Submit 1-2 formal paragraphs with at least five sentences in response to two different peer classmates posts

Peer Response Posts: Due Week 1 Sunday by 11:59pm (Pacific Time)

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formal paragraphs

 with at least five sentences in response to two different peer classmates posts. The response should be respectful and contribute to the discussion. Provide at least one academic or credible source. Use APA 6th edition for both in-text citations and references.

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Ruby Navarro 

Week 1 Discussion / Introduction


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Hello, my name is Ruby Navarro, and I am excited to be learning about Health Promotion Concepts. I have several interest in public health from education related to topics HIV, STD, and Mental Health. I hope to learn more health promotion and community health. One of my favorite self-care is getting my nails done. I started taking time for myself and getting manicures about 10 years ago. At first is awkward but soon I realized that the time I spent alone, not working and not stressing was the healthy for me.

1. To what extent do you think that the government, at any level has the right to legislate good health? For example, do you think the governmental body has the responsibility (or right) to require all motorcycle drivers to wear helmets because statistics show that wearing helmets can save lives? Defend your answer.

· Compare and contrast health education and health promotion. What is its purpose? (CLO #2).

I think our government has a lot of responsibility in providing good health. I think when law pass that provides funding for education to community health and provide services to increase healthy behaviors is key. I also think individuals needs more options in gaining healthy behaviors in school, communities, and private sectors.  According to our textbook (Randall R. Cottrell, 2018) “health education” using evidence-based curriculum and/or theories that provides knowledge, attitudes and skills that are used to maintain healthy behaviors. And “health promotion” is described as a combination of educational, political, environmental, regulatory, or organizational mechanisms that supports actions and conditions of living conducive to health of a persons, or groups and communities. Health education is becoming more commonly introduced as topics or classes in school to provide education and knowledge along with the importance of healthy behaviors. Health promotions focuses on the relationship and responsibility from our government to the providers in the community groups.  The goal for both is to improve the quality of life.  Similar planning models are used in developing health education and promotion programs, most models use these steps, assessing the needs, setting goals/objectives, developing an intervention, implementing the intervention and evaluation the results. (Randall R. Cottrell, 2018)



Randall R. Cottrell, D. M. (2018). Principles and Foundations of Health Promotion and Education. New York : Pearson.


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Teresa Bingham 

week 1 discussion 1


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Hello my name is Teresa and I was born and raised in San Diego. There re so many things about public health that interest me. I would love to get more involved in enviromental health because I think we need to take better care of our planet so that it can take better care of us. I would alos like to help educate people on how to manage any illness or disease they mave have or help them learn how to avoid these things all together. I hope to learn all that I can from this class because all knowledge is important. I’m hoping to learn more about specific diseases and how to prevent them. For self care I absolutely love to be outside so anything outside but especially the beach! I love to walk the beach, explore the tide pools, go snorkeling or just lay in the sand and enjoy the sun!

As far as the government being involved in people’s good health, I think it is important. I mean that’s what they do is make laws and policies to help protect the community from illness, injury, or disease. Such as having hospitals follow certain sanitation and infection control policies. Nobody wants to go into a dirty hospital where you may leave with more problems then you went in with! Enforcing laws like wearing helmets and seatbelts because statistics show it saves live is very important. On the other hand statistics show eating certain foods will keep you healthy and help you avoid things like cardiovascular disease but we can’t force people to eat a certain way. “The law has been an essential factor for improving the public’s health through policies such as decreasing tobacco use, increasing road safety, and ensuring the greater healthfulness of our food and water,”  (Gold, M) So I do believe the government should have some say but they can control what each individual will do. Best example is right now in this COVID-19 pandemic, we are asked to wear a mask because statistics show it can help slow the spread but not everyone will wear a mask or social distance and the government is not enforcing it. 

Health education is focused on making people aware and informing them of health concerns and health problems and health promotion is helping people make healthier choices to live a healthy life and empowering them to take control over their own health. They are somewhat similar but health education is more about giving information or making people aware of ceratin health problems that may be in their own communities. Health promotion really helps people learn to take control over their own live and make healthier choices to avoid certain illnesses rather than just talking about treatments. It seems many people believe the two to be the same thing and others would argue that they have very different concepts, which I believe they do. 


 Gold, Marthe  Science daily, US government should consider public health implications of all major legislation, experts say.

      National Academy of Sciences. (2011, June 21).   Retrieved February 28, 2021 from

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