Training Plan Project – Program Design


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Since last week you held a follow-up meeting with your client, Ryan, and a few of the other stakeholders. During your meeting, you discussed their business strategy as well as the results of the online needs assessment you conducted. Ryan and the other stakeholders agree with your needs assessment results and understand how they tie the organization’s business strategy to strategic training and development. During the meeting, the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Carol,  mentioned how excited she was about the learning objectives you developed. The budget was initially a concern for some of the stakeholders however their concerns were put to rest with your and Ryan’s responses to their questions and concerns. Now that you have your client’s approval to move forward you begin developing the online training content. 

Trainers must determine the best method of presenting the training to the learners. Trainers have typically used traditional training methods, which include lecture presentations, on-the-job training, and group activities. However, as employers look to maximize their training dollars, many have moved or are moving away from traditional training and incorporating online learning into their training environment. This can be done by using computer-based training modules, virtual classrooms, message boards, etc. Training may be entirely computer-based with 24/7 availability, or it may be a blended environment that incorporates the traditional classroom experience with part of the training presented online (Gusdorf, M.L., 2009). 

When deciding what approach to use, the trainer must consider the nature of the training content, the needs of the learners, and the technology available. As with any training program, for online learning to be successful, it must be supported by management, and management must be willing to provide the technical resources necessary for successful implementation.

Using the learning objectives you created last week as a guide, your next step is to determine what content to include in the curriculum, how detailed the content should be and how it is to be presented. From these decisions, a lesson plan is created and training materials are developed (Gusdorf, M.L., 2009). 

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  1. (25 points) Create a design document for your online training program using the Sample Design Document in our Noe textbook (page 226, Table 5.6) as a guide.
  2. Submit your Design Document as a Word or Google document attachment to your Trello board by creating a new Card under the Program Design List titled: Design Document. 
  3. Make sure to include all resources utilized for your research, cite your sources.
  4. (25 points) Write a detailed lesson plan for your online training program using the Sample Detailed Lesson Plan in our Noe textbook (page 227, Table 5.7) as a guide. 

    Submit this information as an Excel spreadsheet attachment to your Trello board by creating a new Card under the Program Design List titled: Detailed Lesson Plan. 
    Make sure to include all resources utilized for your research, cite your sources.

APA Formatintext citation


Background of the Shell Company

Student’s Name




Background of the Shell Company

The link to the company’s website is

I decided to select Shell Oman as my company to be addressed in the assignment this week. In 1958, the Shell Corporation of southeast Arabia was launched, and its downward marketing strategies started. This was representative of the rights to exchange of the Late Sultan Said bin Taimur to Shell Markets (Middle East) Limited. Fuel was originally imported on trade shows; oil containers hooked to a chain, floated offshore, and then rolling inland manually. Local agents are responsible for the whole exchange process (Al Balushi, 2019).

Human resource management applies to all the persons engaged in the administration of property related to the staff and the agency responsible for them. Human resources management encompasses the whole process and system built for handling entities in an organization. Managing human resources’ tasks and roles are split into three major fields: personnel, compensation, benefits for workers, and work schedule (Al Balushi, 2019). Maximizing an organization’s productivity by improving its workers’ effectiveness is the main consideration of human resources.

The firm succeeded in its market by the production and execution of a successful human resource strategy. Human resource policy preparation and development is an integral aspect of all human resource management systems. Human resources systems should be built as part of an overarching approach to support the achievement of corporate objectives (Al Shabibi, 2020).

Human resource policy planning and development is an integral aspect of all human resource management systems. Human resource processes must be built in the framework of an overarching human resources plan consistent with fulfilling corporate priorities and wishes to participate (Al Shabibi, 2020).

My paper aims to research the Shell Oman business and define tactics and practices for its growth. Therefore, I understood the Organization’s vision, mission, and goals if they were accomplished by the execution of the human resources management techniques.


Shell Oman’s vision states that “To be the market leader and deliver the best value to our stakeholders.”


Shell Oman’s marketing company’s mission statement is “To enhance profitability through innovative management strategies while ensuring cost effectiveness and harnessing creative ideas.”


The goals of Shell Oman are as follows:

· Innovative developments in offshore oil and gas production security technology, protective culture, and environmental management systems (Al Shabibi, 2020).

· The role played to encourage the development of safe, resilient societies in the Gulf is to raise awareness and recognize the similarities between human health and the environment (Al Shabibi, 2020).

· Develop an understanding of the whole world area as a complex framework of mature, integrated human and environmental processes, roles, and procedures for advising ecosystem resources conservation and restoration (Al Shabibi, 2020).

SWOT Analysis of the Oman Shell Company


The strengths of Shell Oman are inner influences that have rendered the business’s policy and functionality for human resources. The establishment of a good workplace is one of the long-term priorities to be employees’ option (Al Shabibi, 2020). Shell workers are a strength for Shell’s experience, skills, and expertise in distributing goods and services to its clients. In contrast with the rival firms, besides superior goods, workers must be able to produce product-specific.


In difficult economic conditions, which can impact employee’s capacity to perform, Shell Company can experience the budget-cutting problem in Oman (Al-Sarihi, 2020). In the lack of goods, human capital is not profits. Jobs rely on logic to finance human capital investments.


Shell Oman is offered the opportunity via recruiting and training to improve his human resources. The production process allows the company to plan its products and services accordingly. More commercial interpretations of greater increases or increased pay for new workers and growth for nearby neighbours by adding more employees. External considerations may also be the organization’s willingness to reach a good successor whose market growth practices strengthen its role or industry (Al-Sarihi, 2020).


If a strategic advantage benefits from a rival, it impacts the performance of the business. In exchange, the corporation is compelled to refuse the costs or close the firm while retaining the profit margin.


The Shell Oman policy planning leadership has had an impact on the company’s executive priorities. Human resource management plays an important role in the assortment of management by considering reasons for loss or achievements of last operation appreciation for decision-making. The aptitude approach is also one of them, and a business that forecasts potential employees’ desires and then finds the recruiting of individuals with that skill is an important advantage. Human resources management requires defining the abilities, experience, and skills required to play each task and create job requirements (Al-Sarihi, 2020). This strategy is constant training and workforce growth, which is apparent in researching the Shell Company and how the workers must demonstrate how the processes operate for a company to grow. Each employee must still be qualified enough to play its part and thereby enhance the manufacturing and selling of goods. Shell has given its employees ample ability.


Al Balushi, M. M. (2019). The Role of Dramaturgy in Change Management in Shell Oman Marketing Company (Doctoral dissertation, University of Bradford).

Al Shabibi, I. (2020). Planning for entrepreneurialism in a rentier state economy: Entrepreneurship education for economic diversification in Oman (Doctoral dissertation, Cardiff University).

Al-Sarihi, A., & Mason, M. (2020). Challenges and opportunities for climate policy integration in oil-producing countries: the case of the UAE and Oman. Climate Policy, 20(10), 1226-1241.

Strategic Training and Development Process Flowchart

Business Strategy

based training

Strategic Training and Development Initiatives

Business Strategy

Metrics Showing Value of Training

Training and Development Activities

Improve Customer Service

Accelerate the Pace of Employee


Capture and Share Knowledge




Use online Training

Make development Training Mandatory

Increase amount of Customer Service Training



Reduced Customer Complaints

Reduced Turnover

Employee Satisfaction

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