
You will identify the problem driving the need for a project with consideration as to how does the problem arise and whom is affected by the problem. From the information gathered you will make and justify the selection of a project for further development.  

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DB8015 Capstone Project:

Problem Definition and Project Selection Template

Learner name and Specialization

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Stanley Thompson Jr.
Global Operation and Supply Chain Management

Section 1: Project 1

1.1 Describe the project of interest.

1.2 Identify the problem driving the need for a project.

1.3 How does the problem arise? Whom does the problem affect? (provide three sources of cited support)

1.4 Provide five examples (cited) evidencing that a problem exists.

Section 2: Project 2

2.1 Describe the project of interest.

2.2 Identify the problem driving the need for a project.

2.3 How does the problem arise? Whom does the problem affect? (provide three sources of cited support)

2.4 Provide five examples (cited) evidencing that a problem exists.

Section 3: Project Selection

2.1 Identify the criteria you considered for project selection.

2.2 Identify the project selected.

2.3 Describe the rationale for your project selection.

2.4 Describe your understanding of why such a project can be considered manageable and feasible (collect data over a 10-week timeframe).

2.5 Review the instructions for the Week 8 and 9 assignments. What is your work plan for the weeks ahead? Give consideration to tasks and time allocation.


Effective: v1.3 November 2019



5 Capstone Project: Project Discovery Activity Template

Global Operations and Supply Chain Management

Student’s Name

Project Discovery Activity: Complete all Steps (1.0-6.0)

1.0 Learner Name and Specialization

Stanley Thompson Jr.

Global Operations and Supply Chain Management

2.0 Identify potential topics of interest based upon your specialization courses and practitioner experiences.

The efficiency of as supply chain is very important especially in businesses which heavily rely on the efficiency of their supply chain network to meet the consumers’ needs and also improve the rate of return for the business. Some of the potential topics in globalization and supply chain management is how business processes and complexity in the supply chain network has increased the cost of operations of many companies and at the same time reducing their profit margin. Another topic is the influence of technology implementation in global operations when it comes to supply chain management (Russell & Taylor, 2014). According to the New York Times newspaper many companies which have not embraced integrating technology into the global operation and management of their supply chain network are likely to continue making losses as their counterparts with less complicated business processes and complexity in their supply chain network continue to reap large.

3.0 Describe how you conducted web-based searches of consultant websites, conferences, and other project-based sources.

Through the use of data analytics techniques likes content analysis approach which basically employs the use of qualitative data analysis process to identify the area of gaps particularly in the current global operations of some of the biggest firms like Amazon and Alibaba. Through qualitative analysis of the financial statements of some of the companies like Amazon which largely rely on the efficiency of their supply management to run their global operations. I was able to identify gaps in the data that needs improvement.

4.0 List the projects of interest identified through web-based searches.

Integration of technology in the global operation supply chain management to keep up with fast changing markets such as invoice automation

Improvement of quality services for customers through reduction in supply chain management complexity.

Another project is rebuilding work flow in manufacturing through optimization of work scheduling.

Another project is complete transition to a new ERP platform without interrupting current supply chain system

5.0 Identify two potential projects from the list above, for further development.

Some of the project of interest generated from above list includes; improvement in efficiency and reliability of the supply chain network management for companies operating globally through reduction in complexity of supply chain networks.

Another project is effect of integrating technology and strategic monitoring in improving service delivery in the supply chain network. These two potential projects cover a relatively wider list of problems normally encountered in global operation and supply chain management such as maintaining quality of services and goods sold to customers at all times (McAdam & McCormack, 2001). Also avoiding delays and even risk management in the supply chain management especially in global operations.

6.0 Provide a rationale for the selection of the two projects for further development. What makes these projects manageable and feasible? What questions remain?

The main reason for selecting the two projects is because a supply chain management rely on simplicity in operations within the supply chain network so that delays may not arise which is often costly on the side of the business as it reduces profit margin as it increases risks for the business (Bozarth & Handfield, 2008). Therefore further development of this project will reduce complexity in the supply chain networks and increase efficiency which many companies yarn for in global operations.

The other topic of integration of technology and strategic monitoring of supply chain network helps in ensuring that convenience in management and cost reduction is achieved through reducing certain costs of operations. This is because technology plays a vital role in ensuring quality and efficiency is achieved particularly in supply chain management.


Bozarth, C., & Handfield, R. (2008). Operations and supply chain management. Strategies, 21, 22.

McAdam, R., & McCormack, D. (2001). Integrating business processes for global alignment and supply chain management. Business Process Management Journal.

Russell, R. S., & Taylor, B. W. (2014). Operations and supply chain management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


Effective: v1.3 November 2019

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