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  and  ensure your research advances    the knowledge of the discussion. In your reply,     address    at least one     point made by your peer for     each of the three requirements     in the initial post above.      After one formal reply in APA style, subsequent replies may be informal and casual in discussion. Observance of     

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     is expected.     Each reply must incorporate at least 2 scholarly citation(s) in current APA format for graduate student format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include discussion sources, the textbook, peer-reviewed scholarly sources, and the Bible.

Required Resource

Inaba, D. S., & Cohen, W. E. (2014). Uppers, downers, all arounders: Physical and mental effects of psychoactive drugs (8th ed.). Medford, OR: CNS Productions, Inc. ISBN: 9780926544390.


A Multidimensional response pattern is formed when it is established that certain aspects in the life of an individual with an addiction disorder may trigger them into relapse either for a given period of time or to the use of certain drug substances (Reske & Paulus, 2008). To form a multidimensional response pattern, it is important to understand that a relapse is not a binary outcome. Instead, a relapse is a continuous outcome that cuts across multiple dimensions. These relapse dimensions are; the duration of the relapse, the number of substances an individual abused when they were in relapse, the threshold, the consequences of their relapse, and the prior sobriety level (Reske & Paulus, 2008). For one to establish a multidimensional response pattern, therefore, they will have to look at the trigger alongside the responses in the multiple dimensions. A good example is looking at a trigger like a negative life occurrence. One has to analyze whether there are similar responses for each dimension every time there is a negative life occurrence. When an addict has an occurrence like the loss of a loved one many times, does the duration of relapse remain constant, and do they maintain the same number of substance abuse every time they relapse?

Multidimensional response patterns have a great influence on a person’s relapse since it is because of these patterns that the brain conditions itself to relapse in case of any trigger. One of the triggers might be the use of Medication-Assisted Treatments (MATs), which requires the use of FDA- approved medication and counselors to treat addiction disorders. The approved medications include methadone a full opioid agonist drug, Buprenorphine a partial opioid agonist drug, and Naltrexone an opioid antagonist drug (Oesterle et al, 2019). Since both Methadone and Buprenorphine are addictive narcotic opioid drugs, it is possible that the use of MATs will affect and change an individual’s brain chemistry, causing them to revert (Bell & Strang, 2020). The already formed multidimensional response pattern may influence a relapse owing to different variables.

MATs not only employ the use of medications but also counselors and behavioral therapies, therefore, counselors have a role to play in educating their clients on the biological aspects of their addictions (Levy et al., 2016). Counselors should educate their clients holistically by ensuring that all the aspects of their biological compositions have been critically analyzed. Through employing the use of discussions, they will be able to give their clients the chance to express themselves openly so that they will be free to openly share about family histories. This will help the therapist ascertain whether their client’s cause of addiction is their own biological composition. 

Since counselors spend very little time with their clients, they must direct their clients to informational sites where information about catalysts of addiction has been explained. Educating clients about their biology, as well as on whether it makes them more prone to addiction will ensure that when they start MATs they will strive to ensure that their addiction disorder has been treated. Another way to educate clients about the biological aspects of their addiction is by use of case scenarios. Case scenarios are very good, as they will motivate the client by giving them real examples of cases similar to their own.

Apart from the use of antagonists in medically assisted treatment, other pharmacotherapies approach for the treatment of addiction is the use of opioid agonists, partial agonists, and the alpha-2-adrenergic agonists (Oesterle et al., 2019). The use of agonists is more prevalent as it has had outcomes that are more superior when it comes to detoxification from opioids. The use of agonists such as methadone and partial agonists such as Buprenorphine allows for both maintenance and detoxifications, which are MATs methods in ensuring that an addict will be fully recovered (Bell & Strang, 2020). While antagonists only focus on detoxification, agonists offer replacement therapy for opioid dependence.



Bell, J., & Strang, J. (2020). Medication Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. Biological Psychiatry.

Levy, S., Ryan, S. A., Gonzalez, P. K., Patrick, S. W., Quigley, J., Siqueira, L., … Jarrett, R. (2016). Medication-assisted treatment of adolescents with opioid use disorders. Pediatrics.

Oesterle, T. S., Thusius, N. J., Rummans, T. A., & Gold, M. S. (2019). Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid-Use Disorder. Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Reske, M., & Paulus, M. P. (2008). Predicting treatment outcome in stimulant dependence. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

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