summary of 25 pages article

Due date: Tuesday, March 31st

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Summary no.2

Please read the antitrust case
U.S vs. Visa and MasterCard
– 2003 (Case 19 in the 6th edition). Write at least a three-page summary in a word processing software; 2 pages and two paragraphs is not considered 3 pages. The title, your name, and other similar information are not considered part of the summary, so they will not count towards the 3 pages length.

Your grade for the summary will depend on
the content AND presentation.

The summary should not include: citations of an entire paragraphs (you need to summarize the case); lists; tables or figures; anything that looks like a student tries to fill the two pages.

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For a good presentation you have to type the summary in a word processing software file with the following specifications:

· font size: 12

· font style: Times New Roman

· line spacing: 1.5 lines

· margins: 1 inch (top, bottom, left or right)

· align text: justify

· don’t forget to write your name on the summary

PS: All of these specifications are almost standard for a new document, but double check before you print the final document. Your standard settings or software might be different. This file has all these specifications and you can use it as a template, however it is your responsibility to double check and to be sure that the settings did not change.

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