Unit 1 Assignment – Personal Essay (ENG110) & Unit 2 Assignment – Supporting Paragraph (ENG110)


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Unit 1 Assignment – Personal Essay Submission Link

For your first written assignment, you will write a personal essay based on your past experiences. Within that story, you will need to show what happened as the plot of the story unfolded, include details of the people/locations within the story, and reflect on what you learned from the story.

Details of this assignment are available here



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Unit 2 Assignment: Supported Paragraph Submission Link (ENG110)

In this assignment, you will be creating one paragraph in which you respond to a question with evidence and practice writing in the third-person perspective.Read the  

assignment sheet

assignment sheet – Alternative Formats

for the detailed instructions, grading criteria, and grading rubric. 

Due Date: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, of Unit 1
Points: 100


In the introduction to the unit, you learned about the elements of a personal essay. Now,
you will write that essay. The experience you write about does not have to be
monumental. It just has to be significant to you. Your essay should be a true story, or
narrative, focusing on a place. Within that story, you will need to determine what
happened at this place, who were the important people there, what was said, and what
you learned.


• Create a personal essay about a specific place that is the most memorable for

you and where you had a positive experience. (Please be aware that if you share

information that is distressing, then your instructor is mandated to share that

information with our counseling center.)

• Consider the following questions when starting your essay:

o What is a specific place that is particularly memorable to you?

o What happened at this place that makes it so important to you?

A personal essay is a combination of the description of the action or plot, details about
the people/location of the essay, and reflection on what happened:

• Begin by describing the place. Try using each of the five senses to show the

reader what the place is like.

• Consider the best conversations you had at the place and include that dialogue

in your message.

• Finally, be sure to offer your thoughts on the experience and what you learned

from it.


• Please submit a Microsoft Word document or PDF.

ENG110 – College Writing

Unit 1 Assignment: Personal Essay

• The assignment should be two to three pages in length and should include the


o An APA-style title page (see Unit 1 documents for a sample)

o 1–2 pages for the full essay content

o Double-space the assignment and use 1-inch margins.

o You should use an APA-recommended font; 12 Times New Roman font is

suggested (see Unit 1 documents under the Title page for a list of other

acceptable fonts).

• You need an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion for this essay.

o The introduction should set up what specifically the reader needs to know

before you get into the main action of the essay. You can also include a

thesis, or a controlling idea statement, that lets the reader know your

purpose for writing the essay.

o Your body paragraphs should focus on one specific part of the experience

each. Please do not try to include too much information in each


o Finally, the conclusion will wrap up the essay and show how the action in

the essay was resolved.

• Your writing should be free of punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors and

should contain appropriate word choice for an academic setting with a clear

sentence structure.

• Utilize the senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell) to help you tell the story.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write
and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for the Personal Essay Assignment

CRITERIA Novice Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary


(0–11 Points) (12–15 Points) (16–17 Points) (18–20 Points)

The introduction
and/or conclusion
are not present.
sion is very hard to
understand and
missing details.

The introduction and
conclusion are
attempted. The
introduction and
conclusion may be
lacking details to
properly set up and
then wrap up the
essay. The
conclusion is not

The introduction
and conclusion
nicely set up and
wrap up the
essay. The
lusion could
relate better.

The introduction and
conclusion effectively
set up and wrap up the
essay. The
relates well to each


Many details are
not in a logical or
expected order.
The paper does
not use
paragraphs, or
they do not each
focus on one part
of the experience

Writing may have
some discernible
organization, but
some details are not
in a logical or
expected order. The
paper uses
ineffectively by lacking
some focus on one
part of the experience

Writing is
organized, and
details are
placed in a
logical order.
Paragraphs are
mostly used
effectively and
generally focus
on one part of
the experience

Writing is effective,
purposeful, and well
organized. Paragraphs
are used effectively
and focus on one part
of the experience

Story There is no clear
story because of a
lack of
development of
the plot,
within the
narrative, and
reflection provided.

Some aspects of a
story exist through the
development of the
plot, people/location
within the narrative,
and reflection

Many aspects of
a story exist
through the
development of
the plot,
within the
narrative, and

A clear story exists
through the
development of the
plot, people/location
within the narrative,
and reflection

CRITERIA Novice Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary

and Details

Content does not
include any
description or
details that utilize
the senses.

Content includes very
little description or
details that utilize the

Content includes
some description
or details that
utilize the

Content includes
descriptions or details
that effectively utilize
the senses.


(0–5 Points) (6–7 Points) (8 Points) (9–10 Points)

Significantly less
than 1 page or
significantly more
than 2 pages.

Only half a page in

Only three
quarters of a
page in length.

One to two pages in

Clear and
Writing and
APA Format

Writing is hard to
because of errors
in grammar,
spelling, and
punctuation. Word
choice is
inappropriate for
an academic
setting. Sentence
structure is often
unclear. APA
format is not

Writing is sometimes
difficult to understand
because of several
errors in grammar,
punctuation, and
spelling. Word choice
is sometimes
inappropriate for an
academic setting.
Sentence structure is
sometimes unclear.
APA format is
sometimes followed.

Writing is easy to
despite minor
errors in
spelling, and
Appropriate word
choice is used
for an academic
structure is
mostly clear.
APA format is
mostly followed.

Writing is free of
almost all punctuation,
spelling, and grammar
errors. Appropriate
word choice is used for
an academic setting.
Sentence structure is
clear. APA format is

ENG110– College Writing

Unit 2 Assignment: Supported Paragraph

Due Date: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, of Unit 2
Points: 100

  • Overview:
  • Read this article: Debate on Face Masks Divides Air-Travel Industry

    • Gangitano, A. (2020, August 6). Debate on face masks divides air-travel industry. The
    Hill, https://thehill.com/policy/transportation/510791-debate-on-face-masks-divides-

    You will be creating one paragraph that answers the following question:

    • Why or why not should passengers be required to wear a face mask on a plane?

    You will write that paragraph in third person (he, she, they, one, it, people) and
    not use first (me, us, our, we, my, I) or second person (you, your). Most
    academic writing is done in third person rather than first or second person
    because the writing is more objective.

    The key to this assignment is to make sure that the seven-to-nine sentence
    paragraph you write only has one topic and includes evidence to support that
    topic. Review the Citing Evidence interactive in this unit for information on how to
    include a direct quote in your work. Your evidence should go in the middle of the
    paragraph so that you can completely introduce it and explain how it supports
    your topic. (See step-by-step instructions about creating a paragraph with

  • Instructions:
  • Answer the question above in one paragraph comprised of at least seven (7) to nine (9)
    sentences. You should use one direct quote from the article.

    1. First, begin your paragraph with a clear topic sentence that states where you

    stand on the question above.

    2. Next, include supporting sentences that explain and prove your topic. Next,
    remember to not use the words “me,” “I,” “us,” “we,” “our,” “you,” and “your”.

    3. Then, in the center of your paragraph, include a direct quote from the reading as

    one piece of evidence to support your topic with an in-text citation that looks like
    this: (Gangitano, 2020, p. #).




    4. Finally, comment on and explain the quotation and wrap up your paragraph with
    a concluding sentence.

  • Requirements:
  • • Please submit a Microsoft Word document or PDF.

    • Include a title page, a proper font case per APA standards (Times New Roman
    12 font is suggested), and a references page. The document should have 1-inch
    margins and should be double-spaced.

    • The direct quote should be included within the center of the paragraph (as

    opposed to at the start or end).

    • Use objective third-person language: “he,” “she,” “it,” “him,” “her,”
    “himself,” “herself,” “itself,” “they,” “them,” “their,” “themselves.” (Avoid
    subjective language such as “I,” “me,” “you,” “we,” “us,” etc.)

    • The paragraph should be at least seven (7) sentences in length.

    • Follow proper APA formatting when citing the quote and include the article’s

    reference double-spaced on a reference page. For the reference page,
    simply label the last page of your document References and add this

    o Gangitano, A. (2020, August 6). Debate on face masks divides air-
    travel industry. The Hill,


    • When using a reference, you indent after the first line
    of the reference (as seen above).

    Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you
    write and again after you write.

    Evaluation Rubric for Supported Paragraph Assignment

    CRITERIA Novice Emerging Competent Exemplary


    (0–14 Points) (15–19


    (23–25 Points)

    Direct quoting is
    not incorporated in
    the paragraph or
    does not relate to
    the topic of the
    paragraph. No in-
    text citations are

    Direct quoting
    is attempted but
    is not
    incorporated in
    the paragraph
    correctly. In-text
    citations may
    not be included
    or may not be

    Direct quoting is
    present in the
    paragraph and
    offers basic
    support to the
    topic of the
    In-text citations
    include very
    few errors.

    Direct quoting is
    present, is
    properly, and
    supports the topic
    of the paragraph.
    In-text citations
    are included and

    Topic and

    No topic sentence
    is used to focus
    the paragraph,
    and the overall
    paragraph does
    not have a clear
    topic, is not
    formatted as a
    paragraph, and
    includes no

    A topic sentence
    is attempted to
    focus the
    paragraph but is
    at times either too
    general or too
    specific. The
    paragraph itself
    sometimes gets
    off-topic and/or
    sentences that do
    not relate to the

    A topic sentence
    is attempted to
    focus the
    paragraph and is
    generally well
    crafted. The
    paragraph itself
    sometimes gets
    off-topic and/or
    may include some
    sentences that
    could relate better
    to the topic.

    A topic sentence
    is attempted that
    effectively focuses
    the paragraph.
    The paragraph
    itself stays
    consistently on
    topic and includes
    sentences that
    relate well to the


    (0–11 Points) (12–15


    (18–20 Points)

    The writer’s voice
    is not objective.
    First and second
    person are used

    The writer’s
    voice is not
    always objective.
    Third person is
    used incorrectly,
    and first/second
    person is often

    The writer’s
    voice is mostly
    objective, using
    third person and
    only occasionally
    slipping into first
    or second person.

    The writer’s
    voice remains
    objective, using
    third person
    without slipping
    into first or
    second person.


    (0–5 Points) (6–7 Points) (8 Points) (9–10 Points)

    Paragraph is only
    one sentence.

    Paragraph is
    between 2 and
    4 sentences.

    Paragraph is
    between 5 and
    6 sentences.

    Paragraph is at
    least 7 sentences
    in length.

    CRITERIA Novice Emerging Competent Exemplary

    APA Format APA format is not

    APA format is

    APA format is
    mostly followed.

    APA format is

    Grammar and

    Writing is hard to
    because of errors
    in grammar,
    spelling, and
    Word choice is
    inappropriate for
    an academic
    setting. Sentence
    structure is often

    Writing is
    sometimes difficult
    to understand
    because of
    several errors in
    punctuation, and
    spelling. Word
    choice is
    inappropriate for
    an academic
    setting. Sentence
    structure is

    Writing is easy to
    despite minor
    errors in
    spelling, and
    word choice is
    used for an
    structure is
    mostly clear.

    Writing is free of
    almost all
    spelling, and
    grammar errors.
    Appropriate word
    choice is used for
    an academic
    setting. Sentence
    structure is clear.


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