or regional shopping mall.

Product placements are an advertising vehicle designed with the purpose of influencing viewers. Discuss examples of memorable product placement and how this method was used to effectively impact the target audience.  Be sure to explain where you discovered these methods and how you would measure its effectiveness.

Explain in detail the role database marketing, including the data warehouse, data coding and analysis, and data mining play in creating and enhancing relationships with customers.

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