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A. R

1) When thinking about sensory development, most people will focus on the five Aristotelian senses of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. There are two other primary senses that are often overlooked, vestibular and proprioception (Niklasson, Niklasson, & Norlander, 2010). The vestibular sense relates to balance and a body’s movement in space. This sense uses in the inner ear to judge how the body is positioned and maintain equilibrium. Proprioception involves the body’s ability to tell where it is in the environment and how the body is moving (Niklasson, Niklasson, & Norlander, 2010). These senses directly impact how a person will move through the world around them. A deficit in any sense can have an impact on a person’s development. An infant who is born with hearing loss, can experience delays in language development. A child who experiences vision deficits can have delays in gross motor development. Hearing loss will also impact the vestibular senses, and vision loss will effect proprioception (Niklasson, Niklasson, & Norlander, 2010). All the senses are related and impacted by deficits. At times, other senses will become more sensitive to compensate, while in other cases the deficit will also cause a delay in another sense.

Humans begin to develop their senses while still in utero. The sense of sound develops at around twenty weeks, and sight develops near twenty-eight weeks gestation (Mossler & Ziegler, 2016). While it is difficult to judge precisely when the remaining Aristotelian senses develop, many studies have shown that newborns can differentiate between smells, touches, and tastes within hours of being born (Mossler & Ziegler, 2016). All of the senses provide the brain with information on how to process and interact with the world. Sight and sound help to alert people to dangers, enjoy television or movies, make a phone call to family. Taste and smell let a person know when food has spoiled, or if there is a dangerous animal nearby. Touch and positive physical stimuli can lead to healthy attachments later in life (Mossler & Ziegler, 2016). When an infant is held, and their needs are met, that baby will grow into a child who knows that the world is a safe place. If an infant is left to cry alone, they will develop believing that the world does not care about them, that their needs do not matter. When a child is held and comforted, they grow up knowing that people are safe. The opposite is true when those hands are used to harm.

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The most important thing to remember when preparing to bring a baby home is that a person cannot spoil a baby by holding it too much. Babies are incapable of meeting their own needs, they are utterly dependent upon their caregivers, and the only way they can communicate those needs is through crying (Windsor, Woods, Kaiser, Snyder & Salisbury, 2019). It is critical for healthy development that caregivers meet the needs of the infants and children in their care. There have been studies done on babies in orphanages who are not held and allowed to cry more. These studies have shown that babies learn to stop crying because they do not get their needs met (Mossler & Ziegler, 2016). These babies grow up believing that the world will not meet their needs, so they can only depend on themselves. When a baby cries, it should be held, soothed, and have its needs tended too.

Exposing the baby to differing situations, and people will also help with healthy development. If children do not experience new places or people, a sense of fear can develop (Windsor et al., 2019). Allowing babies to spend time with various safe people helps the infant learn people are safe, and that other people will support them outside of the parents. Taking the child out in public, to the store, the park, the library allows the baby to learn new sights, sounds, and smells. These experiences help the child to learn that they can be safe in different environments.


Mossler, R.A. & Ziegler, M. (2016) Understanding Development: A Lifespan Perspective. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


2) Discuss how the various sensory systems develop and how sensory development impacts a child’s perception of the world.

When thinking about the sensory systems we think about what it is about in a sense. To me, it is a part of the nervous system that processes information that is sensory. There are between five to seven sensory but the main ones are sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch, vestibular, and proprioception. These are very important to us as individuals and children. In our textbook it states; “Sensation is the activation of nerves by certain stimuli, and perception is the interpretation of the stimuli through the senses. Visual, auditory, olfactory, and other sensations are already well developed and can be interpreted in 1-month-old infants, but since infants cannot verbally communicate like adults, the most common method of testing what infants can perceive is through the process of habituation”. (Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2016) Ch. 5.5 para. 1). With children and the way, they start to develop early and will notice the different changes they are going through like different types of smells or tastes that may be good or bad. “Taste and smell are intertwined and contribute to our enjoyment of life by, among other things, stimulating our desire to eat. Taste and smell also provide warning signs of danger, such as tasting spoiled food or smelling smoke. Taste and smell receptors are two regenerative areas of the nervous system” (Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2016) Ch. 5.5 para. 1). “In the 1950s and 1960s, Dr. Ayres developed the theory of sensory integration, being taken over and developed by clinicians around the world. It is estimated that 5-10% of all children have sensory integration deficiencies (Ayres, J., 2007). Miller L, 2004, classifies sensory processing disorder in three main categories: sensory modulation disorder (hyperactive or hopiative), sensory disorder (difficult to distinguish between sensations), and motor-based sensory disorder (heavily conceals an action, plan as organization and movement of the body)”. (Anghel, M. (2019).

Explain in your post how you might suggest a parent adjusts the home environment and social situations to allow for the infant and young child’s system to develop.

In our society today we as parents play an amazing and wonderful role in our children’s lives today as it pertains to early childhood education. The first thing would do is start early by making sure the home is a loving, friendly environment, and safe. Make sure that the children are well protected, and that there is no arguing, disruptions, or loud and scary noises happening around the child at any time. With my kids, I made sure that I had the safety protection things around my home, and also within the outlets also. I would sing to my kids, and also had like the mobile things on their cribs so it will soothe them, and help them sleep. Doing this I suggest it helps the child feel at ease, relaxed and they know that they are loved and cared for, and also safe. I believe that I would also provide different types of nurturing things for the baby that will guide them, and talk, and read to them every day so that they can hear your voice and know that it is one of their parents talking and singing to them.


Anghel, M. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF SENSORY SYSTEMS IN MOTOR DEVELOPMENT TO THE PRESCHOOL CHILD. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov.Series IX, Sciences of Human Kinetics, 12(1), 189-194. doi:

Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2016). Understanding Development: A Lifespan Perspective. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc

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