U.S. Health Care Systems for Small Populations, Part 1


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  1. Your project throughout this course will:
    1.     Analyze an existing health care system and evaluate how that system can be improved to better serve the community.
    2.     Conceive a new or improved health care service, then design a facility to provide that service.
    3.     Develop the structure, functions, and processes of the facility.
    4.     Submit an SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) proposal.

    Your proposal should be fiscally, socially, ethically, and politically responsible. The goal is to have a net positive benefit to the health care system and the community it serves.

    Please review the requirements for Week Six final presentation and use the assignment each week to research material that you will use to build your final presentation.


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    This assignment should be submitted as a paper that includes:

    ·        A well-written introduction and conclusion
    ·        Headings to organize your thoughts and provide structure for your paper
    ·        References (see requirements below)
    ·        APA formatting of references, citations, headings, and a cover page

    Create a 700- to 1,050–word paper profiling the city you selected along with details.

    To begin, select an existing health care system in a small U.S. city preferably in the state where you live. The city should have a population of less than 200,000.(Maryland)

    Include a profile of the city you selected with details such as:

    o   Map of the city – Please find a map with as much detail as possible (not a Google map just showing the pinpoint).
    o   Types and locations of medical services available currently
    o   Demographics (population, age, gender, etc.)
    o   Income and employment
    o   Residential detail and any other details you were able to find in your research
    Include a rationale of why you selected the city, including if you have any prior experience or knowledge about the existing health care system in that city.

    Cite three reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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