Topic Search Strategy

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NR449 RUA Topic Search Strategy x Revised 07/25/16 1

Required Uniform Assignment: Topic Search Strategy

The Topic Search Strategy Paper is the first of three related assignments which are due in Unit 3. The purpose of

this initial paper is to briefly describe your search strategies when identifying two articles that pertain to an

evidence-based practice topic of interest.


This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1: Examine the sources of knowledge that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO #7)

CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs #4 and

Refer to the course calendar for due date. The college’s Late Assignment policy applies to this activity.

This assignment is worth 160 points. The college’s Late Assignment policy applies to this activity.

You will be assigned a group in unit 2 (located in the team collaboration tab) to formulate an evidence-based
practice topic of interest that will be used to complete the unit 3 and unit 5 independent assignments, as well as
the group PowerPoint presentation in unit 7.

The paper will include the following.

a. Clinical Question
a. Describe problem
b. Significance of problem in terms of outcomes or statistics
c. Your PICOT question in support of the group topic
d. Purpose of your paper

b. Levels of Evidence
a. Type of question asked
b. Best evidence found to answer question

c. Search Strategy
a. Search terms
b. Databases used (you may use Google Scholar in addition to the library databases; start with

the Library)
c. Refinement decisions made
d. Identification of two most relevant articles

d. Format
a. Correct grammar and spelling
b. Use of headings for each section
c. Use of APA format (sixth edition)
d. Page length: three to four pages


1. Please make sure you do not duplicate articles within your group.
2. Paper should include a title page and a reference page.

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR449 Evidence-Based Practice

NR449 RUA Topic Search Strategy x Revised 07/25/16 2



Points % Description

Clinical Question 45 28 1. Problem is described. What is the focus of your group’s work?
2. Significance of the problem is described. What health

outcomes result from your problem? Or what statistics
document this is a problem? You may find support on
websites for government or professional organizations.

3. What is your PICOT question?
4. Purpose of your paper. What will your paper do or describe?

This is similar to a problem statement. “The purpose of this
paper is to . . .”

Levels of

20 13 1. What type of question are you asking (therapy, prognosis,
meaning, etc.)?

2. What is the best type of evidence to be found to answer that
question (e.g., RCT, cohort study, qualitative study)?

Search Strategy 65 41 1. Search topic(s) provided. What did you use for search terms?
2. What database(s) did you use? Link your search with the

PICOT question described above.
3. As you did your search, what decisions did you make in

refinement to get your required articles down to a reasonable
number for review? Were any limits used? If so, what?

4. Identify the two most relevant and helpful articles that will
provide guidance for your next paper and the group’s work.
Why were these two selected?

Format 30 18 1. Correct grammar and spelling
2. Use of headings for each section: Clinical Question, Level of

Evidence, Search Strategy, Conclusion
3. APA format (sixth ed.)
4. Paper length: three to four pages

Total 160 100

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NR449 RUA Topic Search Strategy docx Revised 07/25/2016 3



Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance

A (92–100%)

Very Good or High Level of

B (84–91%)

Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance

C (76–83%)

Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of

F (0–75%)

Clinical Question
45 points

ALL elements present
1. Problem is presented clearly.
2. Significance of problem


described completely.
3. PICOT question is presented.
4. Purpose of paper is stated.

42–45 points

All but one element present
1. Problem is presented clearly.
2. Significance of problem

is described completely.
3. PICOT question is presented.
4. Purpose of paper is stated.

38–41 points

ALL but two elements present
1. Problem is presented clearly.
2. Significance of problem

is described completely.
3. PICOT question is presented.
4. Purpose of paper is stated.

34–37 points

Three or more elements missing
1. Problem is presented clearly.
2. Significance of problem is

described completely.
3. PICOT question is presented.
4. Purpose of paper is stated.

0–33 points

Levels of Evidence
20 points

1. Accurately identifies type of
question being asked.

2. Accurately identifies best type
of evidence available to
answer question being asked.

19-20 points

1. Accurately identifies type of
question being asked.

2. Inaccurately identifies best
type of evidence available to
answer question being asked.

17-18 points

1. Incompletely or inaccurately
identifies type of question
being asked.

2. Incompletely or inaccurately
identifies best type of
evidence available to answer
question being asked.

16 points

1. Does not identify type of
question being asked.

2. Does not identify best type of
evidence available to answer
question being asked.

0–15 points

Search Strategy
65 points

ALL elements present
1. Search topic(s) and terms

2. Includes database(s) used for

search and links to PICOT

3. Explains process of refining
search to locate evidence.

4. Identifies and defends the
choice of the two most
relevant articles to provide
guidance for your next paper
and the group’s work.

60-65 points

All but one element present
1. Search topic(s) and terms

2. Includes database(s) used for
search and links to PICOT
3. Explains process of refining
search to locate evidence.
4. Identifies and defends the
choice of the two most
relevant articles to provide
guidance for your next paper
and the group’s work.

55-59 points

ALL but two elements present
1. Search topic(s) and terms

2. Includes database(s) used for
search and links to PICOT
3. Explains process of refining
search to locate evidence.
4. Identifies and defends the
choice of the two most
relevant articles to provide
guidance for your next paper
and the group’s work.

49-54 points

Three or more elements missing
1. Search topic(s) and terms

2. Includes database(s) used for
search and links to PICOT
3. Explains process of refining
search to locate evidence.
4. Identifies and defends the
choice of the two most
relevant articles to provide
guidance for your next paper
and the group’s work.

0–48 points

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR449 Evidence-Based Practice

NR449 RUA Topic Search Strategy x Revised 07/25/2016 4

30 p


1. Grammar and mechanics are
free of errors.

2. Headings are free of errors
and include all of the

a. Clinical Question
b. Level of

c. Search Strategy
d. Conclusion

3. APA format is used
without errors.

4. Total length: Three to four
pages, excluding references
and title page.

28–30 points

1. Grammar and mechanics
have no more than one
type of error.

2. Headings are free of
errors and include three
of the following.

a. Clinical Question
b. Level of Evidence
c. Search Strategy

d. Conclusion
3. APA format is used
without errors.

4. Total length: Three to four
pages, excluding
references and title page.

26–27 points

1. Grammar and mechanics
have no more than two types
of errors.

2. Headings are free of
errors and include two of
the following.
a. Clinical Question
b. Level of

c. Search Strategy
d. Conclusion
3. APA format is used
without errors.

4. Total length: less than three
or more than four pages,
excluding references and
title page.

23–25 points

1. Grammar and mechanics have
three or more types of errors.

2. Headings have errors, are
missing, or include just one of
the following.

a. Clinical Question
b. Level of Evidence
c. Search Strategy

d. Conclusion
3. APA format is used

without errors.
4. Total length: less than three

or more than four pages,
excluding references and title

0–22 points

Total Points Possible = 160 points

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