Synthesis Paper

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Paper #2: Technology

Synthesis Paper

Synthesis definition:

From the Online Writing Lab at Purdue: “Synthesize means that you combine information in a way that could coherently and effectively present your ideas or opinions. In some assignments, you will be required to synthesize sources or ideas. This means that you will combine the sources and ideas and organize them in a way that is appropriate and approachable to your readers.”


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This paper which synthesizes three sources is practice for your research paper where you will integrate at least seven sources into a paper.

Key quotation:

In his essay “The Judgement of Thamus,” Neil Postman concludes with these thoughts “New technologies alter the structure of our interests: the things we think about. They alter the character of our symbols: the things we think with. And they alter the nature of community: the arena in which thoughts develop. As Thamus spoke to Innis across the centuries, it is essential that we listen to their conversation, join in it, revitalize it. For something has happened in America that is strange and dangerous, and there is only a dull and even stupid awareness of what it is – in part because it has no name. I call it Technopoly” (166).

Technopoly, as Postman argues in this essay, changes our culture in a deep and fundamental way. Be careful of assuming that this change is strictly good or bad. You may read more about Postman’s idea on this page:

Directions: Using Postman’s essay, select TWO more of the following essays (so you will use a total of three essays) and explore the way they talk about technology, perhaps answering the question how does technology “alter the structure of our interests?” You are to create a thesis, unique to your understanding of the question using the arguments of the authors. You might consider in what ways the essays support, counter, or complicate Postman’s conclusions.

The Essays: Choose TWO, in addition to using Neil Postman’s essay

1. “Snaps to Riches: The Rise of Snapchat Celebrities” by Ellen Huet (70-7)

2. “Impression Management in a Networked Setting” by Danah Boyd (122-127)

3. “Wall of Sound: the iPod Has Changed the Way We Listen to Music” by Nikil Saval (139-150)

4. “Gin, Television, and Social Surplus” by Clay Shirky (167-173)

5. “Love the One You’re Near” by Jennifer Bleyer (174-178).

6. “You Are What you Click” by David Auerbach (179-190)

7. “The IRL Fetish” by Nathan Jurgenson (191-197)

8. “Escape from the Matrix” by Jacob Burak (428-435)

Purpose: To learn to synthesize texts into an argument, while maintaining a position (thesis) unique to the writer.

Message: To add your informed opinion in an already ongoing conversation about your subject.

Audience: The authors of the texts or an audience interested and informed about this discussion, although may not be familiar with these texts.

Format: 4-5 pages, using proper MLA format and citation. You will provide a Works Cited for your essays (See

MLA Style

before you use something like Easy Bib)

Assessment: Your assignment is worth 20% of your grade. Your final draft will be worth 100 points.

The following will be deducted if incomplete:

Quiz 2: 10 points

Synthesis worksheet: worth 10 points

Rough draft: worth 10 points

July 2018

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