Toy Store Paper

What do toys teach us about masculinity and femininity?

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Your assignment for this week is to take a trip to a local toy store (or visit one on-line) and analyze the messages which are communicated through the store’s layout, branding, toy selection, packaging, etc. I find that “mega” toy stores such as Toys ‘R’ Us, Target, and Wallmart work better for this assignment than do small specialty stores, but you are welcome to visit any toy store you like. You can visit the store only if you need or have to go and buy groceries in these stores anyway, otherwise use only the toystore website due to Covid 19 situation. To help you think about what you are seeing I recommend using the “Toystore Research Worksheet” I have attached above.

Once you have completed your investigation, you will write a short paper response. Your paper should be (2-3 pages) maximum. Please address the questions asked on the worksheet (but don’t just turn in a bulleted form of the worksheet-remember, you are writing a research paper!). Additionally, be sure to use any critical terms covered in your assigned readings, and thie class’ lectures. 

For full credit you must incorporate at least two sources from class (or relevant sources from outside of class). The two sources must be correctly cited (APA or MLA) in the body of your paper. You must also include a properly formatted works cited. 

-here are a few sources from class

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             – Cynthia Burack –  Gender Socialization


             – Class PowerPoint –  Gender Socialization

Take a trip to a local toy store (or visit one on-line). Use this document to take notes while you are there. Answer the questions in as much detail as possible. Then, in about 1000 words, write a report that address the questions. The report should be in narrative form, rather than just a series of answers to questions.

What is the name of the toy store?

What happened when you entered the store/site? What did you notice at first?

How are the toys divided or categorized within the store/site?

What personality characteristics and roles are promoted in the marketing of toys?

Can you tell what types of toys are marketed to boys and what types of toys are marketed to girls? Be sure to give a description of the toys that you see that shows their characteristics.

What color schemes are used? How are they different for boys and girls?

What messages are on the packaging?

What do these toys tell boys about masculinity?

What do they tell girls about femininity?

Which race/ethnicity or social class(es) appeared in the illustrations?

Is there anything else you noticed that wasn’t asked here?

Finally, for your paper, consider the toys you were given as a child (or if you have children, the toys your children play with). What did/do those toys teach you about gender?


WGS 191: Women, Gender Identity, and Ethnicity

Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society/culture considers appropriate for men and women, girls and boys

Gender Socialization is the process of interaction through which we learn the gender norms of our culture and acquire a sense of ourselves as feminine, masculine, or even androgynous
These processes are common and universal

Although things are changing, there is a still pink/blue, female/male color preference


Parents are the first significant others who show us how to follow the gender roles
Parents teach their children gender roles in subtle ways:
with toys they buy
rules they set
expectations they have

Studies concluded in US society, mothers unconsciously reward female children for being nurturing and domestic and male children for being active and independent

Substantial amounts of research demonstrate that parents treat boys and girls differently
While boys are given much more freedom, they are also punished more harshly for cross-gender behavior
Children whose parents strongly believe in traditional gender roles are much more likely to believe in gender stereotypes

The clothes in which children are dressed
The message that children receives from adults and other children



Gendered marketing

The toys to play with
Children’s toys are strongly associated with interests and competencies in later life
Encourage playing with diverse toys




Much of the research was culturally biased
Freud- focus on the gender norms of the upper classes in Europe
Gilligan- research on the moral judgement is flawed because of its exclusive focus on boys
Carol Stack- adds race


Mary Wollstonecraft – A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 1792
– cannot garner respect
– assume the leadership
Women having more “masculine” characteristics
– rejected as “masculine” women

Great pleasure
Unwelcome forms of attention
Demand for conformity


Attendance Question
What is gender socialization?

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