Target Market

 Describe the target market for your chosen company, whether it’s based the snack food company scenario or a start-up company of your choosing. Be sure to include the following:

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  • Demographic Description: Age, income range, gender, family size, education, occupation, et cetera.

    Example: A likely user for X product is a male aged 25–34 who earns between $35,000 and $55,000 per year and has a four-year college degree.

  • Geographic Description: Area you would like to serve, density (urban, rural), nature of location (mall, business center, et cetera), climate condition.

    Example: Atlanta.

  • Lifestyle Description: Where do your customers shop, what do they do for leisure, what kind of clothes do they wear, what type of cars do they drive, et cetera?
  • Psychographic Description: How would you describe your target market, for example, socially responsible, trendsetters, or fun-seeking?
  • Purchasing Pattern Description: How will your target market use the product, how many times will they buy it, where do they buy the product, how do they pay for it, et cetera?
  • Buying Sensitivities Description: What factors are important to the customer before they buy (price, quality, customer service. packaging, et cetera)?

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