This is 2 separate assignments . I need one in 1 week and the other by October 30

Running head: SHORTENED TITLE 1

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Full Title of Annotated Bibliography (based upon your research topic)

Student’s Full Name

Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.

Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.

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Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.
Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.
Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.
Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.
Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.
Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.
Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.
Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.

  • Annotated Bibliography Assignment
  • Topic Selection
    The first step is to select the topic that you will be researching this entire term. This Thinking

    assignment is tied directly to your Term Paper.

    NOTE: Books and Websites of any kind are not allowed for this class.

     schizophrenia spectrum disorder

     bipolar I disorder

     Bipolar II disorder

     major depressive disorder

     separation anxiety disorder

     specific phobia

     panic disorder

     hording disorder

     reactive attachment disorder

     post-traumatic stress disorder

     pica in children

     pica in adults

     anorexia nervosa

     bulimia nervosa

     erectile disorder

     female orgasmic disorder

     intermittent explosive disorder

     alcohol-related disorders

     opioid-related disorders

     cluster A personality disorders (you must pick one: paranoid personality, schizoid

    personality, schizotypal personality)

    Scholarly Journal Article Selection
    1. Locate a minimum of 5 Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal Articles in GALILEO

    2. Each Article must be resent research (no more than 10 years old)

    3. Read the entire article

    What is an annotation?
    An annotation is more than just a brief summary of an article, book, Web site or other type of

    publication. An annotation should give enough information to make a reader decide whether

    to read the complete work. In other words, if the reader were exploring the same topic as

    you, is this material useful and if so, why?

    How is an annotation different from an abstract?
    While an abstract also summarizes an article, book, Web site or other type of publication, it is

    purely descriptive. Although annotations can be descriptive, they also include distinctive

    features about an item. Annotations can be evaluative and critical as we will see when we

    look at the two major types of annotations.

    Your Assignment
    An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources (like a reference list). It differs from a

    straightforward bibliography in that each reference is followed by a paragraph length

    annotation, usually 100–200 words in length.

    You will prepare an annotated bibliography on a topic of your own choosing — this topic must

    be related to your term paper. You will need a minimum of 5 scholarly peer revwied sources

    for this assignment (you may use more, but you only need 5 to fulfill the assignment


    How do you write an annotated bibliography?

    The four components of an annotated bibliographic entry are as follows:

     An APA style reference citation of Scholarly (peer reviewed) Journal Articles

    See the Purdue OWL for formatting issues for the Reference List. In particular

    pay attention to the Reference List: Basic Rules and the

    Reference List: Author/Authors sections. NOTE: There is no specific

    information on Purdue OWL for an Annotated Bibliography Assignment.

     In Block style aligned on the left margin provide a short paragraph of 100–200 words (3

    or 4 sentences) that describes or summarizes the source:

    It describes why the source is useful for researching a particular topic or

    question, its distinctive features.

    It describes the author’s main arguments and conclusions without evaluating

    what the author says or concludes.

    It examines the strengths and weaknesses of what is presented as well as

    describing the applicability of the author’s conclusions to the research being


     A short statement about the usefulness of the article:

    What was the most important concept or idea that you took away from the

    article about your research topic that you will include in your paper.

    Your assessment of the article’s usefulness to your research goals.

     Finally, press the enter key twice before you start your next citation.


    Starr, P.D. & Roberts, A.E. (1982). Attitudes toward new Americans: Perceptions of Indo-

    Chinese in nine cities. Research in Race and Ethnic Relations, 3, 165-186.

    The authors discuss some of the sociological and historical factors that have influenced

    American attitudes and official policy toward Asian immigrants in the past and that continue to

    influence current opinion. Contemporary attitudes toward Indo-Chinese (IC) expressed by local

    residents in nine cities in California, Alabama, Louisiana, and Florida were examined. Seven

    hundred and forty five questionnaires were returned by respondents. The authors describe how

    the respondents’ points of view were influenced by different background characteristics and their

    experiences with IC people. The results show less overt racism than has been found in previous

    studies, but great receptivity to the IC people was not found in the present study. Only a small

    proportion of the respondents regarded the IC people as undesirable, but many thought that they

    affected the community negatively.

    I found it interesting that persons of higher education or with jobs of higher status tended to be

    more positive in their views of the IC people, while political conservatives expressed more

    negative attitudes.

      Annotated Bibliography Assignment
      Topic Selection
      Scholarly Journal Article Selection
      What is an annotation?
      How is an annotation different from an abstract?
      Your Assignment
      How do you write an annotated bibliography?

    PYSC1101 Page 1 of 3

    Term Paper Grading Rubric

    Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Almost Meets Expectations Doesn’t Meet Expectations

    Title Page 5 Points
    Includes title, author’s name,
    college’s name, Page #, running
    head/header, and contains no

    3.3 Points
    Missing or errors with one of the
    following: title, author’s name,
    college’s name, Page #, running

    1.65 Points
    Missing or errors with two to
    three of the following: title,
    author’s name, college’s name,
    Page #, running head/header.

    0 Points
    Missing or errors with four or
    more of the following: title,
    author’s name, college’s name,
    Page #, running head/header.

    Abstract Page 5 Points

    Formatted in correct APA style.

    On the first line of the abstract
    page, center the word “Abstract”
    (no bold, formatting, italics,
    underlining, or quotation marks).

    Beginning with the next line, there
    is a concise summary of the key
    points of the research. (Do not
    indent.) The abstract contains the
    research topic, finding from the
    literature (Scholarly Journal
    Articles), overview of the symptoms
    of the disorder researched, and
    conclusions. The abstract is a single
    paragraph double-spaced consisting
    of between 150 and 250 words.

    3.3 Points
    One error with the following:

    Formatted in correct APA style.
    On the first line of the abstract
    page, center the word “Abstract”
    (no bold, formatting, italics,
    underlining, or quotation marks).

    Beginning with the next line,
    there is a concise summary of
    the key points of the research.
    (Do not indent.) The abstract
    contains the research topic,
    finding from the literature
    (Scholarly Journal Articles),
    overview of the symptoms of the
    disorder researched, and
    conclusions. The abstract is a
    single paragraph double-spaced
    consisting of between 150 and
    250 words.

    1.65 Points
    Two to three errors with the

    Formatted in correct APA style.

    On the first line of the abstract
    page, center the word
    “Abstract” (no bold, formatting,
    italics, underlining, or quotation

    Beginning with the next line,
    there is a concise summary of
    the key points of the research.
    (Do not indent.) The abstract
    contains the research topic,
    finding from the literature
    (Scholarly Journal Articles),
    overview of the symptoms of
    the disorder researched, and
    conclusions. The abstract is a
    single paragraph double-spaced
    consisting of between 150 and
    250 words.

    0 Points
    Four or more errors with the

    Formatted in correct APA style.
    On the first line of the abstract
    page, center the word
    “Abstract” (no bold, formatting,
    italics, underlining, or quotation
    Beginning with the next line,
    there is a concise summary of
    the key points of the research.
    (Do not indent.) The abstract
    contains the research topic,
    finding from the literature
    (Scholarly Journal Articles),
    overview of the symptoms of the
    disorder researched, and
    conclusions. The abstract is a
    single paragraph double-spaced
    consisting of between 150 and
    250 words.

    PYSC 1101 Page 2 of 3

    Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Almost Meets Expectations Doesn’t Meet Expectations


    50 Points
    Content is accurate, includes
    specific information about the topic
    such as definition, statistics,
    variables, impact on personality or
    relationship, etc.

    Includes specific information about
    different perspectives such as
    biological, developmental,
    social/cultural, etc., Correctly
    incorporates reference material to
    support details.

    Turn It In score reflects originality
    of written content.

    33 Points
    One error with the following:
    Content is accurate, includes
    specific information about the
    topic such as definition,
    statistics, variables, impact on
    personality or relationship, etc.

    Includes specific information
    about different perspectives
    such as biological,
    developmental, social/cultural,
    etc., Correctly incorporates
    reference material to support

    Turn It In score reflects
    originality of written content.

    16.66 Points
    Two to three errors with the

    Content is accurate, includes
    specific information about the
    topic such as definition,
    statistics, variables, impact on
    personality or relationship, etc.

    Includes specific information
    about different perspectives
    such as biological,
    developmental, social/cultural,
    etc., Correctly incorporates
    reference material to support

    Turn It In score reflects
    originality of written content.

    0 Points
    Four or more errors with the

    Content is accurate, includes
    specific information about the
    topic such as definition,
    statistics, variables, impact on
    personality or relationship, etc.

    Includes specific information
    about different perspectives
    such as biological,
    developmental, social/cultural,
    etc., Correctly incorporates
    reference material to support
    Turn It In score reflects
    originality of written content.


    10 Points
    Paper flows in logical order. No
    errors in grammar, punctuation,
    capitalization, sentence structure or

    6.6 Points
    Paper flows in somewhat logical

    One to three errors in grammar,
    punctuation, capitalization,
    sentence structure or spelling.

    3.3 Points
    Major issues with paper flowing

    Four to five errors in grammar,
    punctuation, capitalization,
    sentence structure or spelling.

    0 Points
    Paper flows in illogical order Six
    or more errors in grammar,
    punctuation, capitalization,
    sentence structure or spelling.


    15 Points
    Each page contains header and
    page number, All pages are double
    spaced, One inch margins, 12-point
    Times New Roman font, In-text
    citations are present and accurate.

    10 Points
    One error in the following: Each
    page contains header and page
    number, All pages are double
    spaced, One inch margins, 12
    point Times New Roman font, In-
    text citations are present and

    4.95 Points
    Two to three errors with the
    following: Each page contains
    header and page number, All
    pages are double spaced, One
    inch margins, 12-point Times
    New Roman font, In-text
    citations are present and

    0 Points
    Four or more errors with the
    following: Each page contains
    header and page number, All
    pages are double spaced, One
    inch margins, 12-point Times
    New Roman font, In-text
    citations are present and

    PYSC 1101 Page 3 of 3

    Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Almost Meets Expectations Doesn’t Meet Expectations


    15 Points
    Five scholarly sources included and
    are formatted according to APA, are
    in alphabetical order by primary
    author’s last name and/or
    organization, is formatted with
    hanging indent.

    10 Points
    One error with the following:
    Five scholarly sources included
    and are formatted according to
    APA, are in alphabetical order by
    primary author’s last name
    and/or organization, is
    formatted with hanging indent.

    4.95 Points
    Two to three errors with the
    Five scholarly sources included
    and are formatted according to
    APA, are in alphabetical order
    by primary author’s last name
    and/or organization, is
    formatted with hanging indent.

    0 Points
    Four or more errors with the
    Five scholarly sources included
    and are formatted according to
    APA, are in alphabetical order by
    primary author’s last name
    and/or organization, is
    formatted with hanging indent.

    Running head: SHORTENED TITLE 1


    Full Title of Annotated Bibliography (based upon your research topic)

    Student’s Full Name

    West Georgia Technical College

    Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.

    Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.

    Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.
    Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.
    Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.
    Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.
    Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.
    Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.
    Author Last Name, First Initial. (publication year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume Number, first page – last page.
    Each of your references are followed by a paragraph length annotation, usually 100–200 words in length. An annotation is basically a summary of what you learned from the article. Please review the Directions you were given by your instructor as to what information should be included in your annotation.

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