The Nature of Fraud Case Analysis


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See the “Madoff Securities” case for this question.





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Provide a narrated power point with answers to these questions:

  1. Research recent developments involving this case. Summarize these developments in a bullet format. There are two news summaries in order to get you started
  2. Suppose that a large investment firm had approximately 10 percent of its total assets invested in funds managed by Madoff Securities. What audit procedures should the investment firm’s independent auditors have applied to those assets?
  3. Professional auditing standards discuss the three key “conditions” that are typically present when a financial fraud occurs and identify a lengthy list of “fraud risk factors.” Briefly explain the difference between a fraud “condition” and a “fraud risk factor” and provide examples of each. What fraud conditions and fraud risk factors were apparently present in the Madoff case?
  4. In addition to the reforms mentioned in this case, recommend other financial reporting and auditing-related reforms that would likely be effective in preventing or detecting frauds similar to that perpetrated by Madoff.

Acct 573 Week 1 Case Analysis

Recent Developments
Summarized recent developments in a bullet format.

0.0 pts

No Recent Developments
Did not summarize recent developments in a bullet format.

12.5 pts

12.5 pts

12.5 pts

12.5 pts

Acct 573 Week 1 Case Analysis




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecent Developments

Research recent developments involving this case. Summarize these developments in a bullet format. There are two news summaries in order to get you started

12.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAudit Procedures

Suppose that a large investment firm had approximately 10 percent of its total assets invested in funds managed by Madoff Securities. What audit procedures should the investment firm’s independent auditors have applied to those assets?

12.5 pts

Full Marks
Provided the audit procedures which the investment firm’s independent auditors should have applied to those assets invested in funds managed by Madoff Securities.

0.0 pts

No Audit Procedures Provided
Did not provide the audit procedures which the investment firm’s independent auditors should have applied to those assets invested in funds managed by Madoff Securities.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFraud Conditions and Fraud Risk Factors

Professional auditing standards discuss the three key “conditions” that are typically present when a financial fraud occurs and identify a lengthy list of “fraud risk factors.” Briefly explain the difference between a fraud “condition” and a “fraud risk factor” and provide examples of each. What fraud conditions and fraud risk factors were apparently present in the Madoff case?

12.5 pts

Full Marks
1. Explained the difference between a fraud “condition” and a “fraud risk factor” and provided examples of each. 2. Provided the fraud conditions and fraud risk factors which were apparently present in the Madoff case.

6.5 pts

Explained the Difference
Explained the difference between a fraud “condition” and a “fraud risk factor” and provided examples of each.

6.5 pts

Fraud Conditions and Fraud Risks
Provided the fraud conditions and fraud risk factors which were apparently present in the Madoff case.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOther Fraud Prevention and Detection

In addition to the reforms mentioned in this case, recommend other financial reporting and auditing-related reforms that would likely be effective in preventing or detecting frauds similar to that perpetrated by Madoff.

12.5 pts

Recommended Other Financial and Auditing-Related Reforms
In addition to the reforms mentioned in this case, recommended other financial reporting and auditing-related reforms that would likely be effective in preventing or detecting frauds similar to that perpetrated by Madoff.

6.5 pts

Recommended Other Financial and Auditing-Related Reforms to Detect Fraud
In addition to the reforms mentioned in this case, recommended other financial reporting and auditing-related reforms that would likely be effective in detecting frauds similar to that perpetrated by Madoff.

6.5 pts

Recommended Other Financial and Auditing-Related Reforms to Prevent Fraud
In addition to the reforms mentioned in this case, recommended other financial reporting and auditing-related reforms that would likely be effective in preventing frauds similar to that perpetrated by Madoff.

Total Points: 50.0

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