Teaching project

Teaching project topic :Firearm safety, 

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7-year-old gunshot victim (not life threatening, lower left leg), in the trauma unit, lives at home with dad. gun shot wound was due to the child shooting himself. Gun was obtained by the child from the fathers unlocked gun safe and the Gun was loaded.

Blood pressure 104/62, Pulse 78, Respirations 18, Temperature 98.7°F, SaO2 99% room air. His mother explained what had happened, but she was not aware of any history of allergies. J.T. has younger sisters, and his  Father and mother are divorced.  Once stable, the nurse gained a more thorough history, assessment, and began discharge instructions. The mother is devastated and the father is very apologetic with felings of guilt

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Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this
item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

Meets or Exceeds Mostly Meets Approaches


10 (10.00%)
Clear and concise discussion
of client’s admission
diagnosis, demographic
data, and anticipated
learning needs

7.6 (7.60%)
Vague and incomplete
discussion of client’s
admission diagnosis,
demographic data, and
anticipated learning needs

5 (5.00%)
Vague and incomplete
discussion of client’s
admission diagnosis,
demographic data, and
anticipated learning needs


10 (10.00%)
Clear and comprehensive
client assessment data to
support a de!cient
knowledge nursing

7.6 (7.60%)
Vague client assessment
data to support de!cient
knowledge nursing
diagnosis or nursing
diagnosis not written in
proper format

5 (5.00%)
Improper or incomplete
client assessment data to
support de!cient knowledge
nursing diagnosis or missing
elements of the nursing

Client Learning

10 (10.00%)
Clear and complete
assessment of learner (client
/family), teaching needs, and
special learning needs, if

7.6 (7.60%)
Vague assessment of
learner (client and/or
family), teaching needs, and
special learning needs, if

5 (5.00%)
Incomplete assessment of
learner (client and/or
family), teaching needs, and
special learning needs, if

Strengths and
Weakness for

10 (10.00%)
Clear identi!cation of
client’s strengths and

7.6 (7.60%)
Vague identi!cation of
client’s strengths and

5 (5.00%)
Incomplete identi!cation of
client’s strengths and

Name: Teaching Plan (Individualized Client Teaching) RUBRIC

Grid View List View



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Weakness for

client’s strengths and
weaknesses relevant to
learning needs.

client’s strengths and
weaknesses relevant to
learning needs

client’s strengths and
weaknesses relevant to
learning needs

Introductions 10 (10.00%)
Open and closing remarks
that capture client’s
attention. Includes a clear
and correct statement of 2
teaching objectives

7.6 (7.60%)
Vague open or closing
remarks or vague/incorrect
teaching objectives.

5 (5.00%)
Poor open or closing
remarks or vague/incorrect
teaching objectives or use of
only one objective


10 (10.00%)
Clear and organized
presentation of evidence-
based client teaching in
appropriate reading level
and understanding for the

7.6 (7.60%)
presentation of evidence-
based client teaching or not
at the appropriate level for
patient teaching

5 (5.00%)
presentation of evidence-
based client teaching or not
at the appropriate level for
patient teaching, spelling or
grammatical errors

Body Language 10 (10.00%)
Direct eye contact and
gestures/movements during
teaching. Relax, self-
con!dent nature and no
mistake during teaching.

7.6 (7.60%)
Minimal eye contact and
little movement or
descriptive gesture during
teaching. Mild tension, lack
of self-con!dence and
di”culty recovering from

5 (5.00%)
Minimal eye contact and
little movement or
descriptive gesture during
teaching. Obvious
nervousness and tension
with many speaking errors

Voice 10 (10.00%)
Use of clear speech and
in#ection, maintains the
interest of the learner

7.6 (7.60%)
Some level of in#ection and
clarity during delivery

5 (5.00%)
Monotone voice with some
in#ection of delivery


10 (10.00%)
evaluation of client’s
response and
of teaching.

7.6 (7.60%)
evaluation of client’s
response and
of teaching

5 (5.00%)
evaluation of client’s
response and
of teaching.


10 (10.00%)
Re#ective analysis of
teaching including

7.6 (7.60%)
Vague re#ective analysis of
teaching including

5 (5.00%)
Re#ective analysis of
teaching that lacks insight or

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teaching including
discussion of strengths and

teaching including
discussion of strengths and

teaching that lacks insight or
a poor discussion of
strengths and weaknesses

Name:Teaching Plan (Individualized Client Teaching) RUBRIC

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