Triumph of the Nerds, Part 1

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  • Summarize the video overall in the form of an abstract statement
  • Describe the video’s main points (two to three paragraphs minimum)
  • Explain whether you agree or disagree with any of the points made and why (two paragraphs minimum)
  • Analyze the social or ethical issues involved from your vantage point
  • Finally, list 10 nuggets of information you found interesting or did not know  

BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Summary Report Assignments Guidelines and Rubric

Overview:​ Summary report assignments will be assigned in several modules throughout the course. The resources assigned for these
assignments are intended to provide thought-provoking, technology-relevant content that the textbook does not address. The textbook for this
course presents a general survey of timeless information about systems analysis and design, without specific concentration in any particular
technology area. The resources in these assignments will expose you to specific real-world technology-related concepts that are beyond the
scope of the text and are intended to connect basic system concepts to provocative theories, and in some cases, cutting-edge technologies.

Directions: ​For each summary report assignment, you will write a summary report analyzing the main arguments of the assigned article or video.

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To complete this assignment, address the following critical elements in a written summary report:

● Summarize the article overall in the form of an abstract statement. This should be a succinctly written summary (two or three sentences)
to aid the reader in discerning the article or video’s purpose.

● Describe the main points (two to three paragraphs minimum)
● Explain whether you agree or disagree with any of the points made and why (two paragraphs minimum)
● Analyze the social or ethical issues involved from your vantage point
● Finally, list 10 nuggets of information you found interesting or did not know

Guidelines for Submission:​ Your summary report must be submitted as a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document plus a title page, with
double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Resources outside of the assigned article are not required.

Instructor Feedback:​ This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Summarizes the resource overall in the form
of an abstract statement.

Summarizes the resource overall in the form
of an abstract statement, but lacks in clarity.

Does not summarize the resource overall in
the form of an abstract statement.


Main Points Describes the speaker’s main points. Describes the speaker’s main points, but lacks
in detail or clarity.

Does not describe the speaker’s main points. 15

BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Evaluation of
Main Points

Explains agreement or disagreement with any
of the points made and why.

Explains agreement or disagreement with any
of the points made and why, but lacks in detail
or clarity.

Does not explain agreement or disagreement
with any of the points made and why.


Social or
Ethical Issues

Analyzes the social or ethical issues involved. Analyzes the social or ethical issues involved,
but lacks in detail or clarity.

Does not analyze the social or ethical issues


Nuggets Lists ten interesting nuggets of information. Lists some, but less than ten interesting
nuggets of information.

Does not list any interesting nuggets of


Mechanics No grammar or spelling errors that distract
the reader from the content. All sources used
are cited using APA Style, 6th ed.

Minor errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content. All
sources used are cited using APA Style, 6th

Major errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content and/or
errors made in citing sources using APA
Style, 6th ed.



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