the assessment of the Channel Tunnel Project

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Executive Research Project


The Channel Tunnel
— A Case Study

Lieutenant Colonel
Leslie Allen Veditz

U.S. Air Force EIJ.C





Faculty Research Advisor

Mr. Francis W. A’Hearn



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The Industrial College of the Armed Forces
National Defense University

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The Channel Tunnel – A Case Study


Leslie A. Veditz
Lieutenant Colonel, USAF

23 April 1993

The Channel Tunnel is the largest privately financed engineering

project in history. Thirty-two miles in length, the tunnel

stretches beneath the English Channel from England to France.

When it becomes operational in December 1993, the Tunnel will be a

crucial link in the emerging European high-speed rail system.

However, the Channel Tunnel project itself has beset since its

inception by financial and technical woes, blown schedules, and

highly public battles between the Anglo-French company managing

the project – Eurotunnel – and its


This case study describes the history of the Channel Tunnel

project; from the earliest proposals for a fixed link across the

Channel in the early 1800s, to the genesis of the current project.

The paper examines the political pressures in Britain and France

that impacted the project and some of the major provisions of the

Channel Tunnel Treaty which govern it. The paper describes the

major competing proposals for the fixed link, the ultimate

selection of the Eurotunnel Company to build and operate the

Tunnel, the financing arrangements and engineering design of the

project, and the technical and financial difficulties that ensued.

Executive Research Project

The Channel Tunnel
— A Case Study —

Lieutenant Colonel
Leslie Allen Veditz

U.S. Air Force Accesion For


Faculty Research Advise rBY ………………………
Mr. Francis W. A’Hearn Distributionl

Availability Code,,

Avail andlor
Dist Special

The Industrial College of the Armed Forces
National Defense University
Fort McNair, Washington, D.C. 20319-6000


This research report represents the views of the author and does not necessarily
reflect the official opinion of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, the National
Defense University, or the Department of Defense.

This document is the property of the United States Government and is not to be
reproduced in whole or in part for distribution outside the federal executive branch
without permission of the Director of Research and Publications, Industrial College
of the Armed Forces, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C. 20319-6000.


The Channel Tunnel – or the Chunnel, as it is also known – is the

largest privately financed engineering project in history. (21:35)

Thirty-two miles in length, it stretches from Cheriton, Kent in

England to the town of Sangatte in the Nord Pas-de-Calais region

of France (Figure 1). At each terminal, it is connected to both

national highway and rail systems. When operational, the Tunnel

will allow rail passengers to zip between London and Paris in

3 1/2 hours, compared to the 12 hours it now takes by rail and

ferry. (23:A12) The Tunnel will be a crucial link in the emerging

high-speed rail system that will give Europe the finest transport

network in the world. A dramatic example of shrinking European

frontiers, the Tunnel symbolizes the on-going economic integration



The Channel Tunnel is actually three tunnels. There are two main

rail tunnels; Northbound and Southbound, between which is a

smaller diameter service tunnel (Figure 2). Cross passages

connect the main tunnels to the service tunnel, allowing access

for maintenance, evacuation of passengers, and supply of fresh

air. It has been said that while politics have been unfriendly to

the Tunnel and finances agonizing, geology has been kind. (22:16)

Most of the Tunnel bores through a 160 million year old layer of

impermeable chalk marl that runs in a continuous band all the way

from Britain to France. (17:101) This marl is soft enough to

scratch with a fingernail but holds together while the tunnel


Ashford Follmstone

I Passenger Shuttl
ts1/Tenuial Tenoall


Shakespeare \ HANNEL TUNNEL

shuttle 1
(21 :36)l

Cros pasagesconact he t~i’rnhes t

as~vdyflwIi drag.

Figure 2
(217 100)

Crospasage conpec th m#%rtubei t2

linings are pressed into place – an ideal medium. With 23.6 miles

of its 32 mile length under water, the Channel Tunnel is the

second longest undersea tunnel ever built. The honor for

longest tunnel goes to the Japanese, whose Seikan tunnel between

the islands of Hokkaido and Honshu is 33.6 miles long. (5:42)

Today, excavation of all three tunnels is complete. Still

remaining to be done is the laying of track and the installation

of power, signals, and other facilities. However, the opening of

the Channel Tunnel, originally scheduled for May 1993, has been

officially postponed to December 1993 and indications are that the

schedule may slip even further. (45:D3) The project has in fact

been beset since its inception in 1986 by financial and technical

woes, blown schedules, and highly public battles between the

Anglo-French company managing the project – Eurotunnel – and its



The story of this project goes back much further than 1986. One

could say the “concept evaluation” stage of the Chunnel began in

the early 1800s. One of the earliest proposals for a tunnel

linking France and England was presented by a French mining

engineer named Albert Mathieu to Napoleon in 1802. He proposed

the idea of twin tunnels for stagecoach travel, to be ventilated

by chimneys rising above the surface of the water. (21:77)

Mathieu’s proposal, never acted upon by Napoleon, is nevertheless


held to be the first in a long line of technically feasible (if

not fully specified) schemes for an underwater tunnel. The

present Eurotunnel project is said to be twenty-seventh in this

line. (31:3)

In the 1880s, tunneling actually began from the British and French

coasts. They had dug 2,000 yards out when the prospect of a

tunnel became uncomfortably real for the British. Arguments that

such a tunnel could provide an invasion route to England led to

the cancellation of the project. Over the next century, studies

were written, soundings taken, holes bored. What looked like a

sure thing in the 1970s fizzled out in 1975 when Harold Wilson’s

Labour government decided it could either afford a tunnel or the

Concorde, but not both. (21:77) This cancellation took place

after 10 years of study and 14 months of digging. (16:4) Finally,

in 1984 the governments of Britain and France decided to try

again. Having agreed to set some common safety and environmental

standards and to guarantee the project against political risks

such as war (6:21), Prime Minister Thatcher and President

Mitterrand threw open the project to bidders. Two years later, a

decision was made from among some ten major proposals and the

Channel Tunnel project was born. Before discussing the management

and financing of the project, it would be useful to step back for

a moment and examine the political environment in France and

Britain, out of which the Channel Tunnel emerged.



In 1955, Harold Macmillan, then British Minister of Defense, was

asked to what extent strategical objections still prevented the

construction of a road-rail tunnel under the Channel. Macmillan’s

response was “Scarcely at all.” (31:5) There ended 75 years of

official British opposition to a fixed link across the Channel on

the grounds of national security. The fact is that the defense

argument, never very plausible in the first place, served to

obscure the fact that the very idea of a fixed link to the

continent was troubling to many Britons. The English Channel had

served for centuries as a protector against foreign aggression –

and foreigners. Wrote one petitioner to Parliament, “I’ve put up

with being attached to Wales, but the thought of being attached to

the French is beyond belief.” (21:73) This merely echoed Lord

Palmerston’s reaction in 1858 to the suggestion that Britain

support the building of a tunnel: “What! You pretend to ask us to

contribute to a work the object of which is to shorten a distance

we find already too short?” (31:8)

Hence national identity and xenophobia had much to do with

England’s reluctance to build a fixed link across the Channel

through the mid-1900s. Since then, opposition in Britain to a

fixed link has come from a number of sources. In Kent, there was

little enthusiasm for such a project. Inhabitants of this rural

area feared the heavy traffic and ugly businesses that would

spring up along roads to the tunnel. Ferry and port interests,


anticipating the loss of revenue and jobs due to tunnel

competition, initially tried a ;-Kcious and xenophobic advertising

campaign to prevent the government from giving the Chunnel project

the go-ahead. However in recent years, cross-Channel traffic has

increased so much that, even with a severely reduced share of the

market, ferry companies now say that the Channel Tunnel is “a

challenge we can live with.” (39:10) Beyond Kent, a fixed link

was viewed as a good thing by business in general, and by the

construction industry in particular, which consistently lobbied

the government in its behalf. In the end, the Thatcher government

had much larger motives in supporting the project. A fixed link

was seen as a symbol and a means to further integrate Britain into

the expanding economy of the European Community. And in that era

of British privatization, the Channel Tunnel project offered a

highly visible means of proving the superior efficiency and

effectiveness of the private sector over the public sector.

On the French side of the Channel, the political environment was

quite different. Not only do the French have a long-standing

tradition of supporting large infrastructure projects, the Tunnel

itself meshes nicely with their already successful rapid train

system, Train a Grande Vitesse (TGV). The French also viewed tLe

project as a direct means to promote development in the

economically depressed Nord Pas-de-Calais region. This area, long

dependent on the declining coal, steel, and textile industries,

had lost more than 130,000 jobs between 1975 and 1984. At 14

percent, its unemployment rate was well above the national


average. (21:73) The City of Calais, initially fearful of the

possible loss of 5,000 port jobs, quickly turned around and began

to aggressively plan for future development. The Coquelles

terminal is planned to include a business park, conference and

hotel center, and warehouse depot. In addition, the French

government is pouring money into new roads and improved port

facilities. Hotel capacity in and around Calais has doubled in

the last two years (39:10) and it is estimated that inbound

businesses may spur a doubling of the population by 1998. (21:73)

Nowhere is the difference in political will between France and

Britain more pronounced than it is with regard to the construction

of railroad track for high speed trains from the coast to their

respective capitals. Whereas the French high speed trains will be

up and running soon after the Tunnel opens, equivalent service in

Britain may not be available until the end of century. Local

opposition and British government refusal to commit public funding

to build a high speed link means that trains will race along at

185 mph in France, slow to 80 mph in the tunnel, and crawl at 40

mph on the leg to London. (23:A12)


In this political context, we now turn to the genesis of the

current project. In the early 1980s, interest in a fixed link

across the Channel had again begun to surface. The Thatcher and

Mitterand governments danced around each other for a few years


over the issue of private versus public financing. The British

were fully committed to private funding, if not to the idea of the

fixed link itself. The French, fully committed to a fixed link

for almost every year of the previous century, were understandably

suspicious of the British, remembering the 1975 cancellation (of

which they had borne half the cost) and doubting the feasibility

of private finance.

By 1984, however, the two governments had come to an agreement and

jointly issued an Invitation to Promoters. The British had won

the financing issue – the successful bidder would have to raise

all financing from private sources without government aid or loan

guarantees. Four basic rules were laid down for bidders:

proposals had to be technically feasible, financially viable,

Anglo-French, and accompanied by an Environmental Impact

Assessment. (31:14) By October 1985, ten proposals had been

tendered by various consortia. Of these, there were four serious

contenders (Figure 3):

(1) Channel Tunnel Group/France-Manche (later to become

Eurotunnel): a double rail tunnel to accommodate both

through-trains and special car-and-truck-carrying shuttle

trains. Price: $5.5 billion


(2) EuroRoute: a bridge/tunnel scheme. Road bridges would

stretch out about 5 miles from the British and French coasts

to artificial islands, which would be connected by a 13-mile


long submerged tube tunnel. A separate, bored, twin-track

rail tunnel for through-trains, would be built later, in

stages. Price: $11.0-14.0 billion (6:37)

(3) Eurobridge: bridge scheme comprising a 21-mile motorway in an

enclosed tube suspended in 3-mile spans from 900 foot towers;

a rail link could be provided either on the bridge, or in a

small-diameter tunnel. Price: $11.5 billion (6:37)

(4) Channel Expressway: twin very large bored tunnels, containing

a two-lane expressway for motor vehicles and a train track.

Price: $2.9 billion (6:37)

Four Contenders for Link Between Btain aMd Fvance
Estimated cost. in billions of dollars

I.Channe[Exressway Channel Tunnel Group $5.5
eaotanrs I Consortium. including 10 Britisehce aryn

~~~~Drive-through roa! agtunnel and French companies anti banks. veica-anv~~n

ENGLAND __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

EuEurorute $11-O-S14.0 IEurobnidge Si11.5 Drive-through
“” lo-French consortium Consortium of British and French companies tube bridge

DoveBd r. Offshore islands


Figure 3


These proposals were evaluated over a two month period, at the end

of which the Channel Tunnel Group/France Manche SA (CTG/FM)

proposal was pronounced the winner. In many ways, the CTG/FM

proposal was a compromise solution. However, it was relatively

safe, in that it depended on proven technology, looked financially

viable, and was a clear extension of projects had been positively

appraised by official commissions in the 1960s and 1970s. (31:17)


The winning bidder, CTG/FM, was a private consortium of



and French construction companies and banks. It quickly reformed

itself as two holding companies, Eurotunnel PLC and Eurotunnel SA,

which were given the job of raising finance, and an umbrella

holding company, the Eurotunnel Group. The company was led by two

co-chairmen; Lord Pennock on the British side and Andr6 B~nard

on the French.

.• build the Tunnel, Eurotunnel contracted Transmanche Link (TML),

thereby generating a proper client-contractor relationship at the

heart of the project. TML is an Anglo-French joint venture

between Translink in Britain, and GIE Transmanche Construction in

France, these two groups in turn being joint ventures of the

construction companies originally brought together in CTG/FM.

Britain and France signed a draft treaty in February 1987. After

the successful passage of Channel Tunnel legislation in both


countries, the treaty was ratified in July. A concession

agreement was signed with Eurotunnel which provided for a

concessionary period of 55 years from the treaty date. At the end

of that period, Eurotunnel must hand over the fixed link in full

working order to the two states. Until that time however,

Eurotunnel has the sole right to operate the Channel Tunnel.

Because both governments support the eventual construction of a

drive-through road tunnel, the agreement stipulates that unless

Eurotunnel devises a drive-through option by 2010, the government

may open such a project to competitors after 2020. (31:17)

The Channel Tunnel Treaty specifically states that “The Channel

fixed link shall be financed without recourse to government funds

or to guarantees of a financial or commercial nature.” (31:30) In

return, Britain and France are prohibited from regulating prices

except in a situation of near- or actual monopoly. The agreement

also provides for certain minimum standards of service during

off-peak periods, and maximum delays in the busiest periods.

Finally, the treaty and concession agreement establish an

Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) to supervise fixed-link

security, safety, and environmental impact, and to assume

responsibility for it in exceptional circumstances.


To finance the Tunnel, Eurotunnel sought both equity and loan

capital, the latter being to some extent conditional on the


former. The initial equity interest of founder shareholders in

Eurotunnel became known as Equity I. (31:19) In October 1986,

Equity II, a private placement of E253 million in shares was

arranged. This initial test of investor interest in Eurotunnel

went smoothly in France but nearly failed in Britain. By February

1987, lackluster sales prompted several top management

resignations from the British side of Eurotunnel. Lord Pennock

was replaced by Alastair Morton, a merchant banker with a

reputation as a strong but abrasive leader. The British shares

were finally placed, but only after the Bank of England prodded

major banks and corporations to buy them. (12:D4) In November

1987, hot on the heels of the October stock market crash, Equity

III was launched. This was the main public share issue of £770

million. Difficulties were again experienced in Britain, but the

issue was eventually fully underwritten. (31:19)

Loan finance, in the initial form of a syndicated loan of £5

billion, was raised through a consortium of 206 banks world-wide

(of which few were British). An important clause in the 1987 loan

agreement stipulated that the project had to be fully financed to

completion. (20:51) This was to have significant impact later, as

subsequent cost overruns made it necessary for Eurotunnel to

increase both equity and loan capital beyond the combined £6

billion which had been raised by the end of 1987. A discussion of

these financial difficulties follows in the next section.


Eurotunnel’s operations and proposals are subject to considerable

external control. The Intergovernmental Commission is the main

oversight agency and under it are a number of subsidiary

commissions, such as the Safety Authority. The bank syndicate

also appointed technical watchdogs. In fact, in spite of the

large amount of regulatory machinery that has been built around

the Tunnel, real economic control is in the hands of the banking

syndicate. It is the banks which control finance at each stage,

by monitoring construction before allowing Eurotunnel to draw on

its agreed lines of finance. (31:154)


As mentioned earlier, Eurotunnel will be the sole operator of the

Tunnel until 2042. Three types of trains will use the Tunnel.

– Shuttle trains, owned and operated by Eurotunnel, will carry

trucks and cars through the tunnel, making the trip between

Folkestone and Coquelles in 35 minutes and exiting directly

onto local highways. Roughly 60 percent of Eurotunnel’s

revenues will come from this shuttle service, recently

christened “Le Shuttle.” (41:72)

– Passenger trains owned by British Rail and the national

railway of France, Soci~t& Nationale des Chemins de Fer

Frangaise (SNCF), will speed between London, Paris, and



– Long container trains, again owned by the railways, will

carry bulk freight between centers in Britain and main


Payments by British Rail and SNCF for the passengers and freight

carried through the tunnel (during the intervals between Le

Shuttle crossings) will provide the other 40 percent of

Eurotunnel’s revenues. (41:72) Freight and passenger trains using

the Channel Tunnel will stop at Fr~thun on the French side and

Ashford on the British side en route to more distant points

(Figure 1).

As a side note, incompatibility problems between the British and

continental railway systems made it necessary for British Rail and

SNCF to order special, Chunnel versions of the French high speed

train to operate between London, Paris, and Brussels. Continental

rolling stock is wider and higher than that of British Ra’l, which

would have led to problems with platforms and bridges. In

addition, Britain’s electric trains run on different voltages.

(24:66) Consequently, the new trains will run on three voltages,

picked up two different ways, and react to three different

signalling systems. These incompatibility problems have shelved

prospects of through-trains running straight from France to

British provincial cities, and of night sleepers to southern

Europe. (24:66)


It is expected that 10 million passengers and 16 million tons of

freight will pass through the Tunnel in its first year.

Eurotunnel estimates that by the year 2003, those numbers will

rise to 44 million passengers and 27 million tons of freight



Initially, 15 May 1993 was set as the Tunnel’s opening date, but

early construction delays – or as TML maintains, delays in

starting the project up – caused this to be put back by a month to

15 June 1993. Meanwhile real construction cost estimates rose

(in 1985 prices throughout) from around £2.3 billion in the 1985

submission, to £2.7 billion at the time of the Equity III

prospectus in November 1987, to nearly £3 billion a year later.

At the end of 1989, they were estimated by Eurotunnel at £4

billion, by TML at £4.2 billion, and by the banks’ technical

adviser at a possible £4.6 billion. Total financing costs,

including allowance for inflation, had been estimated at around

£4.8 billion in 1987, at £5.4 billion in 1988, and were thought by

the end of 1989 to be anything between £7.5 and £8 billion.

What was at the root of these cost increases? Large construction

projects in general are notorious for cost and schedule overruns

and the Channel Tunnel is no exception. Four major factors are

discussed below. (31:52,53)


First, in spite of the fact that government agencies on both sides

of the Channel had been examining fixed link schemes for decades,

when the decision was made in 1984 to open the project to bidders,

very little time was allowed for detailed design studies in

advance of construction. The schedule called for the Tunnel to be

open for operation in May 1993. This meant that the project was

to move from design consideration to completion in a mere 7 1/2

years. As a result, a number of design problems were not

identified at the start of the project and no provisions were made

for them in Eurotunnel’s initial cost estimates. This problem was

at the heart of the dispute over costs between Eurotunnel and TML

at the end of 1989. TML argued that the cost increases were

chiefly due to deficiencies in the initial design and cost

estimates. Eurotunnel maintained they were due to TML

inefficiencies in following a perfectly satisfactory design. The

independent monitor appointed to assess those early claims found

largely in favor of Eurotunnel, but the disputes continue to this


A further complication arose from public surveillance of the

project through the Intergovernmental Commission. Eurotunnel and

TML are required to submit designs to the IGC for authorization.

The original concession agreement contained merely a general

outline of the plan. The additional submissions fill in the

details. The IGC can reject any design on grounds of safety,

security, environmental acceptability, and so on. In practice,

under the pressure of time, the IGC has received a number of


design drafts during construction. This led to a series of

piecemeal approvals on some elements of the project, which made

ultimate rejection more difficult. (31:153).

Second, the original promoters (CTG/FM) of the Channel Tunnel

project were construction companies and banks which sought their

main return from construction of the Tunnel, rather from its

operation. Although Eurotunnel acted quickly to distance itself

from this core group of founder shareholders, it nevertheless let

a single contract for the design and construction of the Tunnel to

its founder shareholders in the new guise of TML. The young

Eurotunnel was at a distinct disadvantage in negotiating with

these experienced contractors. A better approach might have been

for Eurotunnel to let a series of contracts for separate sections

of the work.

A third source of cost escalation for the Tunnel is one that is

common to nearly all acquisitions. That is the competitive

pressure that prompts bidders to cut their cost estimates to the

bone in order to make a successful bid. Knowing that they were to

be judged on financial viability, the competing consortia tended

to minimize their margins. Later on, the cost increases were

blamed on delays from the parliamentary process which authorized

the project and the early financing difficulties.

Fourth, an imbalance in the client-contractor relationship is

generated by the fact that there comes a point in any large


construction project when the cost of schedule overruns (in the

form of lost revenues) is more damaging than direct cost

increases. In other words, since Eurotunnel cannot earn a cent on

its investment until the Tunnel is operational, it is apt to find

schedule delays more damaging than cost overruns. This put a real

weapon in the hands of the contractors.


The covenant in the 1987 loan agreement stipulating that the

project be fully financed had been br ken since July 1989. The

banks had been waiving the clause to allow digging to continue,

but in January 1990, a crisis point was reached. By suggesting

that even TML’s latest figure of £8 billion for cost to completion

was too low, the bank’s independent technical adviser put the

entire project in doubt. In order to restore the bank syndicate’s

confidence, Eurotunnel was forced to revise its contract with TML

and seek additional equity and loan capital. As part of the

revised contractual agreement, Alastair Morton (who had been

riding TML hard on costs) was demoted to chief executive under

Andr& B~nard, who became sole chairman.

In the revised agreement, the total construction cost was put at

£4.2 billion, and total financing cost to completion at £7.6

billion. To maintain the desired funding margin, Eurotunnel was

required to raise an extra £2.7 billion in capital, of which £2.1

billion would come from loans, and the remainder from a new equity


issue. The refinancing operation was concluded in December 1990.


Agreement had been reached between Eurotunnel and TML on most, but

not all, cost disputes (some elements were referred to

arbitration). The new agreement not only greatly exceeded what

had previously been thought a maximum financing limit, it was

based on a lower Tunnel specification. Eurotunnel had to accept

lower speeds through the tunnel for trains and shuttles, open

rather than closed truck-shuttles, a less glamorous Tunnel portal

on the French side, and so on. (31:54)

However by the end of 1990, a tunnel at last linked Britain and

France. A pilot tunnel, only inches wide at its narrowest point,

had broken through in October; the two ends just 18 inches out

after boring blind for 24 miles. (22:16) On 1 December, tunnelers

successfully broke through in the service tunnel. The project at

the end of 1990 looked both financially and technically assured.

This happy state of affairs did not last long.


During 1991, the tunneling operation moved along smoothly. The

Northbound main tunnel was linked in May and the Southbound tunnel

in June, three months ahead of schedule. However, contractors


checking the aerodynamics of the tunnel had discovered that it

would require air-conditioning: a big surprise for the tunnel

designers. Rail tunnels in general do not require air-

conditioning because air can usually circulate freely from one end

of the passage to the other. Not so in the case of the 32-mile

long Chunnel. The heat that the high-speed trains will generate

as they pass through the long, narrow tunnels is expected to cause

temperatures as high as 130 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result,

Eurotunnel is now buying what has been described as the world’s

most expensive air-cooling system. The $200 million system

consists of pipes, running the length of the main tunnels, through

which chilled water flows from gigantic refrigeration units

located at each end of the Tunnel (25:D9).

Negotiations between Eurotunnel and Transmanche Link over some

£1.2 billion in new construction and equipment cost overruns

became increasing heated over the year, erupting in early 1992

with the announcement that the opening of the Tunnel was to be

delayed three to four months beyond the original target date. In

March 1992, an independent arbitration panel ruled that Eurotunnel

had to begin paying £50 million per month toward the disputed £1.2

billion claim. Eurotunnel appealed the ruling to the

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Brussels, but was

instructed by the banking syndicate to make the payments pending

outcome of ICC arbitration. (35:2) Eurotunnel was again in breach

of its loan covenant (due to the rising costs and late opening)

and the Disputes Panel’s ruling clearly worsened the situation. In


order to continue drawing on its line of credit to pay for

construction, Eurotunnel again needed a waiver from the banking


By September 1992, more troubles emerged. The company making the

special, Chunnel versions of the French high-speed train for

British Rail and SNCF announced that they would be a year late in

delivery. Therefore Chunnel expresses will not be operating until

summer 1994. Le Shuttle, too, was running into problems. Once

promised for June 1993, the cavernous wagons that are to carry

cars and trucks through the Tunnel and the special engines

required to pull them are both six months behind in delivery.

Furthermore, Eurotunnel had cause for alarm with regard to its

freight business. The privatization of British Rail and

subsequent collapse of Charterail, a private rail-freight company

that rented trains from British Rail, showed how hard it will be

for rail freight to compete with road haulage without subsidy.

The banks continued to grant waivers and extensions to Eurotunnel

throughout the year. However in October 1992, amidst rumors of

bankruptcy and new rights issues, Eurotunnel again pushed back the

expected opening date – this time to 15 December 1993.


At the end of 1992, Eurotunnel and Transmanche Link were still

embroiled in negotiations over who should pay for increased Tunnel


costs. The Tunnel is still due to open in mid-December 1993, six

months behind its original schedule, but Eurotunnel has hinted

that a further delay may be announced. However, in spite of all

of their difficulties, Eurotunnel and TML have scored an

engineering triumph in getting the Tunnel built. The next, and

perhaps greatest, hurdle that Eurotunnel must face is earning

enough revenue from traffic through the Tunnel to service its vast

debts before its banks lose patience. The long-term outlook for

Eurotunnel looks good. Salomon Brothers has estimated the

long-term yield on Eurotunnel shares at 15 percent. However, with

delays in the delivery of trains and shuttles, worries about the

viability of the rail freight business, and a recession to contend

with, the question remains: who will own most of Eurotunnel’s

shares at the turn of the century. Today’s shareholders? Or the




1. “A Chunnel might be fine, if built by all the Nine,” The

Economist, pp. 43; 14 Oct 76.

2. “The New Chunnel,” New York Times, pp. 37; 18 Mar 79.

3. “The ‘Chunnel’ Lives,” Europe, pp. 29-31; May-Jun 80.

4. “Private Fingers in the Chunnel Pie,” The Economist, pp.
82-83; 11 Apr 81.

5. “Chunnel Redux,” Europe, pp. 41-42; Jan-Feb 82.

6. “Plans for Cross-Channel Link Offered,” New York Times,
pp. 37; 2 Nov 85.

7. “Britain’s Thatcher, Mitterrand of France Meet for Decision on
Chunnel Proposals,” Wall Street Journal, pp. 23; 17 Jan 86.

8. “Britain, France Give the Go-Ahead To $6.4 Billion Plan for
‘Chunnel’,” Wall Street Journal, pp. 33; 21 Jan 86.

9. “The Chunnel Again,” New York Times, pp. A31; 21 Jan 86.

10. “Plans to Raise Funding For Chunnel Are Delayed,” Wall Street
Journal, pp. 22; 14 Jul 86.

11. “Europe’s Supertrains,” The Economist, pp. 41-42; 14 Feb 87.

12. “New Doubt on Tunnel in Channel,” New York Times, pp. D4;
23 Feb 87.

13. “Eurotunnel Gets $1.66 Billion Loan,” New York Times, pp. D4;
14 May 87.

14. “Eurotunnel’s Day of Reckoning,” New York Times, pp. F1, F34;
15 Nov 87.

15. “Lack of British Interest Seen in Eurotunnel Sale,” New York
Times, pp. D1O; 30 Nov 87.

16. “Le Tunnel? Mais Oui! (Cuisine Is the Hurdle),” New York
Times, pp. 4; 24 Aug 88.

17. “High Tech: The Future Is Now,” National Geographic,
pp. 96-101; Jul 89.

18. “Stock Price Jumps on News of Contract for Eurotunnel,” Wall
Street Journal, pp. C16; 27 Jul 89.

18a. Report of the Eighty-Fifth Round Table on Transport
Economics: Transport and Spatial Distribution of Activities,
European Conference of Ministers of Transport, 5-6 Apr 90.

19. “Despite Delays and Cost Overruns, Tunnel Workers Continue
Digging,” New York Times, pp. D12; 18 Dec 89.

20. “The Channel Tunnel: Still Squaring a Circle,” The Economist,
pp. 51; 25 Aug 90.

21. “Chunnel Vision,” The New York Times Magazine, pp. 34-36, 70,
73, 74, 77; 16 Sep 90.

22. “A Hole in Lenin’s Heart,” The Economist, pp. 16-17,
3 Nov 90.

23. “Channel Tunnel Puts Spotlight on Growing Importance of
Rail,” Business Travel News, pp. A12, 14 Jan 91.

24. “The Chunnel at the End of the Light,” The Economist,
pp. 66; 13 Apr 91

25. “Air-conditioning a 32-Mile Tunnel,” New York Times,
pp. D1, D9; 1 May 91.

26. “Chunnel Rail Tunnel Joined,” Wall Street Journal, 23 May 91.

27. “Fossil Found in Chunnel,” Wall Street Journal, 31 May 91.

28. “Channel Tunnel Linkup,” New York Times, 29 Jun 91.

29. “Crossing the Channel: Ferry Appealing,” The Economist,
pp. 51; 29 Jun 91.

30. “Last Chunnel Passage Linked,” Wall Street Journal, pp. A6;
1 Jul 91.

31. The Channel Tunnel: Public Policy, Regional Development and
European Integration, Ian Holliday, Gerard Marcou, and Roger
Vickerman, Belhaven Press, London and New York, 1991.

32. “Farewell, Folkstone Ferry,” New York Times, Sec. 5,
pp. xx43; 9 Feb


33. “Eurotunnel to be Delayed,” New York Times, pp. D2; 11 Feb


34. “Eurotunnel Confirms Delay,” Wall Street Journal; 11 Feb 92.

35. “Eurotunnel – Company Report,” Investext; 21 May 92.

36. “Dark Days for the Channel Tunnel,” New York Times, pp. D1;
28 May 92.

37. “Eurotunnel Gets New Funds,” New York Times, pp. 39;
30 May 92.

38. “Chunnel Opening Fulfills Centuries-Long Effort,” Christian
Science Monitor, pp. 10; 10 Jun 92.

39. “Competition Revs for Chunnel Race,” Christian Science
Monitor, pp. 10; 10 Jun 92.

40. “Project Hits Steep Overruns,” Christian Science Monitor, pp.
11; 10 Jun 92.

41. “Chunnel, chunnel, toil and trouble,” The Economist, pp. 72;
5 Sep 92.

42. “Eurotunnel’s Opening Is Delayed Yet Again; Its Stock
Plummets,” Wall Street Journal, pp. A14; 6 Oct 92.

43. “Missing Link Turns Up,” The Economist, pp. 61-62; 12 Oct 92.

44. “Eurotunnel PLC: Concern Will Get Funding Beyond Project’s
Start-Up,” Wall Street Journal, pp. AlO; 30 Nov 92.

45. “New Delay on Channel Tunnel Seen,” New York Times, pp. D3;
16 Dec 92.



Case Study – The Channel Tunnel

Seminar leaders may wish to prompt discussion through the v of
the following questions.

1. Both Britain and France initially experienced political and
special interest opposition to the project. What were the
requirements of political consensus building in getting the
project started? What were the differences/similarities between
the English and French positions concerning its viability?

2. The issue of public versus private funding was a source of
significant governmental maneuvering between the Thatcher and
Mitterand administrations. Discuss the impact of the ultimate
decision in favor of private financing on the oversight process,
external controls, schedule overruns, and cost growth.

3. One of the initial requirements to perspective bidders was
that the proposal be technically feasible. Discuss the technical
challenges prior to construction. What impact did any unforeseen
requirements (air conditioning, rail/train compatibility, etc.)
place on cost and schedule overruns? Could they have been

4. From 1985 to 1989, total cost projections rose over 300% from
£2.3 billion to nearly £8 billion. Four major root causes were
noted in the case study. Discuss and elaborate on them.

5. Discuss the implications of the completed Chunnel on the
European Economic Community (EC) transition which is set to occur
within the next decade. How will it contribute to or detract from
the already prevalent feelings of u.ncertainty?

6. What parallels can be observed between the Chunnel project and
defense contracting as we know it? (See below.)


IMPACT OF POLITICS: Local opposition and British government
refusal to commit public funding to build a high speed link
means that trains will race along at 185 mph in France, slow to
80 mph in the tunnel, and crawl at 40 mph on the leg to London.
(p. 7)

Page 1

SOURCE SELECTION CRITERIA: Four basic rules were laid down for
bidders: proposals had to be technically feasible, financially
viable, Anglo-French, and accompanied by an Environmental Impact
Assessment. (p. 8)

original promoters (CTG/FM) of the Channel Tunnel project were
construction companies and banks which sought their main return
from construction of the Tunnel, rather from its operation.
Although Eurotunnel acted quickly to distance itself from this
core group of founder shareholders, it nevertheless let a
single contract for the design and construction of the Tunnel
to its founder shareholders in the new guise of TML. The young
Eurotunnel was at a distinct disadvantage in negotiating with
these experienced contractors. (p. 17)

LOW-BALLING: Competitive pressure prompts bidders to cut their
cost estimates to the bone in order to make a successful bid.
Knowing that they were to be judged on financial viability, the
competing consortia tended to minimize their margins. Later
on, the cost increases were blamea on delays from the
parliamentary process which authorized the project and the early
financing difficulties. (p. 17)

was a compromise solution. However, it was relatively safe, in
that it depended on proven technology, looked financially viable,
and was a clear extension of earlier projects. (p. 10)

OVERSIGHT: The treaty and concession agreement established an
Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) to supervise fixed-link
security, safety, and environmental impact, and to assume
responsibility for it in exceptional circumstances. (p. 11)
The bank syndicate also appointed technical watchdogs. In
fact, in spite of the large amount of regulatory machinery
built around the Tunnel, real economic control is in the hands
of the banking syndicate. It is the banks which control
finance at each stage, by monitoring construction before allowing
Eurotunnel to draw on its agreed lines of finance. (p. 13)

FULL FINANCING: An important clause in the 1987 loan agreement
stipulated that the project had to be fully financed to
completion. This was to have significant impact later, as
subsequent cost overruns made it necessary for Eurotunnel to
increase both equity and loan capital beyond the combined £6
billion which had been raised by the end of 1987. (p. 12)

INADEQUATE DEM/VAL STAGE: The deepest flaw of the project was its
rushed and inadequate planning. This, more than any other

Page 2

unknown, allowed the price to spiral as ad hoc modifications led
to bitter rows between ET and the contractors. Very little time
had been allowed for detailed design studies in advance of
construction. The schedule called for the project to move from
design consideration to completion in a mere 7 1/2 years. As a
result, a number of design problems were not identified at the
start of the project and no provisions were made for them in
Eurotunnel’s initial cost estimates. (p. 16)

TECHNICAL RISK (UNKNOWN UNKNOWNS): Contractors checking the
aerodynamics of the tunnel had discovered that it would require
air-conditioning: a big surprise for the tunnel designers. As a
result, Eurotunnel is now buying what has been described as the
world’s most expensive air-cooling system. (p. 20)

INCREMENTAL CDR: Eurotunnel and TML are required to submit
designs to the IGC for authorization. The original concession
agreement contained merely a general outline of the plan. The
additional submissions fill in the details. The IGC can reject
any design on grounds of safety, security, environmental
acceptability, and so on. In practice, under the pressure of
time, the IGC received a number of design drafts during
construction. This led to a series of piecemeal approvals on some
elements of the project, which made ultimate rejection more
difficult. (p. 16)

COST ESCALATION: Real construction cost estimates rose from
around £2.3 billion in the 1985 submission, to £2.7 billion at
the time of the Equity III prospectus in November 1987, to
nearly £3 billion a year later. (p. 15)

FINGER POINTING: TML argued that the cost increases were chiefly
due to deficiencies in the initial design and cost estimates.
Eurotunnel maintained they were due to TML inefficiencies in
following a perfectly satisfactory design. (p. 16)

client-contractor relationship is generated by the fact that there
comes a point in any large construction project when the cost of
schedule overruns (in the form of lost revenues) is more damaging
than direct cost increases. In other words, since Eurotunnel
cannot earn a cent on its investment until the Tunnel is
operational, it is apt to find schedule delays more damaging than
cost overruns. This put a real weapon in the hands of the
contractors. (p. 18)

DE-SCOPING THE SPECIFICATION: Arbitration between Eurotunnel and
TML over cost disputes led to an agreement based on a lower Tunnel
specification. Eurotunnel had to accept lower speeds through the

Page 3

tunnel for trains and shuttles, open rather than closed
truck-shuttles, a less glamorous Tunnel portal on the French side,
and so on. (p. 19)

making the special, Chunnel versions of the French high-speed
train for British Rail and SNCF announced that they would be a
year late in delivery. Therefore Chunnel expresses will not be
operating until summer 1994. In additon, the “Le Shuttle” wagons
and their special engines, once promised for June 1993, are now
six months behind in delivery. (p. 21)

Page 4

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