Two Part Assignment

Create original document and powerpoint presentation 

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TWO PART & one section PROJECT ASSIGNMENT & PowerPoint – PART ONE Exhibit A – follow the Instructions for creating a Cross Cultural FICILITATORS Training MANUEL for Becton Dickinson. PART TWO Exhibit B- create a PowerPoint presentation from the information in Exhibit A.

Just to be clear complete the assignment for part one, use that document to complete PART TWO, create a POWERPOINT presentation of that finished document.

Finally in the last section, respond to the comments listed in one-2 paragraphs each?

 Project (Becton Dickinson)

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The company that is serving as your client is Becton Dickinson. Part of the project requires you to locate their official mission, vision, etc. Do not make this up because it is a real company that has its own official value statement, etc.

Please properly read the instructions?

When Mr. Michael Taylor arrived in Hermosillo, Mexico to take charge of the manufacturing plant of his company, Becton Dickinson (BD), he knew that it was going to be a challenge. He was conversant in Spanish, but he still needed practice. After three months into his new job, he was still struggling to supervise his team in Mexico, and he was not sure what he was doing wrong. He felt that his employees were not self-directed enough, and that they were not straightforward and frank with him when there were issues surrounding productivity. Some of the complaints of his team in Hermosillo expressed were that he was not a good leader, and that he was not friendly. They also felt that he was not an effective communicator. Based on the unsatisfactory performance of the plant, BD felt that it was best to hire Global HR Consultants to design a Cross Cultural Facilitator’s Training Program for new site managers based in the manufacturing plant in Mexico to ensure that they get the results that they wanted. Prepare a Facilitator’s manual for an effective Cross-Cultural Training Program.

CREATE &Determine what the official 1. mission statement,(1-2pg) 2. vision statement should feature as stand outs points of reference,(1-2pg) 3. what are their values(1-2 pg) & 4.Address the strategic goals of Becton Dickinson, may use chart or graphics and written content.

) Identify general goals/objectives for the leadership development program that is aligned with Becton Dickinson’s mission, vision, etc.;

) Provide a series of specific training modules/strategies for the training program that will contribute to the company’s strategic goals/mission;

) each module should contain detailed descriptions of the training techniques to be used, for example: seminar, case studies, role playing, simulation, etc.

) How will you assess the effectiveness of the cross cultural training program?

The Facilitators manual will articulately address these FOUR benchmarks thoroughly and competently in college level content that is in professionally written language.

 Create a document that will address the following issues 1. official mission statement, statement, 3.values, and 4.strategic goals of Becton Dickinson, for an original determination of a Cross Cultural Facilitators Training Program.

SAMPLE of expectations? Do not copy plagiarism sensitive??

BD is a global medical technology company that is advancing the world of health by improving medical discovery, diagnostics and the delivery of care. BD leads in patient and healthcare worker safety and the technologies that enable medical research and clinical laboratories. The company provides innovative solutions that help advance medical research and genomics, enhance the diagnosis of infectious disease and cancer, improve medication management, promote infection prevention, equip surgical and interventional procedures and support the management of diabetes MISSION

. Leading healthcare safety and technologies for more than a century

In 1897, Maxwell Becton and Fairleigh Dickinson founded Becton, Dickinson and Company with a vision to improve outcomes for patients. With more than a century of experience and our global reach, BD leads in patient and healthcare worker safety and the technologies that enable medical research and clinical laboratories. Vision

Becton/Dickinson’s values

Quality policy

“We will consistently provide superior products and services in pursuit of our purpose of advancing the world of health. This will be achieved through customer focused continuous improvement and by maintaining an effective quality system which complies with regulatory requirements.”
Tom Polen, President and Chief Executive Officer


Our standards of behavior,

We do what is right

We thrive on innovation and demand quality

We are all accountable

We learn and improve every day

We help each other be great

Becton/Dickinson’s Global Health

Working to strengthen healthcare systems across the world by developing and deploying market-appropriate solutions

BD Global Health works to align activities, priorities and development efforts around the world’s leading public health needs. We drive access to existing BD solutions and develop and deploy innovations to address priority health needs in areas aligned with the 

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To achieve positive societal outcomes, we utilize various methods including innovative commercial business models, public-private partnerships, market development activities and global advocacy. Established in 2004, BD Global Health champions private sector engagement with international agencies, nongovernmental organizations and governments on global, regional and local levels with a goal to enhance access to health for all people. STRATEGIC GOALS

The Challenge of this assignment is to:

2) Identify general goals/objectives for the leadership development program that is aligned with Becton Dickinson’s mission, vision, etc.;

3) Provide a series of specific training modules for the training program that will contribute to the company’s strategic goals/mission;

4) each module should contain detailed descriptions of the training techniques to be used, for example: seminar, case studies, role playing, simulation, etc.

5) How will you assess the effectiveness of the cross cultural training program?

Keep in mind that the facilitator’s manual should be complete, specific and descriptive enough that a novice trainer could take the manual and implement the Cross Cultural Training Program.

Please Note!

Part Two, a PowerPoint presentation must be created of the finished document?

Assignment Results will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Creativity – The provided creative solutions and out-of-the-box thinking to the problem.

Quality of Analysis – A thorough and complete analysis of the problem is provided.

Quality of Delivery- Articulation, professionalism and voice projection of PowerPoint presentation

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