Team Leadership/Management Style: Primary Post Assignment (20 Points):


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Part 1: According to the Sarin and O’Connor (2009) article, certain style and goal structures of team leaders have a strong influence on internal team dynamics.  

Based on your research within the article and textbook, as well as your own experience, what team leader management style would be most effective in leading a team in which you were a member?

Part 2: DeRue, Barnes, and Morgeson (2010) found that team leadership style effectiveness depended on the level of charisma exhibited by the leader.  

Drawing from the article and the textbook, have you ever worked for a charismatic leader?  What style (coaching or directing) did that leader administer?  Was he or she effective in leading you as part of the team?

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Response Post Instructions (10 Points):

Support your work with specific citations from this week’s learning resources and other sources.  

Read at least two of your colleagues’ postings.

Respond to one of those posts in one of the following ways:  See posting/discussion requirements.

• Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

• Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

• Make suggestions based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings. 

Posting/Discussion Requirements: Please Click to Read

Each Module, topics for discussion will be found in the discussion area of the course. In-depth discussion is an essential part of online learning, and is also an important factor in your grade as well.

A minimum of four posts is required for each Module. Each post is required to be a significant post. Just agreeing or disagreeing with another student is not a post. Neither is asking a question.


Significant post (main post) should be at least 300 words and require some information from the text, academically reviewed papers, some significant commentary that requires knowledge of the subject matter, a web link to an article or other source in order to be accepted


· Significant posts on all your responses to your classmates’ posts should be at least 150 words and require some information from the text, academically reviewed paper, some significant commentary that requires knowledge of the subject matter, a web link to an article or other source in order to be accepted.


· Provide appropriate APA in-text citations and references.

· You must participate in all discussion topics.

Cutting and pasting from another source is not a significant post.The instructor will determine if a post meets the criteria of a significant post. Instructor may also check your discussion using Turnitin. Avoid copy-and-paste and stay out of academic honesty review.

The grading scale for discussion is as follows:

Original Discussion:

Your original post (direct response to the discussion topics/questions) is worth 15 points.

Participation (responding to your classmates’ posts):

       3 significant posts (5 points each) = 15 pts

       2 significant posts (5 points each) = 10 pts

      1 significant posts              = 5 pts.

       No significant posts           =  0 pts.

Each Module stands on its own. Thus, you cannot make-up points from a previous week. Please make every effort to participate in all discussions.

Team leader will play an essential role in company in reaching the goals of the business and in reaching project goals. For this, each team leader will need in following an effective management type in leading team members is effective. In accordance Sarin, and O’Connor, 2009 to there are four of effective type or management styles that the team leader will need in adapting to the lead team in successful way and direction Management style will be participative, supportive initiation of the goals structure and the directive leaderships. Team leader must adopt participative leadership so that leader could be able in providing platform for the team members in sharing the opinions and ideas in regards to project. Leader will need in encouraging team members in providing the suggestion sin decisions among process and the team leader will need in motivating them in reaching goals of a project, team leader will need in having the consideration or supportive leadership style as it will enable leader in giving the respect towards team members will work as the result of the leader could build friendly workplace and environment within team. The leader must have visionary type of the management style in providing the direction and the vision of business for the team members. Directive leadership style will be more effective management style for leader as in having the style leader easily will control team members and will motivate them to be directly against the business risks and threats (DeRue, D. S., Barnes, C. M., and Morgeson, F. P. ,2010).

Charismatic leaders will play important role in an inspiring team members as they will motivate and inspire with the ability in creating confidence among the team members or the employees that will be important aspect or part of workplace. Usually Charismatic leader will attract followers by their personality confidence and charm and not by the authority. Below are few characteristics of charismatic leader:

Understand conditions and requirements of the followers or members

Clear visionary and thoughts

Always in the favor to take the risks

Skillful utilizing an unusual conducts

DeRue, D. S., Barnes, C. M., and Morgeson, F. P. (2010). Understanding the motivational possibilities of group initiative. Little Group Research, 41(5), 621-651.
Sarin, S., and O’Connor, G. C. (2009). To begin with among Equals: The Effect of Team Leader Characteristics on the Internal Dynamics of Cross‐Functional Product Development Teams. Diary of Product Innovation Management, 26(2), 188-205.

Discussion Post Two 

Healthcare has become an industry. Finding the best delivery system can be challenging. McLaughlin and McLaughlin lay out the five main avenues for delivering healthcare. The first is a monopoly in which the market is controlled by one provider. This option is now considered illegal, for obvious reasons. One source should not have all the power in the market, to control prices and options. When the government is involved in a monopolized method of healthcare distribution, then individuals would not have any input in insurance options.The second option is a monopsony, which occurs when a single, exclusive buyer controls the market. In this case the government would most likely be the exclusive, primary buyer which may not be the best option for an individual looking for proper heath care and health insurance. If the government is the primary, exclusive buyer, then it would have the most control in distributing healthcare, and determining the prices. 

Oligopolistic is the third option. Within this system, there are three or four healthcare providers which control state and local healthcare prices when a national market is not present.  On a national scale, oligopolistic distribution occurs in pharmacy benefits management and Medicare managed care. In the industrial sector, oligopolistic competition means that the providers only control around 40% of the market, because at least two other providers  are present (McLaughlin & McLaughlin, 2015). 

If this type of competition was implemented in healthcare distribution, then the government would be one of the main sellers. Granted, it would most likely be the primary one, but the other main buyers would also have some influence as other sellers.            

The fourth option mentioned is administered competition which consists of several buyers and one primary buyer (McLaughlin & McLaughlin, 2015). With this said, the primary buyer would most likely be a government creation. This would imply that the government would still have a great deal of control of healthcare distribution, maybe not directly but indirectly through this government created buyer. 

The final option is consumer-driven healthcare. In this free market approach, consumers determine the market. In this model, the government would not have much influence, but at the same time it may not be the most reliable option. The free market model relies on accurate information, numerous buyers and sellers means that there aren’t any set prices. At the same time, all products have substitutes and an individual can leave the market whenever one wants (McLaughlin & McLaughlin, 2015). 

With this said, the oligopolistic method of distribution would be the best option because the government would have competition as a buyer and as a provider. It would not have complete control. John Kirkwood points out that when there are multiple buyers, the prices can be bargained collectively, when these buyers fuse the lowest price can be found (Kirkwood, 2016).


Kirkwood, J.B. (2016). Buyer power and healthcare prices. 

Washington Law Review

 91(1), 253-293. Retrieved from:


McLaughlin, C. P.; McLaughlin, M. J. (2015). Health Policy Analysis (Second ed.) Burlington, MA:  Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Management Style

Part 1

Team Leader will act as a driving force for the success of a team, and a strong impact on the dynamics of the team would be the actions and team members with strength. Team leaders who build a positive atmosphere within the team and have ample trust in the team to make strategic decisions can make better team leaders and inspire team members to be more productive. The role of a team leader is a reflection of the explicit and implicit influence and power the team member enjoys within the company. High-level team members are highly regarded in the company for their leadership and professional skills (Sarin & O’Connor, 2009).

The most successful team leadership style will be the Authoritarian leadership style since authoritarian leadership is better implemented in circumstances where there is little room for group decision-making. The autocratic method can be operative when the situation burdens swift decisions and quick action. But it continues to create chaotic and even rough conditions and sometimes pits followers against the dominant leader. Consequently, authoritarian leaders have power over their superiors that further induces obedience and loyalty of the employees. Authoritarian leaders also demand that they abide by high expectations and fire workers for bad results (Wang & Guan, 2018).

Part 2

As per this article, a charismatic leader is one who is motivating and knowledgeable to enhance the team’s success and helps the team to accomplish the objectives or targets effectively. I work in an atmosphere where I don’t have a squad at all. I have only one boss I would refer to. As far as I am charismatic, I have a leader with a mix of Participatory and Directive leadership characteristics. He is doing a great job of holding me in the loop with his ideas on how he seeks to accomplish his goals while also encouraging me to pitch with ideas. Because my boss and I have a 1-1 relationship, he is very straightforward on his expectations and how he wants things to be handled (DeRue, Barnes, & Morgeson, 2010). 


DeRue, D. S., Barnes, C. M., & Morgeson, F. P. (2010). Understanding the Motivational Contingencies of Team Leadership. Small Group Research, 41(5), 621 –651. Retrieved from,-Article%20(PDF%20Available&text=Despite%20increased%20r

Sarin, S., & O’Connor, G. C. (2009). First Among Equals: The Effect of Team Leader Characteristics on the Internal Dynamics of Cross-Functional Product Development Teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(2), 1-24. Retrieved from

Wang, H., & Guan, B. (2018). The Positive Effect of Authoritarian Leadership on Employee Performance: The Moderating Role of Power Distance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-10. Retrieved from

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