
what did you learn from this ppt, explain it in details

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Be seen, get heard & inspire confidence
Have others be motivated to hear more from you
Strengthen your credibility, character and connection
Even under conditions of stress, pressure or uncertainty
Even in competitive environments
Even without pre-existing strong relationships & reputation


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Objective: Excel at Interpersonal Communication

In other words:

Prepare, prioritize, think, feel and act like an
authentic leader

Carry yourself with the presence of an authentic
leader anytime you want.

We focus on tools & methods proven to work, and how
to apply them for each of you given your strengths,
experiences and development priorities.

High ROI tools

High ROI practice methods

Integrated into your normal flow of work & life (i.e.,
minimal time and effort expended to implement)

Routinized into self-sustaining habits and routines (i.e.,
they feel and are genuine, authentic, natural for you)

Our approach

Real, practical, sustained improvements can happen

We build on those for ongoing cumulative
improvements you want to make.

These results are accessible to anyone.

They do not require a certain type of personality, a
large ego, or charisma.

Using this approach…

Because – to use a shortcut analogy – our approach is
based on the advantages and are disadvantages in the
“Human Operating System.”

We all have HOS 1.0 installed.

Our work is to recognize the advantages of HOS 1.0,
and, for the disadvantages, to install “updates” proven
by research and practice to work consistently.

Why are these results accessible to

MIT Study

Invisible, “gravitational” forces that skew
and reduce relationships:

– Similarity & Proximity

Physical environments “invisibly” affect
us too:

– Classrooms, Apple, Google, etc.

Be seen, get heard & inspire confidence
Have others be motivated to hear more from you
Strengthen your credibility, character and connection
Even under conditions of stress, pressure or uncertainty
Even in competitive environments
Even without pre-existing strong relationships & reputation
Objective: Excel at Interpersonal Communication
In other words:
Prepare, prioritize, think, feel and act like an
authentic leader
Carry yourself with the presence of an authentic
leader anytime you want.


Video Analysis

Derek Sivers,
Founder, CD Baby

How to start a

“The first follower transforms a lone
nut into a leader.”

“Three is a crowd, and a crowd is

“New followers emulate the followers,
not the leader.”

What is the most important thing
about this presentation, according to

Did you catch it? Do you remember it?

What’s his call to action? What does he
want you to DO?


“Okay, but we might have missed the real
lesson here. The biggest lesson, if you
noticed — did you catch it? — is that
leadership is over-glorified…

If you really care about starting a
movement, have the courage to follow and
show others how to follow.

And when you find a lone nut doing
something great, have the guts to be the
first one to stand up and join in.”

Video Analysis

Matt Cutts,
SEO Engineer, Google

Try something new for
30 days

What were the key lessons that Matt
Cutts wants us to remember?

Do you remember how many lessons
there were?

Do you remember them?


1. Time was much more memorable

2. Self confidence grew

3. If you want it badly enough, you can
do almost anything for 30 days

4. When I made small, sustainable
changes, they were more likely to
stick (“small changes = sustainable”)


Be seen, get heard & inspire confidence
Have others be motivated to hear more from you
Strengthen your credibility, character and connection
Even under conditions of stress, pressure or uncertainty
Even in competitive environments
Even without pre-existing strong relationships & reputation
Objective: Excel at Interpersonal Communication
In other words:
Prepare, prioritize, think, feel and act like an
authentic leader
Carry yourself with the presence of an authentic
leader anytime you want.

Be seen, get heard & inspire confidence
Have others be motivated to hear more from you
Strengthen your credibility, character and connection
Even under conditions of stress, pressure or uncertainty
Even in competitive environments
Even without pre-existing strong relationships & reputation
Objective: Excel at Interpersonal Communication
In other words:
Prepare, prioritize, think, feel and act like an
authentic leader
Carry yourself with the presence of an authentic
leader anytime you want.

Land comfortably confident, immediately

Anytime, anywhere you want…

1-1, small groups, large groups

With people you know, or don’t know

Regardless of stress, pressure, uncertainty

Regardless of outer & inner chaos

Because you know how to do it

Based on countless examples

Because you can choose your best motives

And you can choose your thoughts, feelings & actions

Because you know you bring value & can add value

Because you really like to do both & want to do both

“Try not to SUC” J
You always have a place to start, a place to go, a process (SUC).

“Don’t let pressure exceed pleasure”
Give yourself permission to be energized, look for ways to help
yourself and others find focused enthusiasm under pressure.

“Be present, not perfect”
Don’t worry about having the ideal, fully prepared outcome.
That’s almost never possible in real-world situations, especially
when the pressure is on.

“Trust the process. The process is fearless”
Don’t get rattled by circumstances, e.g., short deadlines,
pressure. Delegate your nervousness to a good, reliable
process. You already have one (SUC) and we’ll build on it,
much more than you can probably imagine at this point!

Listening well is like helping others draw architecture
designs – painting a picture of their thoughts and feelings


Matt Cutts,
SEO Engineer, Google

Try something new for
30 days

Reminder: Where we’re going….

Be seen, get heard & inspire confidence
Have others be motivated to hear more from you
Strengthen your credibility, character and connection
Even under conditions of stress, pressure or uncertainty
Even in competitive environments
Even without pre-existing strong relationships & reputation
Objective: Excel at Interpersonal Communication
In other words:
Prepare, prioritize, think, feel and act like an
authentic leader
Carry yourself with the presence of an authentic
leader anytime you want.

Land comfortably confident, immediately

Anytime, anywhere

1-1, small groups, large groups

People you know, or don’t know

Regardless of stress, pressure, uncertainty
Regardless of outer & inner chaos
Because you know how to do it
Based on countless examples
Because you can choose your best motives
And you can choose your thoughts, feelings & actions
Because you know you bring value & can add value
Because you really like to do both & want to do both

Reminder: Where we’re going….

Made to Stick, a book by Chip & Dan Heath

Mgt 180: Six ways to make what you say “stick” –
have impact, be memorable, & be passed to others

SIMPLE – repeatable message or lesson
UNEXPECTED – surprising, attention-getting
CONCRETE – specific examples and details
CREDIBLE – citing authorities, experts, studies, etc.
EMOTIONAL – inspire strong feelings aligned with

your message

STORIES – sequence of events in which
character(s) deal with challenge(s)

Mgt 180: Story (or “Narrative Structure”) is a
remarkably flexible & powerful communication skill

– Appeals across all cultures, areas of expertise,
personality types, etc.

– Delivers *emotion* as well or better than any
other communication vehicle

– Carries data & analytical information too

– Makes your message more memorable &
repeatable – crucial for leading & influencing!

Mgt 180: Basic Elements of Story

People involved with each other in a specific time & place

External: With another person(s) or nature

Internal: With oneself (one’s own need to change or grow)

What is the MAIN THING you’re trying to

convey or make happen?

In other words, WHY are you telling this story?

Mgt 180: Your favorite scene from a movie

Think of your favorite movies. Pick one of them.

From that movie, what are some of your favorite
scenes (e.g., a couple minutes from the movie)?

You will use one of your favorite movie scenes for the
next activity.

Pick one now!

Prepare to tell a 1.5 minute (max) STORY about one
of your favorite movie scenes
– Tell us what we need to know to understand the

scene: Who are the characters, what is their

– Describe the scene: What happens? Who says &
does what?

– Tell us why you chose that scene: Why do you like it?
– Look for ways to include SIMPLE, UNEXPECTED,


Mgt 180: Your favorite scene from a movie

Mgt 180: Six ways to make what you say “stick” –
have impact, be memorable, & be passed to others
SIMPLE – repeatable message or lesson
UNEXPECTED – surprising, attention-getting
CONCRETE – specific examples and details
CREDIBLE – citing authorities, experts, studies, etc.
EMOTIONAL – inspire strong feelings aligned with
your message
STORIES – sequence of events in which
character(s) deal with challenge(s)

People involved with each other in a specific time & place
External: With another person(s) or nature
Internal: With oneself (one’s own need to change or grow)

What is the MAIN THING you’re trying to
convey or make happen?

In other words, WHY are you telling this story?



Mgt 180: Elements of Story Analysis
“A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter”

Video Analysis

Mark Bezos

A life lesson from a
volunteer firefighter

People involved with each other in a specific time & place
External: With another person(s) or nature
Internal: With oneself (one’s own need to change or grow)
What is the MAIN THING you’re trying to
convey or make happen?
In other words, WHY are you telling this story?
Mgt 180: Elements of Story Analysis
“A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter”

Video Analysis
Mark Bezos

A life lesson from a
volunteer firefighter

“Save the shoes”

Let’s look at delivery skills too….

How you “deliver” your ideas: How you use
your voice & body

Vocals – volume, pitch, pace, tempo, silences

Body language – how you stand, your posture,
how you use your body, arms, legs; your facial
expressions; how you move in space

Telling the Story – Engage & Energize

1. Have a memorable point / takeaway that drives your purpose

2. How does this apply to your audience? Make it “their” story too: The
audience isn’t “I” but “you” or “we”

3. Use concrete details to help them see, hear and feel what’s

4. Use dialogue: Say what individuals said; voice both sides of a
colorful conversation

5. Show appropriate emotion to get them engaged, and motivate them
to want to know what happens next?

6. Use variation in your vocal pitch, pace and volume to emphasize

7. Use appropriate gestures and facial expressions to accentuate your

Mgt 180: A treasured childhood memory

Prepare to tell a 1.5 minute (max) STORY about one
of your favorite memories from when you were
– Tell us what we need to know to understand the

event: Who was involved, what was the situation?

– Describe the scene: What happens? Who says &
does what?
– Tell us why you chose that scene: Why do you like it?
– Look for ways to include SIMPLE, UNEXPECTED,

Mgt 180: A meaningful personal possession

Consult with a partner: Prepare to tell a 1.5 minute
(max) STORY about a personal possession that’s
meaningful to you
(e.g., a special artifact from a trip, a special piece of clothing, jewelry,
picture, gift, trophy, furniture, musical instrument, etc.)


– Tell us what we need to know to understand how it
came to be so meaningful: How did it come into your
possession? Who was involved? What was the
situation? What happened? Who said & did what?

– Look for ways to include SIMPLE, UNEXPECTED,

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