Technical Writing

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  • Project 3: Instructions
  • Choose a Task
    Select a task that you know how to do well so that you can share your own expertise. You need
    not choose a difficult task or something that requires specialized skills and knowledge, but your
    topic should be a task for which someone might reasonably seek instructions. Do not submit a

    Write Instructions
    The audience for your instructions is people who have never completed this particular task. If
    any prior knowledge or skills are required to successfully complete the task, state that clearly in
    your introduction. Include these elements:

    • Title
    • Introduction
    • List of supplies needed
    • Numbered steps (Each step should describe ONE action, expressed as a command, or

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    imperative sentence.)
    • Safety information (This may be placed at the beginning of the document or with the

    relevant step. Use design features like images, colors, or bold text to call attention to
    safety information.)

    • Conclusion

    Include Graphics
    Incorporate images that help your reader better understand the steps in the process of
    completing your task. Place each image close to the words that describe the relevant step. You
    may create your own images, such as charts, diagrams, or photographs, or find appropriate
    images on the web. Cite the source of any image that you do not create yourself.

    Perform a Usability Test
    When you are familiar with a process, it can be difficult to predict what others will find difficult or
    confusing. After writing a draft of your instructions, give them to another person to follow and
    complete the task. If possible, watch them complete the task and at the end, ask them questions
    about their experience. Use this feedback to revise your document for usability.



    The specific rubric for evaluating this project is on page 2 of this document. Use it as a checklist
    for evaluating your own work before you submit it to be graded.

    Page 2 of 2

    Category & Points


    Title and Introduction

    10 points

    • Title begins with “How to” or a gerund
    • Title clearly identifies task described
    • Introduction explains purpose of task and skills required
    • Parts, tools, and supplies are listed completely

    Instructional Content

    40 points

    • Steps are numbered
    • Each step defines a single task
    • Steps are written in imperative mood (command voice)
    • Steps are concise
    • Comments, notes, or examples are included with relevant

    • Feedback statements help reader assess progress
    • Conclusion, if necessary, provides follow-up advice or

    trouble-shooting tips

    Audience Awareness

    20 points

    • Intended audience is clear
    • Instructions are appropriate for audience’s skill level and

    • Technical terms are defined
    • Safety warnings are prominently displayed



    20 points

    • Uses effective typefaces, type sizes, line spacing and

    • Uses white space effectively
    • Uses style and design features consistently
    • Employs graphics that assist reader in completing task
    • Placement of graphics corresponds with relevant text

    Grammar and


    10 points

    • Clear and correct sentence structure
    • Free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation

      Project 3: Instructions
      Choose a Task
      Write Instructions
      Include Graphics
      Perform a Usability Test
      Grading Criteria

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