T1 – Assessment Cath


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01 – Requirements x

Font: Times New Roman

Size: Font size 12

Spacing: Single

12 APA Style reference and In-text citation

Minimum of 2100 words (References are not included in the 2100 words, but only the content of the written report)

Please choose any organization in Australia! Please use the 03 – TEMPLATE x provided to answer all the questions in 02 – Questions and also make sure that you answer all the questions according to the marking list in 02 – Questions .




First page only is for Executive Summary:


In this section, this is a summary containing all the main findings and conclusions. This is what a person will think of what the report is saying and decide if that person will read it all. It is not to be confused with introduction. You need to explain in brief about the whole report in here.

INTRODUCTION (100 words)

Explain in brief about the background of the organisation

REPORT ANALYSIS (1750 words)

Give overall review of the report which you are going to discuss in here.

CONCLUSION (150 words)

Explain conclusion here.


Give minimum 12 references (must be in APA Style referencing format) and In-text citations.



For this task, you have to choose any organisation in AUSTRALIA. Once you have selected the organisation, you are to write a report reviewing the organisation’s vision and mission as part of the strategic planning process, analysing the internal/external environment, writing and implementing the strategic plan. Review is the key here. Your report should break down to the three phases below and consider the dot points within each phase.
The report must be written in a professional format with no less than 2100 words.

1. Review, Analyse and Development phase

Provide a detailed explanation of the following:
a. Explain the organisation’s Vision and Mission Statements,
b. Consult stakeholders and refine the vision/mission as necessary, gaining support for the strategic planning process. Provide the updated mission and vision statement along with the meeting minutes.
c. Explain how organisational Values Statement is aligned with the vision/mission.
d. Explain the required information and the ways that information can be sought including expert advice to be used in a strategic plan for the selected organisation.
e. Collect and collate information that will permit an Environmental Analysis covering both the Internal and External environments using; a Competitor’s Analysis, Cost benefit and risk Analysis, PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technology) analysis, and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis.
f. Conduct research and background for inclusion in the Strategic plan, including global context and co- operative venture analysis.
g. Perform analysis on the data and information collected including; a Financial Analysis to determine resource allocation, interpret statistical data including conduct a Trend analysis and undertake a Risk Analysis that includes Due Diligence of the business/organisation.
2. The ‘Writing and Implementation’ phase

Write a Strategic Plan that includes the following:
a. findings of the investigation and analysis done in the previous phase.
The Plan should be clearly written giving detail that shows timeframes, priorities, who is responsible, what resources and finances are needed and what specific measures have to be achieved. The Plan should also be a traceable and auditable document so references to all sources should be clearly identified and documented.
b. information on relevant legislation from all levels (Commonwealth, State and Local) in particular Occupational Health & Safety, the environment, Equal Opportunity, Industrial Relations and Anti- discrimination together with any Codes and By-laws relevant to the organisation’s operations.
c. a communication strategy and communication documents for the Strategic Plan to ensure that all key stakeholders are appropriately informed and have the opportunity for feedback into the Plan and its’ implementation.
3. The ‘Evaluation’ phase

Write a review discussing the following:
a. the effectiveness of both the planning process and the Strategic Plan itself, and the methods used to monitor and analyse performance indicators at agreed milestones.
b. Recommend improvements; propose changes & corrections for the next cycle of planning.

02 – Questions

BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans



For this task, you have to choose any organisation in AUSTRALIA. Once you have selected the organisation, you are to
write a report reviewing the organisation’s vision and mission as part of the strategic planning process, analysing the

internal/external environment, writing and implementing the strategic plan. Review is the key here. Your report should

break down to the three phases below and consider the dot points within each phase.

The report must be written in a professional format with no less than 2100 words.

1. Review, Analyse and Development phase

Provide a detailed explanation of the following:

a. Explain the organisation’s Vision and Mission Statements,

b. Consult stakeholders and refine the vision/mission as necessary, gaining support for the strategic planning

process. Provide the updated mission and vision statement along with the meeting minutes.

c. Explain how organisational Values Statement is aligned with the vision/mission.

d. Explain the required information and the ways that information can be sought including expert advice to

be used in a strategic plan for the selected organisation.

e. Collect and collate information that will permit an Environmental Analysis covering both the Internal and

External environments using; a Competitor’s Analysis, Cost benefit and risk Analysis, PEST (Political,

Economic, Social and Technology) analysis, and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and

Threats) Analysis.

f. Conduct research and background for inclusion in the Strategic plan, including global context and co-

operative venture analysis.

g. Perform analysis on the data and information collected including; a Financial Analysis to determine

resource allocation, interpret statistical data including conduct a Trend analysis and undertake a Risk

Analysis that includes Due Diligence of the business/organisation.

2. The ‘Writing and Implementation’ phase

Write a Strategic Plan that includes the following:

a. findings of the investigation and analysis done in the previous phase.

The Plan should be clearly written giving detail that shows timeframes, priorities, who is responsible, what

resources and finances are needed and what specific measures have to be achieved. The Plan should also

be a traceable and auditable document so references to all sources should be clearly identified and


b. information on relevant legislation from all levels (Commonwealth, State and Local) in particular

Occupational Health & Safety, the environment, Equal Opportunity, Industrial Relations and Anti-

discrimination together with any Codes and By-laws relevant to the organisation’s operations.

c. a communication strategy and communication documents for the Strategic Plan to ensure that all key

stakeholders are appropriately informed and have the opportunity for feedback into the Plan and its’


BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans

3. The ‘Evaluation’ phase

Write a review discussing the following:

a. the effectiveness of both the planning process and the Strategic Plan itself, and the methods used to

monitor and analyse performance indicators at agreed milestones.

b. Recommend improvements; propose changes & corrections for the next cycle of planning.

BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans

Marking Checklist

Did the Student provide evidence of their ability and
understanding to:

Yes No

Select an organization and introduce it  

Describe the mission and vision statement of the chosen organization  

Detail the updated mission and vision after due consultation with the

 

Explain the alignment of organizational values with its mission and

 

Conduct internal and external environment scanning using the
following models:

 Competitor’s Analysis

 Cost benefit Analysis

 Risk Analysis

 PEST Analysis

SWOT Analysis

 

Research and identify the background of the organization and the
environment to be included in the strategic plan

 

Conduct a detailed financial analysis including trend and risk analysis  

Write a detailed strategic plan including

 Timeframes

 priorities

 responsible person

 required resources

 finances required

 measures to be achieved

 

Explain the following legislations in the chosen organisational context:

 Occupational Health & Safety,

 Environment Laws

 Equal Opportunity Laws

 Industrial Relations

 Anti-discrimination

 Codes of practice and By-laws

 

Provide a detailed communication plan along with the implementation

 

Discuss the effectiveness of both the planning process and the
Strategic Plan itself, and.  

Explain the methods used to monitor and analyse performance
indicators at agreed milestones

 

Recommend improvements; propose changes & corrections for the
next cycle of planning.

 

BSBMGT616 Develop and Implement Strategic Plans

Table of Contents
Task 1 – Report 3
Executive Summary 3
Introduction 3
Part 1: Review, Analyse and Development Phase 3
Part 2: The Writing and Implementation Phase 17
Part 3: The Evaluation Phase 20
Conclusion 21
References 22
Task 3 24
References 32

Task 1 – Report

Executive Summary


Part 1: Review, Analyse and Development Phase

1a. vision and mission statements

1b. Refining the Company’s mission and vision statement

Meeting Minutes –

Minutes prepared by: (Any name)

Agenda Item


Discussion of Issues



1c. How the organisational values are aligned with the mission and vision?

1d. Required information and how information can be sought including expert advice


1e. Analysis of External and Internal Environment

Competitor’s analysis


Establish date


Market Share

Value offered to customer



Cost Benefit Analysis







Total Costs:






Total Benefits:


Risk Analysis

Risk Type

Identified Risks

Risk Likelihood

Risk Severity

Risk Ranking

PEST analysis





SWOT Analysis





1f. Expanding into the overseas market – External and Internal Environmental Analysis

PEST Analysis for overseas Market





SWOT Analysis for in the overseas Market





1g. Financial, trend and general risk analysis for chosen overseas market

Financial Analysis


Estimated amount required (based on previous markets)

Additional Notes (timelines, action items, etc.)





Trend Analysis








General Risk Analysis for expanding into a new market

Risk Type

Identified Risks

Risk Likelihood

Risk Severity

Risk Ranking

Part 2: The Writing and Implementation Phase

2a. findings of the investigation and analysis done in the previous phase

Strategy 1



Performance Indicators

Roles and Responsibilities




Who is responsible?

Resources Required

What specific measures must be achieved

2b. Relevant Legislation

2c. Communication Strategy for the Strategic Plan






Evaluation of Communication


Part 3: The Evaluation Phase

3a. the effectiveness of both the planning process and the Strategic plan itself, and the methods used to monitor and analyse performance indicators at agreed milestones

3b. Recommendations for Improvements



Minimum 5

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