Summative Assignment: Critique of Research Article

Week 10: Summative Assignment: Critique of Research Article

A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing or medicine to critique.

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  • Articles used for one assignment can’t be used for the other assignments (students should find new research articles for each assignment).
  • The selected articles should be original research articles. Review articles, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, and systemic review should not be used.
  • Mixed-methods studies should not be used.

Your critique should include the following:

Research Problem/Purpose

  • State the problem clearly as it is presented in the report.
  • Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing knowledge?
  • Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?
  • State the purpose of the research.

Review of the Literature

  • Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
  • Were the references current? If not, what do you think the reasons are?

Theoretical Framework

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  • Are the theoretical concepts defined and related to the research?
  • Does the research draw solely on nursing theory or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
  • Is a theoretical framework stated in this research piece?
  • If not, suggest one that might be suitable for the study.


  • What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
  • Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?
  • Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?


  • What type of design (quantitative, qualitative, and type) was used in this study?
  • Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
  • State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
  • Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
  • State the type of reliability and the validity of the measurement tools.
  • Were ethical considerations addressed?

Data Analysis

  • What data analysis tool was used?
  • How were the results presented in the study?
  • Identify at least one (1) finding.

Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations

  • What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
  • In terms of the findings, can the researcher generalize to other populations? Explain.
  • Evaluate the findings and conclusions as to their significance for nursing.

The body of your paper should be 4–6 double-spaced pages plus a cover page and a reference page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA guidelines.

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Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.

Points: 280





Critique Research Article

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the ability to critically read and understand an investigative study. I have chosen the research article “A case study exploring the experience of graduate entry nursing students when learning in practice”. According to Stacey et al. (2015) there is complex background turbulence during the process of achieving a nursing degree. There is some controversy as to the methods used to educate nurses. This creates a potential challenging environment for newly graduated students. The purpose of this article is to explore how new nursing students presents themselves in an environment where stereotypes criticize their capabilities during their provisional period. This article directly relates to nursing by gathering information that describes the challenges that most if not all nurses come across as they gain experience in their nursing career.

The information used in this article is current, updated and published within a ten-year window from todays date. The development of hypotheses used in this study were integrated from already theorize studies relating to this topic. Such as “Current nurse education is failing to promote capability, criticality and flexibility amongst the nursing workforce” (Watson 2006, Roberts et al. 2009), “GEN students possess a range of specific attributes which are beneficial to nursing graduateness” (Hackett & McLafferty 2006, Raines 2009, Neil 2012, Stacey et al. 2014), “GEN student are likely to feel hostility from established nurses in practice due to their academic qualifications” (Brookfield 1993, McKenna et al. 2006) and “GEN students are perceived as unwilling or unable to engage in caring activity as a result to intellectual ability” (Watson & Thompson 2000, McKenna et al. 2006, Watson 2006). Concepts explored in this study was analyzed as “exploration of a contemporary phenomenon in a real life context when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident” (Stacey et al., 2015). With this said this study has the possibility to challenge, extend or confirm already existing theories.

The theoretical framework of this article are considered to be related to the research by nursing theories and social discipline. The framework of the research includes theoretical sampling strategy using selected group of students to participate in a two-year research study. There are other disciplines also involved in this study, social discipline is seen throughout this study as students learn to co-exist into the nursing environment. The framework used in this study is a comparison of gathered data, and compered with already existing research.

A dependent variable found in this article is education performance. Students when in clinical practice come across obstacles that decrease their learning experience. By compacting a lot of material in a short period of time, skepticism is an outcome and impacts the nurse’s perception of the student’s competency. The student must present themselves in a way where their competency is assessed positively. The independent variable is the qualitative data found in this research. In the design of this study, information gathered relied on diary information, focus groups, and practice documentation. Participants were expected to capture their experiences in a written format by keeping a diary, participate in interviews in 6 month intervals that lasted 60 to 90 minutes. According to, (Stacey et al., 2015) eight participants chose to take part and engaged in this study for the full duration of 2 years. Therefor operational definitions were clearly defined in this research study, they are also concrete and measurable.

Stacy et a., (2015) hypothesized professional socialization involves a process of compliance as opposed to conformity which can entail a degree of internal conflict where personal values are compromised. It also seen that the individual’s performance deviates, due to the role expectation, moral obligation, and the interaction with others.

The design used in this study is qualitative case study approach, it was use to explore the student real-life experiences as a new nurse in a clinical setting. This study used inductive reasoning. It began by observation of the lack of qualitative research of graduate entry nurses experience, students were placed in a clinical setting to gather experiences. The data was the analyzed and reviewed for validity, and lastly disclosing the findings.

The sample size of this study consist of a cohort of eight Graduate Entry Nursing (GEN) student participants, with ages ranging from 20 – 40, previous education consisted of foreign language degree, science degree, arts degree and one with masters in therapeutic intervention. Previous health care related experience is a variation of none, criminal justice services, learning disability charitable organization, and youth work counseling. Twelve practice assessors that took part in the assessment of the GEN student were also asked to participate. Assessor field of practice includes adult and mental practice. Years of registration was 8 – 34 years. The investigator in this research study choose probability sampling, samples were gathered giving all individuals in the population equal chances of being selected. Valid tools used in this research consisted of existing theoretical suppositions and compared themes from student focus group, and diary feedback. Ethical consideration was taken. Approval was requested from the host institution Faculty Medical Research Ethics Committee (Stacy et al, 2015). Due to the dual role of the researcher and lecturer, and the potential risk of coercion.

Data analysis was gathered using theoretic supposition, this allows generalized thought process and pattern matching. The results from the research study are presented in a comparable format. The finding consists of four suppositions, each one also includes student accounts, followed by feedback from practice assessors, and lastly the researches finding. The first supposition is “Current nurse education is failing to promote capability, critically and flexibility amongst the nursing workforce. Students account is that there is still low priority of teaching un the clinical environment. There is a student perception that practitioners are too busy to help with the learning of new nurses. As a result, student nurses help performing other task that have no value to their student nurse learning. Allowing some skepticism in regards to the new nurse competency.

The feedback gathered from the assessor, includes the ability to fit in the amount of knowledge and skills needed in a shorter period of then what the mentor completed. The finding that from the researcher was, students must present their selves in a confident manner. Student had to engage in finding performance approaches, to not have their competency questioned. This evolved them doing procedures that they didn’t feel comfortable doing. Participant #5 disclosed that throughout training she receive good feedback on the questions and opinions she gave. However, her mentor received different feedback from the assessor such as being arrogant and overconfident, being that she is in the stage of training. Moral distressed was documented in the part of professional socialization.

Structure of the study is considered a strength for this article. As for limitations of the study were identified within the findings. The structure of how to achieve the data by creating an objective helped direct the research. Also this research was based on dairy interviews, focus groups, and practice trials. The limitations of this research corresponds to the findings of the researcher towards one group. The relevance of the findings only relates to one cohort of nursing students, the claims made in the research cannot relate to other cohorts. More research would need to be done in order for the research to be relevant to other populations. The significance of this research is valid towards nursing because of the focus towards the students and their performance and experience in the nursing program.


Stacey, G., Pollock, K., & Crawford, P. (2015). A case study exploring the experience of graduate entry nursing students when learning in practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(9), 2084-2095. doi:10.1111/jan.12673

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Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this
item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

Meets or Exceeds

Mostly Meets



25.2 (9.00%) – 28

Research problem,
purpose of
research, and
relevance to
nursing are clearly

21.28 (7.60%) – 24.92

Research problem,
purpose of
research, and
relevance to
nursing are

16.8 (6.00%) – 21

Research problem,
purpose of
research, and
relevance to
nursing are mostly
absent or

Review of the

37.8 (13.50%) – 42

Concepts explored
in the literature
review are clearly
identi!ed. Critique
of the references is
included and well

31.92 (11.40%) –
37.38 (13.35%)

Concepts explored
in the literature
review are
identi!ed. Critique
of the references is
included, but may
not be fully

25.2 (9.00%) – 31.5

Concepts explored
in the literature
review are
Critique of the
references is
severely lacking.

Name: NURS350-Research Critique

Description: This rubric is used to evaluate the Research Critique Assignment in


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25.2 (9.00%) – 28

A theoretical
is identi!ed and
well analyzed for
appropriateness. If
the article lacks a
a suitable one is

21.28 (7.60%) – 24.92

A theoretical
is somewhat
identi!ed and
analyzed for
appropriateness. If
the article lacks a
a potential
is suggested, but it
is somewhat

16.8 (6.00%) – 21

A theoretical
is somewhat
identi!ed and
analyzed for
appropriateness. If
the article lacks a
a potential
is suggested, is not
identi!ed or is

Questions, and

12.6 (4.50%) – 14

IV and DV are
identi!ed and
de!ned. Discussion
on measurability is
included. Research
question and
hypothesis are

10.64 (3.80%) – 12.46

IV and DV are
identi!ed and or
partially de!ned.
Discussion on
measurability is
somewhat included.
Research question
and hypothesis are
partially identi!ed.

8.4 (3.00%) – 10.5

IV and DV
identi!cation and
de!nition are
absent or severely
lacking. Discussion
on measurability is
absent or
Research question
and hypothesis are
not identi!ed or


50.4 (18.00%) – 56

Type of design,
sample size, study
sampling method,
and type of
reasoning are
properly identi!ed.
Reliability and
validity of
measurement tools,

42.56 (15.20%) –
49.84 (17.80%)

Type of design,
sample size, study
sampling method,
and type of
reasoning are
identi!ed. Reliability
and validity of
measurement tools,

33.6 (12.00%) – 42

Type of design,
sample size, study
sampling method,
and type of
reasoning are
absent or
Reliability and
validity of
measurement tools,

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considerations, and
probability vs. non-
sampling are

considerations, and
probability vs. non-
sampling are
discussed, but
some information is

measurement tools,
considerations, and
probability vs. non-
sampling are either
absent or grossly

Data Analysis 37.8 (13.50%) – 42

Data analysis tool is
identi!ed. An
explanation on how
the results are
presented in the
study is included
and accurate. At
least one !nding is

31.92 (11.40%) –
37.38 (13.35%)

Data analysis tool is
identi!ed. An
explanation on how
the results are
presented in the
study is included. At
least one !nding is

25.2 (9.00%) – 31.5

Data analysis tool is
absent or
misidenti!ed. An
explanation on how
the results are
presented in the
study is absent or
grossly unclear.
Findings are not
included or are
grossly inaccurate.

Implications, and

50.4 (18.00%) – 56

Strengths and
limitations of the
study are identi!ed.
A discussion on
whether or not the
study can be
generalized is
included. An
evaluation of the
conclusions, and
signi!cance to
nursing is included
and appropriate.

42.56 (15.20%) –
49.84 (17.80%)

Strengths and
limitations of the
study are
identi!ed. A
discussion on
whether or not the
study can be
generalized is
included but may
not be fully
developed. An
evaluation of the
conclusions, and
signi!cance to
nursing may not be
fully developed.

33.6 (12.00%) – 42

Strengths and
limitations of study
are absent or
lacking. A
discussion on
whether or not the
study can be
generalized is
absent or lacking.
An evaluation of the
conclusions, and
signi!cance to
nursing is absent or

Mechanics and
APA Format

12.6 (4.50%) – 14

Written in a clear,

10.64 (3.80%) – 12.46

Writing is generally

8.4 (3.00%) – 10.5
Writing is generally

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Written in a clear,
concise, formal, and
organized manner.
Responses are
mostly error free.
Information from
sources is
paraphrased and
accurately cited.

Writing is generally
clear and organized
but is not concise or
formal in language.
Multiple errors exist
in spelling and
grammar with
minor interference
with readability or
Most information
from sources is
paraphrased and

Writing is generally
unclear and
unorganized. Some
errors in spelling
and grammar
detract from
readability and
Sources are missing
or improperly cited.

Name:NURS350-Research Critique

Description:This rubric is used to evaluate the Research Critique Assignment in


The purpose of this paper is to critique a research article. The research

article that is going to be critiqued is the “Impact of Coping Strategies on

Nurses’ Well-Being and Practice”. The problem presented in the report

is occupational stress and burnout that the nurses are confronted with

causing emotional changes associates with stress, suffering, emotional

exhaustion, and poor psychological well-being (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang,

2018). The investigators has placed the study problem within the

context of existing knowledge. The knowledge placed in the article

reflects the problem from other studies that has been done. There has

been numerous research done on the well-being of nurses related to

their environment. The study does solve a problem relevant to nursing.

The study provides important implications for nursing interventions that

will promote nursing psychological well-being, which can improve

nursing practicing, improving patient safety, and bettering nursing care

outcome (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). The purpose of the study is to

examine the direct and indirect impacts of coping strategies on

psychological well-being, quality of the practice environment, and

patient safety among clinical nurses (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018).
Literature Review

The concepts explored in the literature review includes how stress can affect the nurse,

the correlation between better work environments and the quality of care or mental health,

positive correlation between quality of practice and patient satisfaction, the correlation between

mental health and quality of care, and the good and bad coping strategies displayed by the nurse

(Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). Stress is causing nurses is often resulting in mental illness and

emotional exhaustion. Previous study has shown that nurses that work in better work

environments were associated with better quality of car and increase patient satisfaction, and

they were less likely to give their hospitals poor or failing grades on patient safety (Lee, Tzeng,

& Chiang, 2018). Working better environments include sufficient resources and staffing. Study

has also shown that the nurses’ environment and feelings of being burned out predicted job

outcomes and the quality of nursing care and that emotional exhaustion was a significant

predictor of quality of care provided to the patient (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). Psychosocial

well-being has found to be influenced by stress, and the choice of stress coping mechanism.

There has been bad and good coping strategies that will help with the nurses psychosocial well-

being. Good ways to help cope are problem focused and reflect cognitive and behavioral efforts

Commented [SD1]: In this section be sure you
demonstrate the need for the study: nurses’ psychological
wellbeing is necessary to prevent burnout and turnover

What is the main problem that led the researchers to want
to conduct this investigation? E.g. nursing is considered a
high stress occupation that left unchecked or unattended to
can result in (those things you mention)

Was the purpose of the study clearly stated or was it
implied and then offer what that was

Is the design of this research study appropriate and how so,
will it provide empirical evidence (if it’s a quantitative) or
insights from the experiences of nurses (if its qualitative)

Commented [SD2]: Nurses’

Commented [SD3]: Too many sentences begin with the
word “The” giving the appearance and sound of a question
answer format

Commented [SD4]: In the Literature Review section were
the studies mentioned relevant to the problem and then
summarize that; was there a good range of and scope of
ideas, opinions and points of view relevant to the problem?
For example, several studies mentioned by the Authors
reflect the negative correlation of nurse stress and work
environments, quality of patient care, and nurse mental

Was the review, in your opinion, well organized, provide for
a brief critical appraisal of each study in the lit review and
did this section of the article conclude with a summary of
the literature with implications for the study the researcher
has decided to undertake (include brief support for your
opinion with the info you have to the left)

Commented [SD5]: And to whom—patient or nurse?

to master or resolve life stressors and a bad way to cope would be avoidance which has been

related to mood disturbances. (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). The references range in date but

most of them are pretty current to the article and are well documented. The resources used in this

article is used to support the impact that stress and work environment has on nursing

psychological well-being and how it is interfering with their quality of work.

Theoretical Framework

The framework has been made clear in the research article and is related to the research

article. As stated in the article the conceptual framework is based on positive psychology,

according to which individual traits such as resilience, psychological well-being, and a positive

work environment can lead to the expression of positive emotions, improved nursing

performance, and promotion of perceived positive safety attitudes (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang,


The research article draws on theory from other disciplines. Nursing theories usually define the

nursing scope of practice but in this article the theory is based on other disciplines. Nursing

theory is present in the article but it is also based on patient satisfaction, quality of care, the work

environment, coping strategies, and the mental health of the nurses.


The dependent variable is the respondents. The independent variable are the survey

questions, the incentives, and the environment that the surveys are done in. The operational

definitions of the variables are given. The operational definitions for the dependent variable

include age, gender, marital status, education level, years of nursing experience, number of

children, and work unit. Another operational definition are the questionnaires used to get the

nurses feedback on topic. There is not a research question or hypothesis stated. The aim of the

study is to examine ways nurses can cope.


In this study the quantitative design is used. The quantitative designs is used to examine

relationship among variables are categorized experimental or nonexperimental (Schmidt &

Brown, 2019). Experimental designs are used for the purposes of examining causality while

nonexperimental designs can be used for the purposes of describing a phenomenon in detail,

explaining relationships and differences among variables, and predicting relationships and

differences among variables (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). The type is a cross-sectional design

which is a nonexperimental design used to gather data from a group of subjects at only one point

in time (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). Deductive reasoning is used here. Surveys are commonly

used to test a hypothesis, which makes it deductive reasoning. The original sample size is 1,500

registered clinical nurse with 3 or months or more working experience. The sample method used

was a power analysis performed using a sample size calculator for structural equation indicating

that at least 296 participants would be required to assure statistical power of > .80, with α < .05

and a small effect size (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). After review and approval by the

hospital’s ethics committee, 500 nurse were randomly sampled and contacted between July and

October 2015. The nurses were from a medical center with 1,350 beds in Taipei City, Taiwan. Of

500 nurses, 474 filled out the questionnaire which is the sample method. The nurses were to

Commented [SD6]: This is where you want to link the
theory concepts to the study variables (if this is a
quantitative study). At the least you need to explain the
theory, nursing or not. If a nursing theory was not used,
what is an appropriate one that could have been used?

Are there any definitions of concepts or how variables will
be measured? If so, include in this section; would Sister
cellist Roy’s adaptation Model be a fit and why?

Commented [SD7]: This area definitely needs to be
strengthened. If this is a qualitative research study, there
will be no starting hypothesis or variables. If it a
quantitative study there will be. Remember back to your
PICOT question. Are not the nurses your population?

Operational definitions are definitions that explicitly state
how the variable will be measured or operationalized—
what you have here are merely the demographics of the
nurses and the questionnaire is the instrument to collect
and measure data

Conceptual definitions (that would be included in the above
section) are the definitions of the concepts contained in the
theory being used

The Independent variable (by looking at the title which we
often do) the nurses’ coping strategies and the dependent
variable is the nurses’ well-being

Above you mention hypothesis and variables—I did look up
and see this is a quantitative study so there should be –they
are not always clearly stated and that can be something you
state at the end as a limitation of this study

At a minimum the research question is implied: Does
nurses’’ coping strategies impact their well-being?

Commented [SD8]:

Commented [SD9]: Is this research approach (cross
sectional design) appropriate and why

Deductive reasoning is that which moves from the general
to the particular—researchers use a theory to help them
reason out a hunch (hypothesis). For example, if the
researcher believes that coping strategies affect nurse well-
being then the researcher could deduce poor coping
strategies would result in lack of well-being

Surveys are the research instruments used to collect the
data—is the questionnaire an appropriate instrument for
this type of study and why?
Is the instrument described in terms of content, structure,
validity and reliability so that the researcher can have
confidence in the data collected for analysis, testing and

complete their survey in their free time after work. The sample included mostly single women

ranging from 20 to 59 years of age. They all had an education of at least a bachelor’s degree and

one third of them reported less than 2 years of nursing experience and most of them worked on a

medical surgical ward. The investigator choose a probability sampling which involves random

selection and calculating the odds. Every element in the accessible population has an equal

chance of being selected for inclusion in the study (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). The type of

validity used is the statistical conclusion validity in which the degree that the results of the

statistical analysis reflects the true relationship between the independent and dependent variables

(Schmidt & Brown, 2019). Reliability??. Ethical consideration were addressed. All participants

signed a consent form and to maintain anonymity, the participants were asked to drop the

consent form and questionnaire respectively into two separate boxes located at the front door of

the department of nursing (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). The study was reviewed and approved

by the Institutional Review Board of Tri-Service General Hospital (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang,


Data Analysis

The tool used to analysis the data is the structural equation modeling which investigates

latent variables with multiple indicators and provides unbiased estimates of mediation and

suppression effects (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). It is an inclusive statistical approach for

testing the correlations in the path model and the measurement model simultaneously and this

model may provide more accurate estimates than a hierarchical regression approach of the

mediating effects when latent variables are modeled (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). The results

were presented through models used to find correlations between coping strategies,

environmental factors, and psychological well-being. These models included the psychological

well-being scale, the practice environment scale of the nursing work index, the safety attitude

questionnaire, and the brief COPE inventory. One of the findings from the research showed that

psychological well-being is directly associated with quality of nurses’ practice environments and

safety attitudes (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018).

Summary and Conclusions

Strengths of the study is that the researcher were able to get responses form the nursing

workers themselves. This allowed it to be versatile because different nurses from all age groups

and experience were able to fill out these forms honestly because they were anonymous. The

study was also cost effective in that only surveys needed to be sent out. Researchers didn’t have

to spend money on more equipment to do the study. The limitations of the study were that the

research on psychological well-being was only cross sectional and not longitudinal so the study

didn’t examine the possible interaction between the nursing practice environment and patient

safety (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). Another limitation is that the participants were mainly

young women which limited the generalization of the findings. The data was also derived

entirely from self-reports measures which made the results subject to limitations associated with

the research methodology (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). In terms of finding researchers cannot

generalize to other populations because of the limitations. Most of these result come from young

women so the input of the men wouldn’t be included. Researchers could generalize the findings

Commented [SD10]: Is the presentation of data clear?

Was the method of data analysis selected appropriate?
Are the tables, charts and graphs pertinent to help
understand the study results and do they enhance what was
reported in content of the study (they shouldn’t duplicate
one another

Are the results based on the data presented?

Is the evidence sufficient to draw conclusions: that is, that
environment and coping strategies can either positively or
negatively impact nurse well being—here you can see why it
is important to be able to identify the IV and DV

Were the results interpreted in the context of the
problem/purpose, hypothesis, and theoretical framework/lit
reviewed. The hypothesis is the research question turned
into a statement (back in week 1) so…nurses’ environment
and coping strategies have an influence on nurse well-being
is your research hypothesis; the null hypothesis would be
that there is no influence (positive or negative—no effect)

Commented [SD11]: Are the conclusions and
generalizations clearly stated and what are they (briefly)

Are the limitations of the findings clearly delineated? Do
they include what we observed—not a clear hypothesis
statement or research question

The generalizations the researchers make (if any) are they
within the scope of the findings

Does the study contribute to nursing knowledge? Think
about how important these findings are to preventing nurse
burnout, compassion fatigue and turnover… how the
findings could be incorporated into a nurse
orientation/residency/mentor program especially in new
nurses transferring to professional practice or how about
the high stress areas of nursing—should we be teaching
positive coping strategies

that the psychological well-being does have a correlation with the quality of the environment, but

also most of this is subjective so to generalize it would dismiss others perspective. Also these

findings are based on one medical center, if the study was based on different medical center in

different states then maybe most of the findings would be able to be generalized. The findings

show that the nurses’ psychological well-being is important for nurses who face challenges of

balancing their jobs stress, and patient care outcome without letting their emotional exhaustion

lead to burnout and loss of job retention. The study findings suggest that approach oriented

coping strategies has positive effects on psychological well-being and patient safety whereas,

avoidant coping strategies have the opposite effects (Lee, Tzeng, & Chiang, 2018). These

findings are significant for nursing especially nursing educational interventions because it

promotes nurses’ psychological well-being which can result in better nursing practices, better

nursing practice environment, improved patient safety, and better nursing care outcomes.

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