Unit 2 Contemporary Issues in Education Project 2


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Description:  The Change within the Youth Center that Target Youth in Care (DCFS)

Candidate must submit an annotated bibliography (be sure to research correct format) reflecting at least the minimum required research data and peer reviewed sources for each side of the issue. Any research data reviewed must also reflect each perspective. Candidate must also submit an outline of planned paper including the major topics to be discussed in the paper.


Content and Purpose: The paper must be an extensive outline and an annotated bibliography reflecting the literature reviewed from experts on each side of the issue. Research data must also be included for each side of the issue. A minimum of 2 research data sources and 3 peer reviewed expert sources for each side of the issue must be included in the annotated bibliography. The annotation must discuss which side of the issue is reflected and how the material will be used in the final paper. The outline must include the issues where sides differ that will be discussed. 15/15 points earned

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Organization, Grammar & presentation: The paper is well organized. The sources are listed alphabetically as they would be in a reference page. Each source is followed by a paragraph describing its use and purpose. There are no spelling and grammatical errors. 15/15 points earned

Information Literacy- the sources are all appropriate peer reviewed sources and research data and are correctly referenced. 7/7 points earned

Critical thinking; the analysis of the issue is demonstrated by the sources organized and the discussion. 13/13 points earned

(I have uploaded powerpoint from last unit to help in research paper of what i am describing for my final paper for this semester. My topic of th project i picked is in the description.) this will help guide in research of this assignment. Thanks 


Shakethia Lemons

American InterContinental University

Unit 1 Individual Project 2

Master Education

My passion has always been to make a change to enable the youth have more opportunities.

The project involves a youth center hoping to target the youth.

Althoug, the system have made it difficult for the American youth to thrive.


My passion has always been to be that drive that make a change in what was lost to be found again. Our youth is our generation so why not push them beyond their potential. I have chosen to settle on a youth center in hopes of targeting youth within the system

The youth center is objected to make a difference in how the youths are perceived within the system
The youth center focuses on personal development, personal success, independent living skills and reducing impact of complex Trauma

The project has the aim of making a difference in how the young adults are thought off in the system and focuses on personal development, personal success, independent skills as well as reduce effect of complex trauma.

Have experience working with the youth
Love young people
I always believe that we should not focus on our past to overcome our obstacles
I am always focused on pushing the youths to do their best no matter what

The reason for choosing this topic is because I have experience working with the youth, I am always focused on pushing the youth to do their best no matter what and I believe that we should not focus on our past to overcome our obstacles.

To be able to improve and acquire important skills which as the foundation of effective communication
Be able to personally development conflict resolution strategies
Learn how to resolve issues in a positive way
Acquire independent living and career development skills.

I believe that through conducting this project I will be able to improve and acquire crucial skills such as effective communication, be able to develop conflict resolution strategies, learn how to develop conflict resolution strategies and career development skills.

Acquire leadership skills
Acquire strategies on how to be a team builder.
Gain more job experience
Acquire counseling skills.

I will also be able to acquire leadership skills, obtain some job experience and know how to offer counselling.

As a student doing an education course this project will be very beneficial to my specialization
This project will greatly improve my confidence since it will assist in gaining experience on how to work with the youths (Žagar, Zilora & Mihaljević, 2019).
It will also increase my motivation in been engaged an education career

Since am a student this project will be very beneficial to my specialization since it will assist in improving my confidence, gain work experience, and improve my motivation to be more engaged in my career.

The project will assist in reflecting what I have learned throughout the education course.
The project will greatly assist in developing new skills and responsibilities, learn how to be more self-driven and improve my self perception.
Since am very passionate about the project it will help in enhancing my educational and career aspiration.

Additionally the project will assist in developing new skills and responsibilities, learn how to be self driven and enhance my self perception. The project will improve my career and educational aspiration.

Capstone project definition. (2016, March 23). Retrieved from https://www.edglossary.org/capstone-project/
Žagar, M., Zilora, S. J., & Mihaljević, B. (2019). Assessment of Student Learning in Capstone Project. In EDULEARN19 Proceedings (pp. 1207-1211).

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