The CEOs would like you to recommend a change strategy and process for Theresa and Mike to follow. Review the scenario for this course, revise Part 1 of the Key Assignment


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  • What change management model (such as Lewin’s, Kotter’s, or ADKAR) should be used, and why?
  • What are the set of steps used in the model you chose?
  • What can the CEO’ do to address resistance to change during the merger?
  • 700-1200 words

Scenario A Comment by Elena Chmil:

Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business.

Your meeting with the chief executive officers (CEOs) of UWEAR and PALEDENIM went well. In a discussion following the meeting, Theresa Tramlin, the CEO of UWEAR, mentioned that she would like you to spend some time in the field with her top sales representative to get a feel for what the salespeople face every day selling in the current business environment. Today, you are scheduled to spend the day with Joe Smith.

As you walk across the lobby of UWEAR, you see Theresa talking to a tall, distinguished-looking man. “This is Joe Smith,” Theresa introduces when you step up to them. “You’ll be spending some time with him today in the field.”
“Nice to meet you, Joe,” you respond, shaking Joe’s hand.
Theresa says goodbye and makes her way to the elevator while you and Joe head toward the parking garage. “We’re going to meet with a couple of clients today,” Joe explains. “First, we’ll have lunch with Bill Bateman, the CEO of the Peninsula Hotel chain. He’s a great guy and I’m sure you’ll enjoy meeting him.”
“Where are we meeting him for lunch?” I ask, getting into Joe’s car.
“Bill’s hotel, the Peninsula, has a great restaurant that I frequently use to meet clients,” Joe answers. “The food is outstanding. We’re going to meet him there to discuss the renewal of his uniform contract.”
As you continue the drive to the hotel, Joe elaborates on his business history with Bill. “I was able to win the contract for the Peninsula chain last year,” he explains. “We were just able to underbid our competitor, Threads4U. In fact, Bill said that I underbid them by about $5 per uniform. Great victory on my part.”
“It sounds like you’ve established a great working relationship with Bill,” you say.
“Oh, yeah,” Joe agrees. “He’s a great guy. The first time we met, I was on my way to buy a nice bottle of cabernet as a birthday gift for my wife. She loves the expensive wines. I happened to mention this to Bill, he said he orders it all the time and offered to give me some for free. I told him it wasn’t
necessary, but he insisted. When I got my car back from the valet, I found not just a bottle, but an entire case of high-end cabernet in my trunk.” Joe shakes his head, smiling. “But that’s just the kind of guy Bill is.”
“It sounds like it worked out for you and your wife,” you comment. “Did she enjoy her birthday gift?”
“Yes,” Joe says. “We both enjoyed it for quite some time. Well, here we are,” he adds, pulling up the Peninsula Hotel.
As you park and exit the car, Joe explains, “Since Bill and I have been doing business, he’s referred three other hotel owners to me to supply their uniforms. Except for when I’m meeting with one of his competitors, I usually conduct business meetings with clients here at the restaurant in Bill’s hotel.”
“It’s a beautiful hotel,” you comment as Joe leads you through the lobby, admiring the elegant décor. “No wonder you enjoy coming here. I wouldn’t mind bringing my family here for a weekend sometime.”
“Actually,” Joe says, “My wife and I have become really good friends with Bill and his wife. He often invites us out onto his yacht with his family, we go to social events with them, and we’ve stayed at the hotel several times. We really enjoy it. You should bring your family sometime, too. Kids love the pool with the waterfall.
You nod, following Joe into the hotel’s restaurant. After all you’ve heard about Bill, you are very interested in meeting him.

Scenario A Comment by Elena Chmil:

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Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business.

Your meeting with the chief executive officers (CEOs) of UWEAR and PALEDENIM went well. In a discussion following the meeting, Theresa Tramlin, the CEO of UWEAR, mentioned that she would like you to spend some time in the field with her top sales representative to get a feel for what the salespeople face every day selling in the current business environment. Today, you are scheduled to spend the day with Joe Smith.

As you walk across the lobby of UWEAR, you see Theresa talking to a tall, distinguished-looking man. “This is Joe Smith,” Theresa introduces when you step up to them. “You’ll be spending some time with him today in the field.”
“Nice to meet you, Joe,” you respond, shaking Joe’s hand.
Theresa says goodbye and makes her way to the elevator while you and Joe head toward the parking garage. “We’re going to meet with a couple of clients today,” Joe explains. “First, we’ll have lunch with Bill Bateman, the CEO of the Peninsula Hotel chain. He’s a great guy and I’m sure you’ll enjoy meeting him.”
“Where are we meeting him for lunch?” I ask, getting into Joe’s car.
“Bill’s hotel, the Peninsula, has a great restaurant that I frequently use to meet clients,” Joe answers. “The food is outstanding. We’re going to meet him there to discuss the renewal of his uniform contract.”
As you continue the drive to the hotel, Joe elaborates on his business history with Bill. “I was able to win the contract for the Peninsula chain last year,” he explains. “We were just able to underbid our competitor, Threads4U. In fact, Bill said that I underbid them by about $5 per uniform. Great victory on my part.”
“It sounds like you’ve established a great working relationship with Bill,” you say.
“Oh, yeah,” Joe agrees. “He’s a great guy. The first time we met, I was on my way to buy a nice bottle of cabernet as a birthday gift for my wife. She loves the expensive wines. I happened to mention this to Bill, he said he orders it all the time and offered to give me some for free. I told him it wasn’t
necessary, but he insisted. When I got my car back from the valet, I found not just a bottle, but an entire case of high-end cabernet in my trunk.” Joe shakes his head, smiling. “But that’s just the kind of guy Bill is.”
“It sounds like it worked out for you and your wife,” you comment. “Did she enjoy her birthday gift?”
“Yes,” Joe says. “We both enjoyed it for quite some time. Well, here we are,” he adds, pulling up the Peninsula Hotel.
As you park and exit the car, Joe explains, “Since Bill and I have been doing business, he’s referred three other hotel owners to me to supply their uniforms. Except for when I’m meeting with one of his competitors, I usually conduct business meetings with clients here at the restaurant in Bill’s hotel.”
“It’s a beautiful hotel,” you comment as Joe leads you through the lobby, admiring the elegant décor. “No wonder you enjoy coming here. I wouldn’t mind bringing my family here for a weekend sometime.”
“Actually,” Joe says, “My wife and I have become really good friends with Bill and his wife. He often invites us out onto his yacht with his family, we go to social events with them, and we’ve stayed at the hotel several times. We really enjoy it. You should bring your family sometime, too. Kids love the pool with the waterfall.
You nod, following Joe into the hotel’s restaurant. After all you’ve heard about Bill, you are very interested in meeting him.

UWEAR and PALEDENIM Merger Scenario

UWEAR and PALEDENIM Comment by Elena Chmil:

Will this work? What do we do next?

Those were just two of the questions that weighed on

Theresa Tramlin

’s mind as she walked with

Mike Miller

to yet another meeting. The merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM was underway, and things had become chaotic at the office during the past week as the management teams clashed over differing policies and procedures.

“I am glad that we decided to hire ALTAP Consulting for this project.” Theresa said as she joined Mike on the elevator, “Their experience will certainly be helpful as we try to move through this merger.”

Mike looked down, hesitated slightly, and then responded, “Yes…I think you’re right. I have some doubts about bringing in outsiders, but they might be able to offer a perspective that we lack. I just wonder what they can really offer since they don’t know our industry.”

“I can understand your hesitation, Mike, but I really think we’re making the best decision possible,” Theresa responded confidently as they exited the elevator and headed down the hall to the meeting. “The team has been under a lot of pressure the past couple of weeks trying to deal with this merger, and we need help. I don’t know if we can do it alone any longer.”

ALTAP Consulting

“Can you believe it?” asked Steve Maine as he barged into your office with a huge smile on his face. “We got the contract for the merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM.” Excitedly smacking the contract on your desk, he said, “This is huge for our company and a big opportunity for you!”

You were just promoted to the strategic manager position after spending your first 2 years as a strategic analyst. You work at a management and leadership consulting firm that specializes in corporate management training and solutions.

Maybe this will be your first real project to manage.

“I want this project, Steve,” you stated emphatically. “I’m ready for it, and I won’t let you down.”

“What makes you think you’re ready for a challenge like this so soon?” Steve raised his left eyebrow, glancing uncertainly in your direction. “This is a pretty high-profile project, and all eyes will be on you. Do you really think you’re prepared for this?”

Right now is your opportunity to win the job.

“I’ve had experience with projects like this before with my previous company, Steve. Do you remember the merger project I mentioned that I was in charge of for the two petroleum companies?”

“All right,” he responds, “if you think you’re ready, then I’m willing to put it in your hands. Let’s go over the company briefs because you need to prepare for a meeting next week with the CEOs of UWEAR and PALEDENIM.”

Company Name



New York City, NY


Publicly held


Theresa Tramlin

Number of Facilities

4 in the US
(1 manufacturing plant + 3 distribution centers)

Number of Employees


Company Description

UWEAR is an upscale uniform supply company that has been in business for over 40 years. They design, manufacture, and supply uniforms for hotels, restaurants, resorts, and cruise lines from around the world. UWEAR is recognized worldwide as the leading supplier of elegant durable uniforms.

Company Name




Number of Facilities

Number of Employees

Company Description


Cincinnati, OH

Privately held

Mike Miller

1 in the United States
(sales office and distribution center)


PALEDENIM supplies low cost denim and coveralls to the trades industry and their main customer base is located in the Midwestern United States. They have been in business for only 5 years but are gaining market share rapidly due to their entry-level pricing structure. They do not manufacture any of their products.

The Merger

After reviewing the company briefs, Steve began to discuss the merger. “The two companies have decided to combine their marketing, sales, strategic analysis, human resources, and leadership teams.”

This will be a challenging project.

“So, my primary responsibility is going to be solving problems and resolving conflicts within and between the companies,” you mention nonchalantly, as though this will be an easy task. “I will work with them and propose solutions that will benefit the merger and allow the companies to more easily transition through this period.”

“You seem to have a handle on what needs to be done for this project,” Steve nods as he heads out of your office. “I’ll be here to consult if you run into any issues.”

Scenario A Comment by Elena Chmil:

Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business.

Your meeting with the chief executive officers (CEOs) of UWEAR and PALEDENIM went well. In a discussion following the meeting, Theresa Tramlin, the CEO of UWEAR, mentioned that she would like you to spend some time in the field with her top sales representative to get a feel for what the salespeople face every day selling in the current business environment. Today, you are scheduled to spend the day with Joe Smith.

As you walk across the lobby of UWEAR, you see Theresa talking to a tall, distinguished-looking man. “This is Joe Smith,” Theresa introduces when you step up to them. “You’ll be spending some time with him today in the field.”
“Nice to meet you, Joe,” you respond, shaking Joe’s hand.
Theresa says goodbye and makes her way to the elevator while you and Joe head toward the parking garage. “We’re going to meet with a couple of clients today,” Joe explains. “First, we’ll have lunch with Bill Bateman, the CEO of the Peninsula Hotel chain. He’s a great guy and I’m sure you’ll enjoy meeting him.”
“Where are we meeting him for lunch?” I ask, getting into Joe’s car.
“Bill’s hotel, the Peninsula, has a great restaurant that I frequently use to meet clients,” Joe answers. “The food is outstanding. We’re going to meet him there to discuss the renewal of his uniform contract.”
As you continue the drive to the hotel, Joe elaborates on his business history with Bill. “I was able to win the contract for the Peninsula chain last year,” he explains. “We were just able to underbid our competitor, Threads4U. In fact, Bill said that I underbid them by about $5 per uniform. Great victory on my part.”
“It sounds like you’ve established a great working relationship with Bill,” you say.
“Oh, yeah,” Joe agrees. “He’s a great guy. The first time we met, I was on my way to buy a nice bottle of cabernet as a birthday gift for my wife. She loves the expensive wines. I happened to mention this to Bill, he said he orders it all the time and offered to give me some for free. I told him it wasn’t
necessary, but he insisted. When I got my car back from the valet, I found not just a bottle, but an entire case of high-end cabernet in my trunk.” Joe shakes his head, smiling. “But that’s just the kind of guy Bill is.”
“It sounds like it worked out for you and your wife,” you comment. “Did she enjoy her birthday gift?”
“Yes,” Joe says. “We both enjoyed it for quite some time. Well, here we are,” he adds, pulling up the Peninsula Hotel.
As you park and exit the car, Joe explains, “Since Bill and I have been doing business, he’s referred three other hotel owners to me to supply their uniforms. Except for when I’m meeting with one of his competitors, I usually conduct business meetings with clients here at the restaurant in Bill’s hotel.”
“It’s a beautiful hotel,” you comment as Joe leads you through the lobby, admiring the elegant décor. “No wonder you enjoy coming here. I wouldn’t mind bringing my family here for a weekend sometime.”
“Actually,” Joe says, “My wife and I have become really good friends with Bill and his wife. He often invites us out onto his yacht with his family, we go to social events with them, and we’ve stayed at the hotel several times. We really enjoy it. You should bring your family sometime, too. Kids love the pool with the waterfall.
You nod, following Joe into the hotel’s restaurant. After all you’ve heard about Bill, you are very interested in meeting him.

UWEAR and PALEDENIM Merger Scenario

UWEAR and PALEDENIM Comment by Elena Chmil:

Will this work? What do we do next?

Those were just two of the questions that weighed on

Theresa Tramlin

’s mind as she walked with

Mike Miller

to yet another meeting. The merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM was underway, and things had become chaotic at the office during the past week as the management teams clashed over differing policies and procedures.

“I am glad that we decided to hire ALTAP Consulting for this project.” Theresa said as she joined Mike on the elevator, “Their experience will certainly be helpful as we try to move through this merger.”

Mike looked down, hesitated slightly, and then responded, “Yes…I think you’re right. I have some doubts about bringing in outsiders, but they might be able to offer a perspective that we lack. I just wonder what they can really offer since they don’t know our industry.”

“I can understand your hesitation, Mike, but I really think we’re making the best decision possible,” Theresa responded confidently as they exited the elevator and headed down the hall to the meeting. “The team has been under a lot of pressure the past couple of weeks trying to deal with this merger, and we need help. I don’t know if we can do it alone any longer.”

ALTAP Consulting

“Can you believe it?” asked Steve Maine as he barged into your office with a huge smile on his face. “We got the contract for the merger between UWEAR and PALEDENIM.” Excitedly smacking the contract on your desk, he said, “This is huge for our company and a big opportunity for you!”

You were just promoted to the strategic manager position after spending your first 2 years as a strategic analyst. You work at a management and leadership consulting firm that specializes in corporate management training and solutions.

Maybe this will be your first real project to manage.

“I want this project, Steve,” you stated emphatically. “I’m ready for it, and I won’t let you down.”

“What makes you think you’re ready for a challenge like this so soon?” Steve raised his left eyebrow, glancing uncertainly in your direction. “This is a pretty high-profile project, and all eyes will be on you. Do you really think you’re prepared for this?”

Right now is your opportunity to win the job.

“I’ve had experience with projects like this before with my previous company, Steve. Do you remember the merger project I mentioned that I was in charge of for the two petroleum companies?”

“All right,” he responds, “if you think you’re ready, then I’m willing to put it in your hands. Let’s go over the company briefs because you need to prepare for a meeting next week with the CEOs of UWEAR and PALEDENIM.”

Company Name



New York City, NY


Publicly held


Theresa Tramlin

Number of Facilities

4 in the US
(1 manufacturing plant + 3 distribution centers)

Number of Employees


Company Description

UWEAR is an upscale uniform supply company that has been in business for over 40 years. They design, manufacture, and supply uniforms for hotels, restaurants, resorts, and cruise lines from around the world. UWEAR is recognized worldwide as the leading supplier of elegant durable uniforms.

Company Name




Number of Facilities

Number of Employees

Company Description


Cincinnati, OH

Privately held

Mike Miller

1 in the United States
(sales office and distribution center)


PALEDENIM supplies low cost denim and coveralls to the trades industry and their main customer base is located in the Midwestern United States. They have been in business for only 5 years but are gaining market share rapidly due to their entry-level pricing structure. They do not manufacture any of their products.

The Merger

After reviewing the company briefs, Steve began to discuss the merger. “The two companies have decided to combine their marketing, sales, strategic analysis, human resources, and leadership teams.”

This will be a challenging project.

“So, my primary responsibility is going to be solving problems and resolving conflicts within and between the companies,” you mention nonchalantly, as though this will be an easy task. “I will work with them and propose solutions that will benefit the merger and allow the companies to more easily transition through this period.”

“You seem to have a handle on what needs to be done for this project,” Steve nods as he heads out of your office. “I’ll be here to consult if you run into any issues.”

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