Team Management Discussion 4


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Primary Post Assignment: Communication and Team Decision Making (20 Points):

Part 1: Sharpening the Team Mind: Communication and Collective Intelligence

A.    Name 3-4 possible biases and points of error that may arise in team communication systems? In addition to those cited in the opening of Chapter 6, what are some other examples of how team communication problems can lead to disaster?

B.      Revisit communication failure examples in Exhibit 6-1. Identify the possible causes of communication or decision-making failure in each example, and, drawing on the information presented in the chapter, discuss  measures that might have prevented problems from arising within each team’s communication system.

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Part 2: Team Decision-Making: Pitfalls and Solutions

A.    What are the key symptoms of groupthink? What problems and shortcomings can arise in the decision-making process as a result of groupthink? 

B.    Do you think that individuals or groups are better decision-makers? Justify your choice. In what situations individuals would be more effective decision-makers than groups, and in what situations  groups would be better than individuals?

Response Post Instructions (10 Points):

Support your work with specific citations from this week’s learning resources and other sources.

Read at least two of your colleagues’ postings.

Respond to one post in one of the following ways:  See posting/discussion requirements.

• Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

• Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

• Make suggestions based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Need atleast 500 words for Primary Post and 150-200 words for each response

Part 1

Poor communication abilities can cause a great deal of issues in team execution. Loss of certainty and loss of associations with different individuals from the team from teams are a portion of the issues brought about by absence of legitimate communication. Communication issues since this happened demonstrate a few imperfections in the team (Thompson & Couvert, 2002). A portion of these deficiencies incorporate hearing disappointment, social contrasts, and electrical issues. Tuning in to the inability to have a decent comprehension of the issues and the team part decimating the solidarity of the team. Social contrasts additionally bring a gathering of communication issues. Individuals associate with individuals who share their propensities and culture, driving the team to arrange the production of subgroups. Must be the head of an unmistakably noticeable gathering. Hence, team pioneer coordination relies upon the sum (Urban, Weaver, Bowers & Rodenizer, 1996). Inability to organize the exercises of a team chief, Giving counsel from different individuals from the pioneer is missing communication issues. Communication issues can prompt coordination of team exercises, which is significant for team achievement. At the point when a team had a communication issue, it turned out to be evident that they had a terrible relationship with Float. It isn’t so natural for individuals to associate with one another to accomplish a shared objective. Subsequently the profitability of the workforce is diminished to less cooperative energy. Having an unmistakable and refreshed communication framework as an approach to improve communication between teams (Urban, Weaver, Bowers & Rodenizer, 1996). What’s more, the decision should be made in interview with the gatherings; Therefore, there must be an all around organized communication framework to improve the structure of the information. Being on the team is another approach to improve communication with unwavering focus. Target and the individual in question ought to be clear about what data to send to others. On the off chance that you do, you will utilize legitimate communication.

Part 2

Consider the various qualities related with the gathering. One of the highlights related with the defense of the possibility of ​​being a huge piece of mass. Gathering individuals contradicted to the thought, and cautioned that it would be dismissed. Envision that gatherings of individuals are related with clichs. A gathering of individuals outside the gathering to begin enmity is consistently in front of the negative realities (Urban, Weaver, Bowers & Rodenizer, 1996). Consider the issue by utilizing the gathering. Every individual, whether or not they uphold the decisions they plan to make. To the impediment of the activity of a gathering of helpless decisions that help these exercises. As I would like to think, it is superior to gatherings of individuals making decisions. An individual is an individual who is consistently responsible for a decision, an individual who is keen on making decisions. Notwithstanding, as a gathering, an inappropriate decision, Not for an individual’s finger, so might be keen on making a decision (Thompson & Couvert, 2002). Conditions that require an opportune reaction to issues are a significant individual decision. Then again, the issue is muddled by the need to settle on a decision on account of the gathering, so discussion is required.


Thompson, L. F., & Couvert, M.D. (2002). Stepping into the challenge: Interview and computer-mediated team A critical test of decision making. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 6 (1), 52.

Urban, JM, Weaver, JL, Bowers, CA, & Rodenizer, L. (1996). Effects of workload and structure on team processes and performance: Implications for complex team decision making. Human Factors, 38 (2), 300-310.

Part 1.

A.       Having a diverse team is essential to certain extent however, after a certain point it may lead to many challenging situations based on the scenario. There exist many problem-solving teams and interactive groups to tackle various issues in the Organization. Biases in team can occur due to n number of reasons. Every individual has its own different communication style and there are chances that each one has different perspective, different understanding and different approach towards handling the issues. What a person A might think right might not be the same solution for person B. Information perceived by every individual might be different. Personality of the person in the team also matters. If the person is optimistic, he will make sure to find out solution out of the problem whereas negative people can seek adverse outcomes. If the team understanding is not on the same page, this leads to poor communication within the team. It creates a confusion leading to more issues rather than solving problems. (Frigotto, M. L., & Rossi, A. ,2012)

B.        As rightly mentioned, uneven communication causes majority of problems. Not everyone in the team has same amount of knowledge. There should be transparency in the team. Communication plays a very important role and if the information is not perceived correctly, it may result in poor decision making. There are multiple reasons for communication failure such as fear wherein team members may not be able to speak up and raise voices to address their concerns causing communication issues. If the information is not clear, there is a chance of confusion. Expectations if not set right can cause setback to the project. If all are not on same level, the team may lose interest in their job. One has to closely monitor the team’s progress and ensure if it is going on the right track. To resolve communication issues, teams should be motivated to work together and engaging them in activities which will make them comfortable with each other and they look forward to work together. (Dyer, S., 2017).

Part 2

A.      Groupthink is when a group comes to a decision without even considering the consequences or the reasoning behind it. In order to support the peers and consensus thinking, all the potential problems are ignored by a group of individuals. Typical symptoms of Groupthink are Illusion of invulnerability and unanimity, mind guards, morality assumptions, self-censorship, social pressure, stereotyping of out-groups. (Caya, S. ,2015).

Few Problems and shortcomings related to groupthink are

1.      As there is a lack of opposition, it results in poor decision making.

2.      Groupthink has a negative impact as overconfidence affects the profitability of the Organization.

3.      There is no feedback on the decisions made leaving no chance of improvement.

4.      Risks are not evaluated rightly for the given solution.

5.      Decisions may be biased based on the influence of higher authorities.

B.      Decisions made either by an individual or a group requires a fair judgement and reasoning. However, when there is a group involvement, people tend to believe that the decisions are not fair as compared to the one made by individual. (Kouchaki, M., Smith, I. H., & Netchaeva, E. ,2015). I believe it entirely depends on the situation and different factors of decision making such as type of tasks, resources required, etc. should be considered before deciding who should be making the decision. Decisions made should not be biased. Group decisions have many advantages as it is made by sharing of views and ideas along with years of experiences. However, they are equally time consuming. The given situation should be assessed and then a call should be made whether the decision must be made by a group or an individual.


1.      Frigotto, M. L., & Rossi, A. (2012). Diversity and communication in teams: Improving problem-solving or creating confusion? Group Decision and Negotiation, 21(6), 791-820. doi:

2.      Dyer, S. (2017). Seven Root Causes of Poor Communication: And Seven Tips for Overcoming Them. Professional Safety, 62(8), 16–17.

3.      Caya, S. (2015). Groupthink Phenomenon as a Common Occurrence in Juvenile Gangs. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 190, 265–268.

4.      Kouchaki, M., Smith, I. H., & Netchaeva, E. (2015). Not All Fairness Is Created Equal: Fairness Perceptions of Group vs. Individual Decision Makers. Organization Science, 26(5), 1301–1315.

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