You will submit a Word document with the following information:

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1. What grade is this for and subject (a specific grade, not a grade range)? “Prefer 4th Grade”

2. What TEKS are you trying to cover for this lesson plan?

3. What is the lesson topic for the context and language objective you are preparing (what will they have been taught prior, and what will they be taught after)?

4. What is the task of the learners? Provide details on the assignment/activity associated with the content and language objective.

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5. In the Lesson Plan Example you will find ALL the instructions to create the lesson plan in detail.


Review Example for instruction




Central Theme:

Higher Order Thinking Skills Cognitive, Metacognitive, Linguistic):

Lesson Topic:

Content Objective:

Language Objective:

Key Vocabulary:

Supplemental material

Meaningful material:

Multimedia and material:

Warm-up Activity:

Building Background knowledge:

Introduction Lesson:

Guided Practice:



Review and Assessments:

Extension and Resources:

Content Objective:

Language Objective

Writing Lesson
4.3B Summarize the significant contributions of individuals such as Texians William B. Travis, James
Bowie, David Crockett, George Childress, and Sidney Sherman; Tejanos Juan Antonio Padilla, Carlos
Espalier, Juan N. Seguín, Plácido Benavides, and José Francisco Ruiz; Mexicans Antonio López de Santa
Anna and Vicente Filisola; and non-combatants Susanna Dickinson and Enrique Esparza.
4.21B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships,
comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions,
and drawing inferences and conclusions.
4.22D Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines,
and bibliographies.

Central Theme: People impact change

Higher Order Thinking Skills: Cognitive using graphic organizers. Metacognitive: compare and contract

Lesson Topic: Historical Figures and Contributions

Content Objective: I will create a written visual journal entry that depicts a historical figures
contribution Texas’ independence.

Language Objective: I will write a journal entry from the point of view of a historical figure that played
an important role in Texas’ history.

Key Vocabulary: Independence, battle, revolution, conflict, victory, contribution, differences,
Supplemental material: The students will be using a computer or iPad to read brief biographies and
contributions articles online.

Meaningful material: Writing prompt, Shared reading Newsela article, graphic organizer, video, and
tablets/laptops to view the online article.

The Texas Revolution

Multimedia and material:



The Texas Revolution




Warm-up Activity:
Display the following images on the board. Provide students with a few minutes to analyze and write
down what they notice from the images. Then, Have the students share what they wrote with a

Building Background knowledge:
Students will discuss about what factors lead to conflict and battles. Teacher will use the following
sentences stem to help students engage in conversations before sharing with whole group.

From my understanding, I can say that conflict and battle are consequences of____________

Introduction Lesson:
After the warm up activity, have students watch a quick clip about the Texas revolution. The video is
brief and serves as review about the Texas Revolution. By this point in the unit, students have had
previous exposure to the events that lead to the revolution, as well as battles that took place.
After the clip, have students turn to their groups and discuss how an individual can contribute or
influence conflict.

Provide the following sentences frame for students at the beginning proficiency level in English: The
way a person can influence conflict is by_________. For example, _______.

Students at advanced or advanced high proficiency levels can begin the groups conversation by
modeling their thinking for beginners and intermediate students.

Guided Practice: The teacher will begin by reading todays objective with the students:

LO: I will write a journal entry from the point of view of a historical figure that played an important
role in Texas’ history.

The teacher will then take the information discussed in the video to brainstorm ways in which a
historical figure contributed to Texas’ revolution. For example, take Sam Houston. Based on the video,
fill in a web graphic organizer to help with the brainstorming. In the middle, the teacher would fill in
Sam Houston’s name and in the surrounding boxes, the teacher would include relevant details that


were read or viewed in a video.

The teacher will then take the web’s information about contributions and will generate a quick journal
entry from the point of view of Sam Houston. The goal is to get students to think outside the box with
this activity. What would be going through a historical figure’s head during this period? What type of
information would they write in the journal? How would they depict the events that have lead to the

To help build back ground knowledge, partner students up (beginners with an advanced high and
intermediates with advanced) Students will pick a historical figure from the following list and will then
follow the link to read about the figure: General Santa Ana, Sam Houston, David Crockett, and Stephen
F. Austin. As students are reading, they will gather information about the historical figure they chose.
The information will be written down on the web. The students should keep the following questions
present while reading. These same questions will guide them in the diary entree. What would be going
through a historical figure’s head during this period? What type of information would they write in the
journal? How would they depict the events that have lead to the revolution?


The Texas Revolution

Independent: Students will take their researched information about the historical figure and will create
a brief journal entry. The students will place themselves in the shoes of the figure and narrate the events
that lead to the revolution and how the person contributed during this revolution. Provide the students


The Texas Revolution

in the beginning stages with the following sentence stems to get the journal entry going:

Today, I encountered__________. This is important because_____________. What I think about this
war_______, because_____.

Closing: Bring students back to share their diary entries with a classmate. Students can read oof of their

As whole group, to check for understanding, ask the students the following questions: What is on
important contribution your historical figure had during the Texas Revolution?

Review and Assessments:

As an exit ticket ask students to answer the following questions on a sticky note:

Did the contributions your historical figure had changed the outcome of the war? In what ways? What
would have happened if the figure didn’t exist, would the outcome of the war still be the same?
Word Bank: Independence, battle, revolution, conflict, victory, contribution, differences, annexation

Extension and Resources:
Students will analyze the timeline and will choose one event that they believe played a very important
role in the outcome of the Texas Revolution. Students will then write a quick response with a what if
the event never occurred. How would this event change the outcome of the battles?


Content and Language Objective:
Content Objective: I will create a written visual journal entry that depicts a historical figures
contribution Texas’ independence.

Language Objective: I will write a journal entry from the point of view of a historical figure that played
an important role in Texas’ history.


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