Summarize the three most important things when it comes to emotional intelligence.

Must be in APA format 3 to 4 pages . Rubric and reference article listed below. The article must be part of one of your reference page. 

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 Writing is clear, logical, well-organized, and appropriate. Work is free from spelling and grammar/syntax errors. Tone is professional and free from bias (i.e., sexism, racism). Writing synthesizes the classroom experiences and content; analyzes patterns or connections between theory and practice; and draws logical conclusions based on well-reasoned arguments

Summarize the three most important regarding emotional intelligence. Explain why they stood out to you and how you will apply what you have learned into your work as a manager. Be specific and provide examples.

· Summarize your observations from the conversations that you observed during the week.

· Explain what you observed about the participants’ ability to listen and hear what was being said.

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· Describe whether or how you were able to determine when the participants were listening and really hearing each other.

· Describe your observations about the outcomes of the conversations based on the participants’ relative listening skills of the participants.

Why do you think it is important to listen to understand what is being said and what are the main challenges to actually listening to understand?

What actions might you take to ensure that you are a good listener and avoid listening only to respond (i.e. avoid turning your focus to what you will say in reply versus actually concentrating on what someone is saying to you)?

What cues do you watch for to make sure you are listening to someone who is speaking? What steps do you take if you notice you are not?

Assess why listening skills would be important in your role as a manager and as an employee.

To what extent do you agree that listening is the most important step in communicating? Explain your answer and provide examples to support your assessment.

In what ways and to what extent do you think that developing good listening skills will help you develop your emotional intelligence and cultural competencies? Provide examples to support your position.

How will you use what you have learned this week to improve your ability to be an effective manager?

One of the Reference article :

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