This Thing Called Science Discussion 1


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Part of the difficulties in social science research is that there has been a good deal of debate over what even constitutes good research methodology let alone what does that research tell us.  Although the academy has largely adopted a broad perspective on what constitutes valid research, you as a researcher need to understand all the methodologies so you understand the underlying assumptions and paradigms that may exist in any researcher’s report you may read.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Distinguish the important aspects of the three research methodologies.



  • Arbnor and Bjerke: Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge 3rd Edition 


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Background Information

As you begin your journey into doctoral-level research, it is important to understand your preferred research style.  This style will likely be the easiest for you to do; however, different problems require different approaches.  You can learn other approaches, but it is best to master your preferred style before you begin on other styles.

Arbnor and Bjerke discuss three methodological approaches to research and align each of these with at least two social science paradigms, for a total of six.  These six paradigms are:

  • Analytic

    Reality as concrete and conformable to law, a structure that is independent of the observer
    Reality as a concrete determining process 

  • Systems

    Reality as mutually dependent fields of information
    Reality as a world of symbolic discourse

  • Actor’s

    Reality as a social construction
    Reality as a manifestation of human intentionality



  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Prepare a discussion posting of at least 500 words that answers the following questions:

    Which of the six social science paradigms most closely matches your preferred research “style?”
    Does your research approach “bleed” into more than one? What makes you think so?
    Which business research methodology presented by Arbnor and Bjerke most closely matches your preferred research approach?
    Do your research background assumptions and beliefs overlap more than one? Explain.

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